Change below function as static and also relocated code line
to align with kernel driver.


Signed-off-by: Paul M Stillwell Jr <>
Signed-off-by: Qi Zhang <>
Reviewed-by: Qiming Yang <>
Reviewed-by: Wenzhuo Lu <>
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.c | 1038 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.h |   24 -
 2 files changed, 519 insertions(+), 543 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.c b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.c
index ab6097237..2dd9f6f6c 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.c
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ ice_aq_cfg_sched_elems(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 elems_req,
  * Move scheduling elements (0x0408)
-enum ice_status
+static enum ice_status
 ice_aq_move_sched_elems(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 grps_req,
                        struct ice_aqc_move_elem *buf, u16 buf_size,
                        u16 *grps_movd, struct ice_sq_cd *cd)
@@ -713,6 +713,41 @@ ice_aq_remove_rl_profile(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 
+ * ice_sched_del_rl_profile - remove RL profile
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
+ * @rl_info: rate limit profile information
+ *
+ * If the profile ID is not referenced anymore, it removes profile ID with
+ * its associated parameters from HW DB,and locally. The caller needs to
+ * hold scheduler lock.
+ */
+static enum ice_status
+ice_sched_del_rl_profile(struct ice_hw *hw,
+                        struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_info *rl_info)
+       struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_generic_elem *buf;
+       u16 num_profiles_removed;
+       enum ice_status status;
+       u16 num_profiles = 1;
+       if (rl_info->prof_id_ref != 0)
+               return ICE_ERR_IN_USE;
+       /* Safe to remove profile ID */
+       buf = (struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_generic_elem *)
+               &rl_info->profile;
+       status = ice_aq_remove_rl_profile(hw, num_profiles, buf, sizeof(*buf),
+                                         &num_profiles_removed, NULL);
+       if (status || num_profiles_removed != num_profiles)
+               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+       /* Delete stale entry now */
+       LIST_DEL(&rl_info->list_entry);
+       ice_free(hw, rl_info);
+       return status;
  * ice_sched_clear_rl_prof - clears RL prof entries
  * @pi: port information structure
@@ -1468,7 +1503,7 @@ ice_sched_get_vsi_node(struct ice_hw *hw, struct 
ice_sched_node *tc_node,
  * This function retrieves an aggregator node for a given aggregator ID from
  * a given TC branch
-struct ice_sched_node *
+static struct ice_sched_node *
 ice_sched_get_agg_node(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *tc_node,
                       u32 agg_id)
@@ -2071,6 +2106,220 @@ ice_get_agg_info(struct ice_hw *hw, u32 agg_id)
+ * ice_sched_get_free_vsi_parent - Find a free parent node in aggregator 
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
+ * @node: pointer to a child node
+ * @num_nodes: num nodes count array
+ *
+ * This function walks through the aggregator subtree to find a free parent
+ * node
+ */
+static struct ice_sched_node *
+ice_sched_get_free_vsi_parent(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *node,
+                             u16 *num_nodes)
+       u8 l = node->tx_sched_layer;
+       u8 vsil, i;
+       vsil = ice_sched_get_vsi_layer(hw);
+       /* Is it VSI parent layer ? */
+       if (l == vsil - 1)
+               return (node->num_children < hw->max_children[l]) ? node : NULL;
+       /* We have intermediate nodes. Let's walk through the subtree. If the
+        * intermediate node has space to add a new node then clear the count
+        */
+       if (node->num_children < hw->max_children[l])
+               num_nodes[l] = 0;
+       /* The below recursive call is intentional and wouldn't go more than
+        * 2 or 3 iterations.
