Enable rss support for thor-based adapters.

Signed-off-by: Lance Richardson <lance.richard...@broadcom.com>
Reviewed-by: Ajit Kumar Khaparde <ajit.khapa...@broadcom.com>
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c |  69 ++++++++++--
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c   | 190 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.h   |   6 +-
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_vnic.c   |  15 ++-
 drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_vnic.h   |   1 +
 5 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
index d26066062..749763c25 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_ethdev.c
@@ -171,6 +171,24 @@ static int bnxt_dev_uninit(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev);
  * High level utility functions
+static uint16_t bnxt_rss_ctxts(const struct bnxt *bp)
+       if (!BNXT_CHIP_THOR(bp))
+               return 1;
+       return RTE_ALIGN_MUL_CEIL(bp->rx_nr_rings,
+                                 BNXT_RSS_ENTRIES_PER_CTX_THOR) /
+                                   BNXT_RSS_ENTRIES_PER_CTX_THOR;
+static uint16_t  bnxt_rss_hash_tbl_size(const struct bnxt *bp)
+       if (!BNXT_CHIP_THOR(bp))
+               return HW_HASH_INDEX_SIZE;
+       return bnxt_rss_ctxts(bp) * BNXT_RSS_ENTRIES_PER_CTX_THOR;
 static void bnxt_free_mem(struct bnxt *bp)
@@ -290,13 +308,21 @@ static int bnxt_init_chip(struct bnxt *bp)
                /* Alloc RSS context only if RSS mode is enabled */
                if (dev_conf->rxmode.mq_mode & ETH_MQ_RX_RSS) {
-                       rc = bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_alloc(bp, vnic);
+                       int j, nr_ctxs = bnxt_rss_ctxts(bp);
+                       rc = 0;
+                       for (j = 0; j < nr_ctxs; j++) {
+                               rc = bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_alloc(bp, vnic, j);
+                               if (rc)
+                                       break;
+                       }
                        if (rc) {
-                                       "HWRM vnic %d ctx alloc failure rc: 
-                                       i, rc);
+                                 "HWRM vnic %d ctx %d alloc failure rc: %x\n",
+                                 i, j, rc);
                                goto err_out;
+                       vnic->num_lb_ctxts = nr_ctxs;
@@ -470,7 +496,7 @@ static void bnxt_dev_info_get_op(struct rte_eth_dev 
        /* For the sake of symmetry, max_rx_queues = max_tx_queues */
        dev_info->max_rx_queues = max_rx_rings;
        dev_info->max_tx_queues = max_rx_rings;
-       dev_info->reta_size = HW_HASH_INDEX_SIZE;
+       dev_info->reta_size = bnxt_rss_hash_tbl_size(bp);
        dev_info->hash_key_size = 40;
        max_vnics = bp->max_vnics;
@@ -1004,11 +1030,20 @@ static struct bnxt_rx_queue *bnxt_qid_to_rxq(struct 
bnxt *bp, uint16_t qid)
 /* Return rxq corresponding to a given rss table ring/group ID. */
 static uint16_t bnxt_rss_to_qid(struct bnxt *bp, uint16_t fwr)
+       struct bnxt_rx_queue *rxq;
        unsigned int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < bp->rx_nr_rings; i++) {
-               if (bp->grp_info[i].fw_grp_id == fwr)
-                       return i;
+       if (!BNXT_HAS_RING_GRPS(bp)) {
+               for (i = 0; i < bp->rx_nr_rings; i++) {
+                       rxq = bp->eth_dev->data->rx_queues[i];
+                       if (rxq->rx_ring->rx_ring_struct->fw_ring_id == fwr)
+                               return rxq->index;
+               }
+       } else {
+               for (i = 0; i < bp->rx_nr_rings; i++) {
+                       if (bp->grp_info[i].fw_grp_id == fwr)
+                               return i;
+               }
        return INVALID_HW_RING_ID;
@@ -1021,7 +1056,7 @@ static int bnxt_reta_update_op(struct rte_eth_dev 
        struct bnxt *bp = (struct bnxt *)eth_dev->data->dev_private;
        struct rte_eth_conf *dev_conf = &bp->eth_dev->data->dev_conf;
        struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic = &bp->vnic_info[0];
-       uint16_t tbl_size = HW_HASH_INDEX_SIZE;
+       uint16_t tbl_size = bnxt_rss_hash_tbl_size(bp);
        uint16_t idx, sft;
        int i;
@@ -1053,6 +1088,16 @@ static int bnxt_reta_update_op(struct rte_eth_dev 
                        return -EINVAL;
+               if (BNXT_CHIP_THOR(bp)) {
+                       vnic->rss_table[i * 2] =
+                               rxq->rx_ring->rx_ring_struct->fw_ring_id;
+                       vnic->rss_table[i * 2 + 1] =
+                               rxq->cp_ring->cp_ring_struct->fw_ring_id;
+               } else {
+                       vnic->rss_table[i] =
+                           vnic->fw_grp_ids[reta_conf[idx].reta[sft]];
+               }
                vnic->rss_table[i] =
@@ -1067,7 +1112,7 @@ static int bnxt_reta_query_op(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev,
        struct bnxt *bp = (struct bnxt *)eth_dev->data->dev_private;
        struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic = &bp->vnic_info[0];
-       uint16_t tbl_size = HW_HASH_INDEX_SIZE;
+       uint16_t tbl_size = bnxt_rss_hash_tbl_size(bp);
        uint16_t idx, sft, i;
        /* Retrieve from the default VNIC */
@@ -1090,7 +1135,11 @@ static int bnxt_reta_query_op(struct rte_eth_dev 
                if (reta_conf[idx].mask & (1ULL << sft)) {
                        uint16_t qid;
-                       qid = bnxt_rss_to_qid(bp, vnic->rss_table[i]);
+                       if (BNXT_CHIP_THOR(bp))
+                               qid = bnxt_rss_to_qid(bp,
+                                                     vnic->rss_table[i * 2]);
+                       else
+                               qid = bnxt_rss_to_qid(bp, vnic->rss_table[i]);
                        if (qid == INVALID_HW_RING_ID) {
                                PMD_DRV_LOG(ERR, "Inv. entry in rss table.\n");
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c
index f5b7e4593..a4c879b35 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.c
@@ -1638,9 +1638,11 @@ int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_qcfg(struct bnxt *bp, struct 
bnxt_vnic_info *vnic,
        return rc;
-int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_alloc(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
+int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_alloc(struct bnxt *bp,
+                            struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic, uint16_t ctx_idx)
        int rc = 0;
+       uint16_t ctx_id;
        struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cos_lb_ctx_alloc_input req = {.req_type = 0 };
        struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cos_lb_ctx_alloc_output *resp =
@@ -1648,38 +1650,40 @@ int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_alloc(struct bnxt *bp, struct 
bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
        rc = bnxt_hwrm_send_message(bp, &req, sizeof(req), BNXT_USE_CHIMP_MB);
-       vnic->rss_rule = rte_le_to_cpu_16(resp->rss_cos_lb_ctx_id);
+       ctx_id = rte_le_to_cpu_16(resp->rss_cos_lb_ctx_id);
+       if (!BNXT_HAS_RING_GRPS(bp))
+               vnic->fw_grp_ids[ctx_idx] = ctx_id;
+       else if (ctx_idx == 0)
+               vnic->rss_rule = ctx_id;
-       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "VNIC RSS Rule %x\n", vnic->rss_rule);
        return rc;
-int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_free(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
+int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_free(struct bnxt *bp,
+                           struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic, uint16_t ctx_idx)
        int rc = 0;
        struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cos_lb_ctx_free_input req = {.req_type = 0 };
        struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cos_lb_ctx_free_output *resp =
-       if (vnic->rss_rule == (uint16_t)HWRM_NA_SIGNATURE) {
+       if (ctx_idx == (uint16_t)HWRM_NA_SIGNATURE) {
                PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "VNIC RSS Rule %x\n", vnic->rss_rule);
                return rc;
-       req.rss_cos_lb_ctx_id = rte_cpu_to_le_16(vnic->rss_rule);
+       req.rss_cos_lb_ctx_id = rte_cpu_to_le_16(ctx_idx);
        rc = bnxt_hwrm_send_message(bp, &req, sizeof(req), BNXT_USE_CHIMP_MB);
-       vnic->rss_rule = (uint16_t)HWRM_NA_SIGNATURE;
        return rc;
@@ -1711,6 +1715,47 @@ int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_free(struct bnxt *bp, struct 
bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
        return rc;
+static int
+bnxt_hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg_thor(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
+       int i;
+       int rc = 0;
+       int nr_ctxs = bp->max_ring_grps;
+       struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg_input req = {.req_type = 0 };
+       struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg_output *resp = bp->hwrm_cmd_resp_addr;
+       if (!(vnic->rss_table && vnic->hash_type))
+               return 0;
+       req.vnic_id = rte_cpu_to_le_16(vnic->fw_vnic_id);
+       req.hash_type = rte_cpu_to_le_32(vnic->hash_type);
+       req.hash_mode_flags = vnic->hash_mode;
+       req.hash_key_tbl_addr =
+           rte_cpu_to_le_64(vnic->rss_hash_key_dma_addr);
+       for (i = 0; i < nr_ctxs; i++) {
+               req.ring_grp_tbl_addr =
+                       rte_cpu_to_le_64(vnic->rss_table_dma_addr +
+                                        i * HW_HASH_INDEX_SIZE);
+               req.ring_table_pair_index = i;
+               req.rss_ctx_idx = rte_cpu_to_le_16(vnic->fw_grp_ids[i]);
+               rc = bnxt_hwrm_send_message(bp, &req, sizeof(req),
+                                           BNXT_USE_CHIMP_MB);
+               HWRM_CHECK_RESULT();
+               if (rc)
+                       break;
+       }
