On 6/4/19 7:42 AM, Leyi Rong wrote:
1. Separated the calls to initialize and allocate the HW XLT tables
from call to fill table. This is to allow the ice_init_hw_tbls call
to be made prior to package download so that all HW structures are
correctly initialized. This will avoid any invalid memory references
if package download fails on unloading the driver.
2. Fill HW tables with package content after successful package download.
3. Free HW table and flow profile allocations when unloading driver.
4. Add flag in block structure to check if lists in block are
initialized. This is to avoid any NULL reference in releasing flow
profiles that may have been freed in previous calls to free tables.

Signed-off-by: Vignesh Sridhar <vignesh.srid...@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Paul M Stillwell Jr <paul.m.stillwell...@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Leyi Rong <leyi.r...@intel.com>
  drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.c    |   6 +-
  drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c | 284 ++++++++++++++-------------
  drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.h |   1 +
  drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_type.h |   1 +
  4 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.c 
index a0ab25aef..62c7fad0d 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_common.c
@@ -916,12 +916,13 @@ enum ice_status ice_init_hw(struct ice_hw *hw)
ice_init_flex_flds(hw, ICE_RXDID_FLEX_NIC);
        ice_init_flex_flds(hw, ICE_RXDID_FLEX_NIC_2);
        /* Obtain counter base index which would be used by flow director */
        status = ice_alloc_fd_res_cntr(hw, &hw->fd_ctr_base);
        if (status)
                goto err_unroll_fltr_mgmt_struct;
+       status = ice_init_hw_tbls(hw);
+       if (status)
+               goto err_unroll_fltr_mgmt_struct;
        return ICE_SUCCESS;
@@ -952,6 +953,7 @@ void ice_deinit_hw(struct ice_hw *hw)
+       ice_free_hw_tbls(hw);
if (hw->port_info) {
                ice_free(hw, hw->port_info);
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c 
index 8f0b513f4..93e056853 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_flex_pipe.c
@@ -1375,10 +1375,12 @@ enum ice_status ice_init_pkg(struct ice_hw *hw, u8 
*buf, u32 len)
if (!status) {
                hw->seg = seg;
-               /* on successful package download, update other required
-                * registers to support the package
+               /* on successful package download update other required
+                * registers to support the package and fill HW tables
+                * with package content.
+               ice_fill_blk_tbls(hw);
        } else {
                ice_debug(hw, ICE_DBG_INIT, "package load failed, %d\n",
@@ -2755,6 +2757,65 @@ static const u32 
ice_blk_sids[ICE_BLK_COUNT][ICE_SID_OFF_COUNT] = {
+ * ice_init_sw_xlt1_db - init software XLT1 database from HW tables
+ * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
+ * @blk: the HW block to initialize
+ */
+void ice_init_sw_xlt1_db(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk)
+       u16 pt;
+       for (pt = 0; pt < hw->blk[blk].xlt1.count; pt++) {
+               u8 ptg;
+               ptg = hw->blk[blk].xlt1.t[pt];
+               if (ptg != ICE_DEFAULT_PTG) {
+                       ice_ptg_alloc_val(hw, blk, ptg);
+                       ice_ptg_add_mv_ptype(hw, blk, pt, ptg);

ice_ptg_add_mv_ptype() can fail, error should be propagated.

+               }
+       }
+ * ice_init_sw_xlt2_db - init software XLT2 database from HW tables
+ * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
+ * @blk: the HW block to initialize
+ */
+static void ice_init_sw_xlt2_db(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block blk)
+       u16 vsi;
+       for (vsi = 0; vsi < hw->blk[blk].xlt2.count; vsi++) {
+               u16 vsig;
+               vsig = hw->blk[blk].xlt2.t[vsi];
+               if (vsig) {
+                       ice_vsig_alloc_val(hw, blk, vsig);
+                       ice_vsig_add_mv_vsi(hw, blk, vsi, vsig);


+                       /* no changes at this time, since this has been
+                        * initialized from the original package
+                        */
+                       hw->blk[blk].xlt2.vsis[vsi].changed = 0;
+               }
+       }
+ * ice_init_sw_db - init software database from HW tables
+ * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
+ */
+static void ice_init_sw_db(struct ice_hw *hw)
+       u16 i;
+       for (i = 0; i < ICE_BLK_COUNT; i++) {
+               ice_init_sw_xlt1_db(hw, (enum ice_block)i);
+               ice_init_sw_xlt2_db(hw, (enum ice_block)i);
+       }

And so this function should also propagate the error.