+        */
+       for (i = 0; i < node->num_children; i++) {
+               struct ice_sched_node *parent;
+               parent = ice_sched_get_free_vsi_parent(hw, node->children[i],
+                                                      num_nodes);
+               if (parent)
+                       return parent;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+ * ice_sched_update_parent - update the new parent in SW DB
+ * @new_parent: pointer to a new parent node
+ * @node: pointer to a child node
+ *
+ * This function removes the child from the old parent and adds it to a new
+ * parent
+ */
+static void
+ice_sched_update_parent(struct ice_sched_node *new_parent,
+                       struct ice_sched_node *node)
+       struct ice_sched_node *old_parent;
+       u8 i, j;
+       old_parent = node->parent;
+       /* update the old parent children */
+       for (i = 0; i < old_parent->num_children; i++)
+               if (old_parent->children[i] == node) {
+                       for (j = i + 1; j < old_parent->num_children; j++)
+                               old_parent->children[j - 1] =
+                                       old_parent->children[j];
+                       old_parent->num_children--;
+                       break;
+               }
+       /* now move the node to a new parent */
+       new_parent->children[new_parent->num_children++] = node;
+       node->parent = new_parent;
+       node->info.parent_teid = new_parent->info.node_teid;
+ * ice_sched_move_nodes - move child nodes to a given parent
+ * @pi: port information structure
+ * @parent: pointer to parent node
+ * @num_items: number of child nodes to be moved
+ * @list: pointer to child node teids
+ *
+ * This function move the child nodes to a given parent.
+ */
+static enum ice_status
+ice_sched_move_nodes(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct ice_sched_node *parent,
+                    u16 num_items, u32 *list)
+       struct ice_aqc_move_elem *buf;
+       struct ice_sched_node *node;
+       enum ice_status status = ICE_SUCCESS;
+       struct ice_hw *hw;
+       u16 grps_movd = 0;
+       u8 i;
+       hw = pi->hw;
+       if (!parent || !num_items)
+               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
+       /* Does parent have enough space */
+       if (parent->num_children + num_items >=
+           hw->max_children[parent->tx_sched_layer])
+               return ICE_ERR_AQ_FULL;
+       buf = (struct ice_aqc_move_elem *)ice_malloc(hw, sizeof(*buf));
+       if (!buf)
+               return ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
+       for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
+               node = ice_sched_find_node_by_teid(pi->root, list[i]);
+               if (!node) {
+                       status = ICE_ERR_PARAM;
+                       goto move_err_exit;
+               }
+               buf->hdr.src_parent_teid = node->info.parent_teid;
+               buf->hdr.dest_parent_teid = parent->info.node_teid;
+               buf->teid[0] = node->info.node_teid;
+               buf->hdr.num_elems = CPU_TO_LE16(1);
+               status = ice_aq_move_sched_elems(hw, 1, buf, sizeof(*buf),
+                                                &grps_movd, NULL);
+               if (status && grps_movd != 1) {
+                       status = ICE_ERR_CFG;
+                       goto move_err_exit;
+               }
+               /* update the SW DB */
+               ice_sched_update_parent(parent, node);
+       }
+       ice_free(hw, buf);
+       return status;
+ * ice_sched_move_vsi_to_agg - move VSI to aggregator node
+ * @pi: port information structure
+ * @vsi_handle: software VSI handle
+ * @agg_id: aggregator ID
+ * @tc: TC number
+ *
+ * This function moves a VSI to an aggregator node or its subtree.
+ * Intermediate nodes may be created if required.
