On Wed, May 01, 2019 at 02:56:48PM +0000, Honnappa Nagarahalli wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 10:54:15PM -0500, Honnappa Nagarahalli wrote:
> > > Lock-less data structures provide scalability and determinism.
> > > They enable use cases where locking may not be allowed (for ex:
> > > real-time applications).
> > >
> > I know this is version 9 of the patch, so I'm sorry for the late comment, 
> > but I
> > have to ask: Why re-invent this wheel?  There are already several Userspace
> Thanks Neil, for asking the question. This has been debated before. Please 
> refer to [2] for more details.
> liburcu [1] was explored as it seemed to be familiar to others in the 
> community . I am not aware of any other library.
> There are unique requirements in DPDK and there is still scope for 
> improvement from what is available. I have explained this in the cover letter 
> without making a direct comparison to liburcu. May be it is worth tweaking 
> the documentation to call this out explicitly.
I think what you're referring to here is the need for multiple QSBR variables,
yes?  I'm not sure thats, strictly speaking, a requirement.  It seems like its a
performance improvement, but I'm not sure thats the case (see performance
numbers below).

Regarding performance, we can't keep using raw performance as a trump card for
all other aspects of the DPDK.  This entire patch is meant to improve
performance, it seems like it would be worthwhile to gain the code consolidation
and reuse benefits for the minor performance hit.

Further to performance, I may be misreading this, but I ran the integrated
performance test you provided in this patch, as well as the benchmark tests for
liburcw (trimmed for easier reading here)

[nhorman@hmswarspite benchmark]$ ./test_urcu 7 1 1 -v -a 0 -a 1 -a 2 -a 3 -a 4 
-a 5 -a 6 -a 7 -a 0
Adding CPU 0 affinity
Adding CPU 1 affinity
Adding CPU 2 affinity
Adding CPU 3 affinity
Adding CPU 4 affinity
Adding CPU 5 affinity
Adding CPU 6 affinity
Adding CPU 7 affinity
Adding CPU 0 affinity
running test for 1 seconds, 7 readers, 1 writers.
Writer delay : 0 loops.
Reader duration : 0 loops.
thread main  , tid 22712
thread_begin reader, tid 22726
thread_begin reader, tid 22729
thread_begin reader, tid 22728
thread_begin reader, tid 22727
thread_begin reader, tid 22731
thread_begin reader, tid 22730
thread_begin reader, tid 22732
thread_begin writer, tid 22733
thread_end reader, tid 22729
thread_end reader, tid 22731
thread_end reader, tid 22730
thread_end reader, tid 22728
thread_end reader, tid 22727
thread_end writer, tid 22733
thread_end reader, tid 22726
thread_end reader, tid 22732
total number of reads : 1185640774, writes 264444
SUMMARY /home/nhorman/git/userspace-rcu/tests/benchmark/.libs/lt-test_urcu 
testdur    1 nr_readers   7 rdur      0 wdur      0 nr_writers   1 wdelay      
0 nr_reads   1185640774 nr_writes       264444 nr_ops   1185905218

Perf test: 1 writer, 7 readers, 1 QSBR variable, 1 QSBR Query, Non-Blocking 
QSBR check
Following numbers include calls to rte_hash functions
Cycles per 1 update(online/update/offline): 813407
Cycles per 1 check(start, check): 859679

Both of these tests qsbr rcu in each library using 7 readers and 1 writer.  Its
a little bit of an apples to oranges comparison, as the tests run using slightly
different parameters, and produce different output statistics, but I think they
can be somewhat normalized.  Primarily the stat that stuck out to me was the
DPDK Cycles per 1 update statistic, which I believe is effectively the number of
cycles spent in the test / the number of writer updates.  On DPDK that number in
this test run works out to 813407.  In the liburcw test, it reports the total
number of ops (cycles), and the number of writes completed within those cycles.
If we do the same division there we get 185905218 / 264444 = 4484. I may be
misreading something here, but that seems like a pretty significant write side
performance improvement over this implementation.

> [1] https://liburcu.org/
> [2] http://mails.dpdk.org/archives/dev/2018-November/119875.html
> > RCU libraries that are mature and carried by Linux and BSD distributions.
> > Why would we throw another one into DPDK instead of just using whats
> > already available, mature and stable?
> > 
> > Neil

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