2015-08-31 12:40, Martin Dra?ar: > Dne 31.8.2015 v 10:56 Thomas Monjalon napsal(a): > > In order to keep compatibility with your old code, you have to disable > > RTE_NEXT_ABI in your configuration file (.config). > > I have done this and the code works, but because the project is in > prototype stage, I would like to keep it working with the newest version. > > > See "Extended packet type support" in > > http://dpdk.org/doc/guides/rel_notes/release_2_1.html > > and > > http://dpdk.org/doc/guides/rel_notes/deprecation.html > > > > Now I remember that I read this. However, nowhere I see possible values > for the packet_type. Is it documented somewhere, or will this be > documented in upcoming release?
It does not appear in doxygen (patch welcome) but it is documented. Check RTE_PTYPE_* in lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.h