+ */
+static enum ice_status
+ice_sched_move_vsi_to_agg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle, u32 agg_id,
+                         u8 tc)
+       struct ice_sched_node *vsi_node, *agg_node, *tc_node, *parent;
+       u16 num_nodes[ICE_AQC_TOPO_MAX_LEVEL_NUM] = { 0 };
+       u32 first_node_teid, vsi_teid;
+       enum ice_status status;
+       u16 num_nodes_added;
+       u8 aggl, vsil, i;
+       tc_node = ice_sched_get_tc_node(pi, tc);
+       if (!tc_node)
+               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+       agg_node = ice_sched_get_agg_node(pi->hw, tc_node, agg_id);
+       if (!agg_node)
+               return ICE_ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
+       vsi_node = ice_sched_get_vsi_node(pi->hw, tc_node, vsi_handle);
+       if (!vsi_node)
+               return ICE_ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
+       aggl = ice_sched_get_agg_layer(pi->hw);
+       vsil = ice_sched_get_vsi_layer(pi->hw);
+       /* set intermediate node count to 1 between aggregator and VSI layers */
+       for (i = aggl + 1; i < vsil; i++)
+               num_nodes[i] = 1;
+       /* Check if the aggregator subtree has any free node to add the VSI */
+       for (i = 0; i < agg_node->num_children; i++) {
+               parent = ice_sched_get_free_vsi_parent(pi->hw,
+                                                      agg_node->children[i],
+                                                      num_nodes);
+               if (parent)
+                       goto move_nodes;
+       }
+       /* add new nodes */
+       parent = agg_node;
+       for (i = aggl + 1; i < vsil; i++) {
+               status = ice_sched_add_nodes_to_layer(pi, tc_node, parent, i,
+                                                     num_nodes[i],
+                                                     &first_node_teid,
+                                                     &num_nodes_added);
+               if (status != ICE_SUCCESS || num_nodes[i] != num_nodes_added)
+                       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+               /* The newly added node can be a new parent for the next
+                * layer nodes
+                */
+               if (num_nodes_added)
+                       parent = ice_sched_find_node_by_teid(tc_node,
+                                                            first_node_teid);
+               else
+                       parent = parent->children[0];
+               if (!parent)
+                       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+       }
+       vsi_teid = LE32_TO_CPU(vsi_node->info.node_teid);
+       return ice_sched_move_nodes(pi, parent, 1, &vsi_teid);
  * ice_move_all_vsi_to_dflt_agg - move all VSI(s) to default aggregator
  * @pi: port information structure
  * @agg_info: aggregator info
@@ -2114,20 +2363,89 @@ ice_move_all_vsi_to_dflt_agg(struct ice_port_info *pi,
- * ice_rm_agg_cfg_tc - remove aggregator configuration for TC
+ * ice_sched_is_agg_inuse - check whether the aggregator is in use or not
  * @pi: port information structure
- * @agg_info: aggregator ID
- * @tc: TC number
- * @rm_vsi_info: bool value true or false
+ * @node: node pointer
- * This function removes aggregator reference to VSI of given TC. It removes
- * the aggregator configuration completely for requested TC. The caller needs
- * to hold the scheduler lock.
+ * This function checks whether the aggregator is attached with any VSI or not.
-static enum ice_status
-ice_rm_agg_cfg_tc(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct ice_sched_agg_info 
-                 u8 tc, bool rm_vsi_info)
+static bool
+ice_sched_is_agg_inuse(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct ice_sched_node *node)
+       u8 vsil, i;
+       vsil = ice_sched_get_vsi_layer(pi->hw);
+       if (node->tx_sched_layer < vsil - 1) {
+               for (i = 0; i < node->num_children; i++)
+                       if (ice_sched_is_agg_inuse(pi, node->children[i]))
+                               return true;
+               return false;
+       } else {
+               return node->num_children ? true : false;
+       }
+ * ice_sched_rm_agg_cfg - remove the aggregator node
+ * @pi: port information structure
+ * @agg_id: aggregator ID
+ * @tc: TC number
+ *
+ * This function removes the aggregator node and intermediate nodes if any
+ * from the given TC
+ */
+static enum ice_status
+ice_sched_rm_agg_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 agg_id, u8 tc)
+       struct ice_sched_node *tc_node, *agg_node;
+       struct ice_hw *hw = pi->hw;
+       tc_node = ice_sched_get_tc_node(pi, tc);
+       if (!tc_node)
+               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+       agg_node = ice_sched_get_agg_node(hw, tc_node, agg_id);
+       if (!agg_node)
+               return ICE_ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
+       /* Can't remove the aggregator node if it has children */
+       if (ice_sched_is_agg_inuse(pi, agg_node))
+               return ICE_ERR_IN_USE;
+       /* need to remove the whole subtree if aggregator node is the
+        * only child.
