Disable octeontx for gcc 4.8.5 as compiler is emitting "internal compiler error" for aarch64
Fixes: bd77f2d64c44 ("event/octeontx: build with meson") Fixes: 4f760550a093 ("mk: disable OcteonTx for buggy compilers") Fixes: f3af3e44a444 ("mk: disable OcteonTx for buggy compilers only on arm64") Cc: pbhagavat...@marvell.com Cc: jer...@marvell.com Cc: sta...@dpdk.org Signed-off-by: Yongseok Koh <ys...@mellanox.com> --- v2: * fix bug - enable octeontx unless the buggy compiler is used drivers/event/meson.build | 6 +++++- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/drivers/event/meson.build b/drivers/event/meson.build index 836ecbb74b..fb723f727b 100644 --- a/drivers/event/meson.build +++ b/drivers/event/meson.build @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation -drivers = ['dpaa', 'dpaa2', 'octeontx', 'opdl', 'skeleton', 'sw', 'dsw'] +drivers = ['dpaa', 'dpaa2', 'opdl', 'skeleton', 'sw', 'dsw'] +if not (toolchain == 'gcc' and cc.version().version_compare('<4.8.6') and + dpdk_conf.has('RTE_ARCH_ARM64')) + drivers += 'octeontx' +endif std_deps = ['eventdev', 'kvargs'] config_flag_fmt = 'RTE_LIBRTE_@0@_EVENTDEV_PMD' driver_name_fmt = 'rte_pmd_@0@_event' -- 2.11.0