DPDK Community, We invite you to attend the upcoming DPDK Summit China <https://www.dpdk.org/event/dpdk-china-june-24th-2019/>, June 24 in Shanghai. This event is co-located with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China at the Shanghai Expo Centre.
DPDK China is a community event focused on software developers who contribute to or use DPDK. The event will include presentations on the latest developments in DPDK, as well as in-depth discussions on the topics that are of most interest to the DPDK open source community. More details are included below, including the day’s agenda and how to register. AGENDA: https://dpdkchina2019.sched.com/ 08:00: Registration 09:00: Opening 09:15: Archive Stable High-Performance DPDK on Modern Multi-Core CPU 9:40: DPDK IPSec: A Scalabale, High-Performance Library for your IPsec Application 10:05: DPDK Slab Allocator Applied to Zero-Copy Stack 10:30: DPDK Userspace TCP/IP Stack Testing 10:45: Break 11:05: Building DPDK Unikernels with Unikraft 11:30: Networking Products Based on DPDK Integrated with Kubernetes Container Networking Contiv 13:10: 5G Core Network Load Test System with DPDK 13:35: DPDK: Accelerate Remote Rendering of Cloud Gaming 14:00: Flow and HQoS DPDK Acceleration 100GBE Intel Programmable Acceleration Card 14:15: Break 15:00: Vhost and virtio on ArmV8 Performance Tuning and Optimization 15:25: Practice of OVSDPDK in Baidu 15:40: Developing CI/CD for Huawei Smartnic DPDK PMD Using DTS 16:45: An Introduction to the Hybrid Information-Centric Networking Project REGISTER TODAY Note: Pre-registration for the DPDK Summit is required and space is limited. There is a ¥100 / USD $15 registration fee. To register <https://www.lfasiallc.com/events/kubecon-cloudnativecon-china-2019/register/> for DPDK China 2019, add it on during your KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit registration. Please send any questions to eve...@dpdk.org and we hope to see many of you in Shanghai! -- *Jill Lovato* Senior PR Manager The Linux Foundation jlov...@linuxfoundation.org Phone: +1.503.703.8268