+        */
+       while (agg_node->tx_sched_layer > hw->sw_entry_point_layer) {
+               struct ice_sched_node *parent = agg_node->parent;
+               if (!parent)
+                       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+               if (parent->num_children > 1)
+                       break;
+               agg_node = parent;
+       }
+       ice_free_sched_node(pi, agg_node);
+       return ICE_SUCCESS;
+ * ice_rm_agg_cfg_tc - remove aggregator configuration for TC
+ * @pi: port information structure
+ * @agg_info: aggregator ID
+ * @tc: TC number
+ * @rm_vsi_info: bool value true or false
+ *
+ * This function removes aggregator reference to VSI of given TC. It removes
+ * the aggregator configuration completely for requested TC. The caller needs
+ * to hold the scheduler lock.
+ */
+static enum ice_status
+ice_rm_agg_cfg_tc(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct ice_sched_agg_info 
+                 u8 tc, bool rm_vsi_info)
        enum ice_status status = ICE_SUCCESS;
        /* If nothing to remove - return success */
@@ -2172,6 +2490,89 @@ ice_save_agg_tc_bitmap(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 
+ * ice_sched_add_agg_cfg - create an aggregator node
+ * @pi: port information structure
+ * @agg_id: aggregator ID
+ * @tc: TC number
+ *
+ * This function creates an aggregator node and intermediate nodes if required
+ * for the given TC
+ */
+static enum ice_status
+ice_sched_add_agg_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 agg_id, u8 tc)
+       struct ice_sched_node *parent, *agg_node, *tc_node;
+       u16 num_nodes[ICE_AQC_TOPO_MAX_LEVEL_NUM] = { 0 };
+       enum ice_status status = ICE_SUCCESS;
+       struct ice_hw *hw = pi->hw;
+       u32 first_node_teid;
+       u16 num_nodes_added;
+       u8 i, aggl;
+       tc_node = ice_sched_get_tc_node(pi, tc);
+       if (!tc_node)
+               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+       agg_node = ice_sched_get_agg_node(hw, tc_node, agg_id);
+       /* Does Agg node already exist ? */
+       if (agg_node)
+               return status;
+       aggl = ice_sched_get_agg_layer(hw);
+       /* need one node in Agg layer */
+       num_nodes[aggl] = 1;
+       /* Check whether the intermediate nodes have space to add the
+        * new aggregator. If they are full, then SW needs to allocate a new
+        * intermediate node on those layers
+        */
+       for (i = hw->sw_entry_point_layer; i < aggl; i++) {
+               parent = ice_sched_get_first_node(hw, tc_node, i);
+               /* scan all the siblings */
+               while (parent) {
+                       if (parent->num_children < hw->max_children[i])
+                               break;
+                       parent = parent->sibling;
+               }
+               /* all the nodes are full, reserve one for this layer */
+               if (!parent)
+                       num_nodes[i]++;
+       }
+       /* add the aggregator node */
+       parent = tc_node;
+       for (i = hw->sw_entry_point_layer; i <= aggl; i++) {
+               if (!parent)
+                       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+               status = ice_sched_add_nodes_to_layer(pi, tc_node, parent, i,
+                                                     num_nodes[i],
+                                                     &first_node_teid,
+                                                     &num_nodes_added);
+               if (status != ICE_SUCCESS || num_nodes[i] != num_nodes_added)
+                       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+               /* The newly added node can be a new parent for the next
+                * layer nodes
+                */
+               if (num_nodes_added) {
+                       parent = ice_sched_find_node_by_teid(tc_node,
+                                                            first_node_teid);
+                       /* register aggregator ID with the aggregator node */
+                       if (parent && i == aggl)
+                               parent->agg_id = agg_id;
+               } else {
+                       parent = parent->children[0];
+               }
+       }
+       return ICE_SUCCESS;
  * ice_sched_cfg_agg - configure aggregator node
  * @pi: port information structure
  * @agg_id: aggregator ID
@@ -2406,6 +2807,109 @@ ice_sched_assoc_vsi_to_agg(struct ice_port_info *pi, 
u32 agg_id,
+ * ice_sched_rm_unused_rl_prof - remove unused RL profile
+ * @pi: port information structure
+ *
+ * This function removes unused rate limit profiles from the HW and
+ * SW DB. The caller needs to hold scheduler lock.
