Meeting notes for the DPDK technical board meeting held on 2019-05-08

Attendees: 5/9
        - Bruce Richardson
        - Ferruh Yigit
        - Hemant Agrawal
        - Jerin Jacob
        - Thomas Monjalon

We did not have the quorum to take any decision.

1) Honnappa prepared a report of the process & tooling survey.
It needs to be approved before publishing.

2) The security process is sent as a doc patch.
It may be published with DPDK 19.05.
A web page will be published to be a "DPDK security front page".

It will be possible to be notified of a security fix in advance
by becoming a member of the list
Membership must be requested at and will be
approved during the meetings.

3) We suggest to vote for removing some examples from DPDK 19.08.
Initial discussion should happen on

4) Next techboard meeting will be on May 15
and will be chaired by Bruce Richardson.

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