+       HWRM_UNLOCK();
+       return rc;
 int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg(struct bnxt *bp,
                           struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
@@ -1718,6 +1763,9 @@ int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg(struct bnxt *bp,
        struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg_input req = {.req_type = 0 };
        struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg_output *resp = bp->hwrm_cmd_resp_addr;
+       if (BNXT_CHIP_THOR(bp))
+               return bnxt_hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg_thor(bp, vnic);
        req.hash_type = rte_cpu_to_le_32(vnic->hash_type);
@@ -2247,7 +2295,7 @@ void bnxt_free_tunnel_ports(struct bnxt *bp)
 void bnxt_free_all_hwrm_resources(struct bnxt *bp)
-       int i;
+       int i, j;
        if (bp->vnic_info == NULL)
@@ -2263,7 +2311,16 @@ void bnxt_free_all_hwrm_resources(struct bnxt *bp)
                bnxt_clear_hwrm_vnic_filters(bp, vnic);
-               bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_free(bp, vnic);
+               if (!BNXT_CHIP_THOR(bp)) {
+                       for (j = 0; j < vnic->num_lb_ctxts; j++) {
+                               bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_free(bp, vnic,
+                                                       vnic->fw_grp_ids[j]);
+                               vnic->fw_grp_ids[j] = INVALID_HW_RING_ID;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_free(bp, vnic, vnic->rss_rule);
+                       vnic->rss_rule = INVALID_HW_RING_ID;
+               }
                bnxt_hwrm_vnic_tpa_cfg(bp, vnic, false);
@@ -4037,32 +4094,105 @@ int bnxt_hwrm_clear_ntuple_filter(struct bnxt *bp,
        return 0;
-int bnxt_vnic_rss_configure(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
+static int
+bnxt_vnic_rss_configure_thor(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
-       unsigned int rss_idx, fw_idx, i;
+       struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg_output *resp = bp->hwrm_cmd_resp_addr;
+       uint8_t *rx_queue_state = bp->eth_dev->data->rx_queue_state;
+       struct hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg_input req = {.req_type = 0 };
+       int nr_ctxs = bp->max_ring_grps;
+       struct bnxt_rx_queue **rxqs = bp->rx_queues;
+       uint16_t *ring_tbl = vnic->rss_table;
+       int max_rings = bp->rx_nr_rings;
+       int i, j, k, cnt;
+       int rc = 0;
-       if (vnic->rss_table && vnic->hash_type) {
-               /*
-                * Fill the RSS hash & redirection table with
-                * ring group ids for all VNICs
-                */
-               for (rss_idx = 0, fw_idx = 0; rss_idx < HW_HASH_INDEX_SIZE;
-                       rss_idx++, fw_idx++) {
-                       for (i = 0; i < bp->rx_cp_nr_rings; i++) {
-                               fw_idx %= bp->rx_cp_nr_rings;
-                               if (vnic->fw_grp_ids[fw_idx] !=
-                                   INVALID_HW_RING_ID)
+       req.vnic_id = rte_cpu_to_le_16(vnic->fw_vnic_id);
+       req.hash_type = rte_cpu_to_le_32(vnic->hash_type);
+       req.hash_mode_flags = vnic->hash_mode;
+       req.ring_grp_tbl_addr =
+           rte_cpu_to_le_64(vnic->rss_table_dma_addr);
+       req.hash_key_tbl_addr =
+           rte_cpu_to_le_64(vnic->rss_hash_key_dma_addr);
+       for (i = 0, k = 0; i < nr_ctxs; i++) {
+               struct bnxt_rx_ring_info *rxr;
+               struct bnxt_cp_ring_info *cpr;
+               req.ring_table_pair_index = i;
+               req.rss_ctx_idx = rte_cpu_to_le_16(vnic->fw_grp_ids[i]);
+               for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
+                       uint16_t ring_id;
+                       /* Find next active ring. */
+                       for (cnt = 0; cnt < max_rings; cnt++) {
+                               if (rx_queue_state[k] !=
+                                               RTE_ETH_QUEUE_STATE_STOPPED)
-                               fw_idx++;
+                               if (++k == max_rings)
+                                       k = 0;
-                       if (i == bp->rx_cp_nr_rings)
+                       /* Return if no rings are active. */
+                       if (cnt == max_rings)
                                return 0;
-                       vnic->rss_table[rss_idx] =
-                               vnic->fw_grp_ids[fw_idx];
+                       /* Add rx/cp ring pair to RSS table. */
+                       rxr = rxqs[k]->rx_ring;
+                       cpr = rxqs[k]->cp_ring;
+                       ring_id = rxr->rx_ring_struct->fw_ring_id;
+                       *ring_tbl++ = rte_cpu_to_le_16(ring_id);
+                       ring_id = cpr->cp_ring_struct->fw_ring_id;
+                       *ring_tbl++ = rte_cpu_to_le_16(ring_id);
+                       if (++k == max_rings)
+                               k = 0;