+ */
+static void ice_sched_rm_unused_rl_prof(struct ice_port_info *pi)
+       u8 ln;
+       for (ln = 0; ln < pi->hw->num_tx_sched_layers; ln++) {
+               struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_info *rl_prof_elem;
+               struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_info *rl_prof_tmp;
+               LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(rl_prof_elem, rl_prof_tmp,
+                                        &pi->rl_prof_list[ln],
+                                        ice_aqc_rl_profile_info, list_entry) {
+                       if (!ice_sched_del_rl_profile(pi->hw, rl_prof_elem))
+                               ice_debug(pi->hw, ICE_DBG_SCHED,
+                                         "Removed rl profile\n");
+               }
+       }
+ * ice_sched_update_elem - update element
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
+ * @node: pointer to node
+ * @info: node info to update
+ *
+ * It updates the HW DB, and local SW DB of node. It updates the scheduling
+ * parameters of node from argument info data buffer (Info->data buf) and
+ * returns success or error on config sched element failure. The caller
+ * needs to hold scheduler lock.
+ */
+static enum ice_status
+ice_sched_update_elem(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *node,
+                     struct ice_aqc_txsched_elem_data *info)
+       struct ice_aqc_conf_elem buf;
+       enum ice_status status;
+       u16 elem_cfgd = 0;
+       u16 num_elems = 1;
+       buf.generic[0] = *info;
+       /* Parent TEID is reserved field in this aq call */
+       buf.generic[0].parent_teid = 0;
+       /* Element type is reserved field in this aq call */
+       buf.generic[0].data.elem_type = 0;
+       /* Flags is reserved field in this aq call */
+       buf.generic[0].data.flags = 0;
+       /* Update HW DB */
+       /* Configure element node */
+       status = ice_aq_cfg_sched_elems(hw, num_elems, &buf, sizeof(buf),
+                                       &elem_cfgd, NULL);
+       if (status || elem_cfgd != num_elems) {
+               ice_debug(hw, ICE_DBG_SCHED, "Config sched elem error\n");
+               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
+       }
+       /* Config success case */
+       /* Now update local SW DB */
+       /* Only copy the data portion of info buffer */
+       node-> = info->data;
+       return status;
+ * ice_sched_cfg_node_bw_alloc - configure node BW weight/alloc params
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
+ * @node: sched node to configure
+ * @rl_type: rate limit type CIR, EIR, or shared
+ * @bw_alloc: BW weight/allocation
+ *
+ * This function configures node element's BW allocation.
+ */
+static enum ice_status
+ice_sched_cfg_node_bw_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *node,
+                           enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u8 bw_alloc)
+       struct ice_aqc_txsched_elem_data buf;
+       struct ice_aqc_txsched_elem *data;
+       enum ice_status status;
+       buf = node->info;
+       data = &;
+       if (rl_type == ICE_MIN_BW) {
+               data->valid_sections |= ICE_AQC_ELEM_VALID_CIR;
+               data->cir_bw.bw_alloc = CPU_TO_LE16(bw_alloc);
+       } else if (rl_type == ICE_MAX_BW) {
+               data->valid_sections |= ICE_AQC_ELEM_VALID_EIR;
+               data->eir_bw.bw_alloc = CPU_TO_LE16(bw_alloc);
+       } else {
+               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
+       }
+       /* Configure element */
+       status = ice_sched_update_elem(hw, node, &buf);
+       return status;
  * ice_move_vsi_to_agg - moves VSI to new or default aggregator
  * @pi: port information structure
  * @agg_id: aggregator ID
@@ -3372,110 +3876,6 @@ ice_sched_add_rl_profile(struct ice_port_info *pi,
- * ice_sched_del_rl_profile - remove rl profile
- * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
- * @rl_info: rate limit profile information
- *
- * If the profile id is not referenced anymore, it removes profile id with
- * its associated parameters from hw db,and locally. The caller needs to
- * hold scheduler lock.