   * ice_fill_tbl - Reads content of a single table type into database
   * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
@@ -2853,12 +2914,12 @@ static void ice_fill_tbl(struct ice_hw *hw, enum 
ice_block block_id, u32 sid)
                case ICE_SID_FLD_VEC_PE:
                        es = (struct ice_sw_fv_section *)sect;
                        src = (u8 *)es->fv;
-                       sect_len = LE16_TO_CPU(es->count) *
-                               hw->blk[block_id].es.fvw *
+                       sect_len = (u32)(LE16_TO_CPU(es->count) *
+                                        hw->blk[block_id].es.fvw) *
                        dst = (u8 *)hw->blk[block_id].es.t;
-                       dst_len = hw->blk[block_id].es.count *
-                               hw->blk[block_id].es.fvw *
+                       dst_len = (u32)(hw->blk[block_id].es.count *
+                                       hw->blk[block_id].es.fvw) *
@@ -2886,75 +2947,61 @@ static void ice_fill_tbl(struct ice_hw *hw, enum 
ice_block block_id, u32 sid)
- * ice_fill_blk_tbls - Read package content for tables of a block
+ * ice_fill_blk_tbls - Read package context for tables
   * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
- * @block_id: The block ID which contains the tables to be copied
   * Reads the current package contents and populates the driver
- * database with the data it contains to allow for advanced driver
- * features.
- */
-static void ice_fill_blk_tbls(struct ice_hw *hw, enum ice_block block_id)
-       ice_fill_tbl(hw, block_id, hw->blk[block_id].xlt1.sid);
-       ice_fill_tbl(hw, block_id, hw->blk[block_id].xlt2.sid);
-       ice_fill_tbl(hw, block_id, hw->blk[block_id].prof.sid);
-       ice_fill_tbl(hw, block_id, hw->blk[block_id].prof_redir.sid);
-       ice_fill_tbl(hw, block_id, hw->blk[block_id].es.sid);
- * ice_free_flow_profs - free flow profile entries
- * @hw: pointer to the hardware structure
+ * database with the data iteratively for all advanced feature
+ * blocks. Assume that the Hw tables have been allocated.
-static void ice_free_flow_profs(struct ice_hw *hw)
+void ice_fill_blk_tbls(struct ice_hw *hw)
        u8 i;
for (i = 0; i < ICE_BLK_COUNT; i++) {
-               struct ice_flow_prof *p, *tmp;
-               if (!&hw->fl_profs[i])
-                       continue;
-               /* This call is being made as part of resource deallocation
-                * during unload. Lock acquire and release will not be
-                * necessary here.
-                */
-               LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(p, tmp, &hw->fl_profs[i],
-                                        ice_flow_prof, l_entry) {
-                       struct ice_flow_entry *e, *t;
-                       LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(e, t, &p->entries,
-                                                ice_flow_entry, l_entry)
-                               ice_flow_rem_entry(hw, ICE_FLOW_ENTRY_HNDL(e));
-                       LIST_DEL(&p->l_entry);
-                       if (p->acts)
-                               ice_free(hw, p->acts);
-                       ice_free(hw, p);
-               }
+               enum ice_block blk_id = (enum ice_block)i;
- ice_destroy_lock(&hw->fl_profs_locks[i]);
+               ice_fill_tbl(hw, blk_id, hw->blk[blk_id].xlt1.sid);
+               ice_fill_tbl(hw, blk_id, hw->blk[blk_id].xlt2.sid);
+               ice_fill_tbl(hw, blk_id, hw->blk[blk_id].prof.sid);
+               ice_fill_tbl(hw, blk_id, hw->blk[blk_id].prof_redir.sid);
+               ice_fill_tbl(hw, blk_id, hw->blk[blk_id].es.sid);

+       ice_init_sw_db(hw);

Propagate error once above is fixed.


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