>>>     10G Ethernet Compliance Codes
>>>     3       7       10G Base-ER
>>>     3       6       10G Base-LRM
>>>     3       5       10G Base-LR
>>>     3       4       10G Base-SR
>>>     Infiniband Compliance Codes
>>>     3       3       1X SX
>>>     3       2       1X LX
>>>     3       1       1X Copper Active
>>>     3       0       1X Copper Active
>>> Seems they are right not to set any code from above, no?
>>> Do you know any 10GBASE-T SFPs that does work?
>>> Any idea what does it return for this field?
>> I can confirm we saw the same issues using Aquantia SFP+ Copper modules
>> with 550 MAC. Indeed there is no separate id for Base-T.
>> ixgbe logic both in kernel and dpdk discards such modules.
>> Regards,
>>   Igor
> The issue is really that there are bad modules out there and Intel only 
> supports the ones that have been tested in our labs and verified to 
> consistently work. We get too many support tickets for modules that don't 
> work and so the best thing for us to do is to test some set of modules, 
> verify they work, mark them as supported, and move on.
> Feel free to apply this patch to your local repo and move on, but we can't 
> support these modules in the code and will not accept a patch to support them.

That's reasonable, but then all the rationality of `hw->allow_unsupported_sfp`
goes away, as you do not allow the particular type (copper) of unsupported sfps.


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