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_sched_del_rl_profile(struct ice_hw *hw,
-                        struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_info *rl_info)
-       struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_generic_elem *buf;
-       u16 num_profiles_removed;
-       enum ice_status status;
-       u16 num_profiles = 1;
-       if (rl_info->prof_id_ref != 0)
-               return ICE_ERR_IN_USE;
-       /* Safe to remove profile id */
-       buf = (struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_generic_elem *)
-               &rl_info->profile;
-       status = ice_aq_remove_rl_profile(hw, num_profiles, buf, sizeof(*buf),
-                                         &num_profiles_removed, NULL);
-       if (status || num_profiles_removed != num_profiles)
-               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       /* Delete stale entry now */
-       LIST_DEL(&rl_info->list_entry);
-       ice_free(hw, rl_info);
-       return status;
- * ice_sched_rm_unused_rl_prof - remove unused rl profile
- * @pi: port information structure
- *
- * This function removes unused rate limit profiles from the hw and
- * SW DB. The caller needs to hold scheduler lock.
- */
-void ice_sched_rm_unused_rl_prof(struct ice_port_info *pi)
-       u8 ln;
-       for (ln = 0; ln < pi->hw->num_tx_sched_layers; ln++) {
-               struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_info *rl_prof_elem;
-               struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_info *rl_prof_tmp;
-               LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE(rl_prof_elem, rl_prof_tmp,
-                                        &pi->rl_prof_list[ln],
-                                        ice_aqc_rl_profile_info, list_entry) {
-                       if (!ice_sched_del_rl_profile(pi->hw, rl_prof_elem))
-                               ice_debug(pi->hw, ICE_DBG_SCHED,
-                                         "Removed rl profile\n");
-               }
-       }
- * ice_sched_update_elem - update element
- * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
- * @node: pointer to node
- * @info: node info to update
- *
- * It updates the HW DB, and local SW DB of node. It updates the scheduling
- * parameters of node from argument info data buffer (Info->data buf) and
- * returns success or error on config sched element failure. The caller
- * needs to hold scheduler lock.
- */
-static enum ice_status
-ice_sched_update_elem(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *node,
-                     struct ice_aqc_txsched_elem_data *info)
-       struct ice_aqc_conf_elem buf;
-       enum ice_status status;
-       u16 elem_cfgd = 0;
-       u16 num_elems = 1;
-       buf.generic[0] = *info;
-       /* Parent teid is reserved field in this aq call */
-       buf.generic[0].parent_teid = 0;
-       /* Element type is reserved field in this aq call */
-       buf.generic[0].data.elem_type = 0;
-       /* Flags is reserved field in this aq call */
-       buf.generic[0].data.flags = 0;
-       /* Update HW DB */
-       /* Configure element node */
-       status = ice_aq_cfg_sched_elems(hw, num_elems, &buf, sizeof(buf),
-                                       &elem_cfgd, NULL);
-       if (status || elem_cfgd != num_elems) {
-               ice_debug(hw, ICE_DBG_SCHED, "Config sched elem error\n");
-               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       }
-       /* Config success case */
-       /* Now update local SW DB */
-       /* Only copy the data portion of info buffer */
-       node-> = info->data;
-       return status;
  * ice_sched_cfg_node_bw_lmt - configure node sched params
  * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
  * @node: sched node to configure
@@ -3841,7 +4241,7 @@ ice_sched_set_node_bw(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct 
ice_sched_node *node,
  * It updates node's BW limit parameters like BW RL profile ID of type CIR,
  * EIR, or SRL. The caller needs to hold scheduler lock.