-               return bnxt_hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg(bp, vnic);
+               rc = bnxt_hwrm_send_message(bp, &req, sizeof(req),
+                                           BNXT_USE_CHIMP_MB);
+               HWRM_CHECK_RESULT();
+               if (rc)
+                       break;
-       return 0;
+       HWRM_UNLOCK();
+       return rc;
+int bnxt_vnic_rss_configure(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic)
+       unsigned int rss_idx, fw_idx, i;
+       if (!(vnic->rss_table && vnic->hash_type))
+               return 0;
+       if (BNXT_CHIP_THOR(bp))
+               return bnxt_vnic_rss_configure_thor(bp, vnic);
+       /*
+        * Fill the RSS hash & redirection table with
+        * ring group ids for all VNICs
+        */
+       for (rss_idx = 0, fw_idx = 0; rss_idx < HW_HASH_INDEX_SIZE;
+               rss_idx++, fw_idx++) {
+               for (i = 0; i < bp->rx_cp_nr_rings; i++) {
+                       fw_idx %= bp->rx_cp_nr_rings;
+                       if (vnic->fw_grp_ids[fw_idx] != INVALID_HW_RING_ID)
+                               break;
+                       fw_idx++;
+               }
+               if (i == bp->rx_cp_nr_rings)
+                       return 0;
+               vnic->rss_table[rss_idx] = vnic->fw_grp_ids[fw_idx];
+       }
+       return bnxt_hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg(bp, vnic);
 static void bnxt_hwrm_set_coal_params(struct bnxt_coal *hw_coal,
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.h
index ffd99de34..f286bcd8b 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_hwrm.h
@@ -101,8 +101,10 @@ int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_alloc(struct bnxt *bp, struct 
bnxt_vnic_info *vnic);
 int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_cfg(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic);
 int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_qcfg(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic,
                                int16_t fw_vf_id);
-int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_alloc(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic);
-int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_free(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic);
+int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_alloc(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic,
+                            uint16_t ctx_idx);
+int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_ctx_free(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic,
+                           uint16_t ctx_idx);
 int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_free(struct bnxt *bp, struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic);
 int bnxt_hwrm_vnic_rss_cfg(struct bnxt *bp,
                           struct bnxt_vnic_info *vnic);
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_vnic.c b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_vnic.c
index 2cf5f0b5b..262cfc18d 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_vnic.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_vnic.c
@@ -113,14 +113,21 @@ int bnxt_alloc_vnic_attributes(struct bnxt *bp)
        struct rte_pci_device *pdev = bp->pdev;
        const struct rte_memzone *mz;
        char mz_name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE];
-       uint32_t entry_length = RTE_CACHE_LINE_ROUNDUP(
-                               HW_HASH_INDEX_SIZE * sizeof(*vnic->rss_table) +
-                               HW_HASH_KEY_SIZE +
-                               BNXT_MAX_MC_ADDRS * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
+       uint32_t entry_length;
        uint16_t max_vnics;
        int i;
        rte_iova_t mz_phys_addr;
+       entry_length = HW_HASH_KEY_SIZE +
+                      BNXT_MAX_MC_ADDRS * RTE_ETHER_ADDR_LEN;
+       if (BNXT_CHIP_THOR(bp))
+               entry_length += BNXT_RSS_TBL_SIZE_THOR *
+                               2 * sizeof(*vnic->rss_table);
+       else
+               entry_length += HW_HASH_INDEX_SIZE * sizeof(*vnic->rss_table);
+       entry_length = RTE_CACHE_LINE_ROUNDUP(entry_length);
        max_vnics = bp->max_vnics;
        snprintf(mz_name, RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE,
                 "bnxt_%04x:%02x:%02x:%02x_vnicattr", pdev->addr.domain,
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_vnic.h b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_vnic.h
index 9029f78c3..16a0d5763 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_vnic.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnxt/bnxt_vnic.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ struct bnxt_vnic_info {
        uint16_t        start_grp_id;
        uint16_t        end_grp_id;
        uint16_t        *fw_grp_ids;
+       uint16_t        num_lb_ctxts;
        uint16_t        dflt_ring_grp;
        uint16_t        mru;
        uint16_t        hash_type;

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