On 2019/4/25 23:51, Varghese, Vipin wrote:

@@ -847,6 +847,10 @@ struct parse_val {
                pdump_rxtx(pt->rx_ring, pt->rx_vdev_id, &pt->stats);
        if (pt->dir & RTE_PDUMP_FLAG_TX)
                pdump_rxtx(pt->tx_ring, pt->tx_vdev_id, &pt->stats);
+       /* Once primary exits, so will I. */
+       if (!rte_eal_primary_proc_alive(NULL))
+               quit_signal = 1;
As per the current suggested code flow check is added to while loop in function 

Thanks for the reply. Since want to make it clean, the code was here.
However, it seems need to take care of the performance impact first.

1. What is impact in performance with and without patch?

A1. Do a little trick as the patch below to tested the impact in the single 
core mode on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz with no pkts.

diff --git a/app/pdump/main.c b/app/pdump/main.c
index 3d208548fa13..804011b187c4 100644
--- a/app/pdump/main.c
+++ b/app/pdump/main.c
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ struct parse_val {
static int num_tuples;
 static struct rte_eth_conf port_conf_default;
-static volatile uint8_t quit_signal;
+static volatile uint32_t quit_signal;
 static uint8_t multiple_core_capture;
/**< display usage */
@@ -868,6 +868,7 @@ struct parse_val {
        int i;
+       uint64_t start, end;
        uint32_t lcore_id = 0;
if (!multiple_core_capture) {
@@ -880,10 +881,20 @@ struct parse_val {
- while (!quit_signal) {
+               /* make it hot */
+               rte_eal_primary_proc_alive(NULL);
+               rte_eal_primary_proc_alive(NULL)
+               start = rte_rdtsc();
+               while (quit_signal < 50000) {
+                       /* Just testing with and w/o the 'if' line below */
+                       if (rte_eal_primary_proc_alive(NULL))
+                               quit_signal++;
                        for (i = 0; i < num_tuples; i++)
+               end = rte_rdtsc();
+               printf("Totally count:%u, cost tsc:%lu\n", quit_signal, end - 

The total tsc cost is about 338809671 with rte_eal_primary_proc_alive().
And the tsc cost is just about 513573 without rte_eal_primary_proc_alive().
The dpdk-pdump had also used taskset to bind to specify isolate core.
So it seems the patch do a great performance impact.
Maybe another async method should be introduced to monitor the primary status.

2. For various packet sizes and port speed what are delta in drops for packet 

A2. Refer to A1, it's not needed anymore.

Note: If pdump application is still alive when primary is not running, primary 
cannot be started. Is this a cue that pdump is still alive and has to be 

Yes, some guys complained that the residual dpdk-pdump impact the restart of 
the primary app and refuse to add other mechanisms e.g. to kill the dpdk-pdump 
in the app to avoid that case.

So the patch was created.
Is there any other ways to avoid that.

  static int

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