-enum ice_status
+static enum ice_status
 ice_sched_set_node_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct ice_sched_node 
                          enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u32 bw)
@@ -4588,7 +4988,7 @@ ice_sched_set_agg_bw_shared_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, 
u32 agg_id, u32 bw)
  * ice_sched_cfg_sibl_node_prio - configure node sibling priority
- * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
+ * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
  * @node: sched node to configure
  * @priority: sibling priority
@@ -4617,406 +5017,6 @@ ice_sched_cfg_sibl_node_prio(struct ice_hw *hw, struct 
ice_sched_node *node,
- * ice_sched_cfg_node_bw_alloc - configure node bw weight/alloc params
- * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
- * @node: sched node to configure
- * @rl_type: rate limit type cir, eir, or shared
- * @bw_alloc: bw weight/allocation
- *
- * This function configures node element's bw allocation.
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_sched_cfg_node_bw_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *node,
-                           enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u8 bw_alloc)
-       struct ice_aqc_txsched_elem_data buf;
-       struct ice_aqc_txsched_elem *data;
-       enum ice_status status;
-       buf = node->info;
-       data = &;
-       if (rl_type == ICE_MIN_BW) {
-               data->valid_sections |= ICE_AQC_ELEM_VALID_CIR;
-               data->cir_bw.bw_alloc = CPU_TO_LE16(bw_alloc);
-       } else if (rl_type == ICE_MAX_BW) {
-               data->valid_sections |= ICE_AQC_ELEM_VALID_EIR;
-               data->eir_bw.bw_alloc = CPU_TO_LE16(bw_alloc);
-       } else {
-               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
-       }
-       /* Configure element */
-       status = ice_sched_update_elem(hw, node, &buf);
-       return status;
- * ice_sched_add_agg_cfg - create an aggregator node
- * @pi: port information structure
- * @agg_id: aggregator id
- * @tc: TC number
- *
- * This function creates an aggregator node and intermediate nodes if required
- * for the given TC
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_sched_add_agg_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 agg_id, u8 tc)
-       struct ice_sched_node *parent, *agg_node, *tc_node;
-       u16 num_nodes[ICE_AQC_TOPO_MAX_LEVEL_NUM] = { 0 };
-       enum ice_status status = ICE_SUCCESS;
-       struct ice_hw *hw = pi->hw;
-       u32 first_node_teid;
-       u16 num_nodes_added;
-       u8 i, aggl;
-       tc_node = ice_sched_get_tc_node(pi, tc);
-       if (!tc_node)
-               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       agg_node = ice_sched_get_agg_node(hw, tc_node, agg_id);
-       /* Does Agg node already exist ? */
-       if (agg_node)
-               return status;
-       aggl = ice_sched_get_agg_layer(hw);
-       /* need one node in Agg layer */
-       num_nodes[aggl] = 1;
-       /* Check whether the intermediate nodes have space to add the
-        * new agg. If they are full, then SW needs to allocate a new
-        * intermediate node on those layers
-        */
-       for (i = hw->sw_entry_point_layer; i < aggl; i++) {
-               parent = ice_sched_get_first_node(hw, tc_node, i);
-               /* scan all the siblings */
-               while (parent) {
-                       if (parent->num_children < hw->max_children[i])
-                               break;
-                       parent = parent->sibling;
-               }
-               /* all the nodes are full, reserve one for this layer */
-               if (!parent)
-                       num_nodes[i]++;
-       }
-       /* add the agg node */
-       parent = tc_node;
-       for (i = hw->sw_entry_point_layer; i <= aggl; i++) {
-               if (!parent)
-                       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-               status = ice_sched_add_nodes_to_layer(pi, tc_node, parent, i,
-                                                     num_nodes[i],
-                                                     &first_node_teid,
-                                                     &num_nodes_added);
-               if (status != ICE_SUCCESS || num_nodes[i] != num_nodes_added)
-                       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-               /* The newly added node can be a new parent for the next
-                * layer nodes
-                */
-               if (num_nodes_added) {
-                       parent = ice_sched_find_node_by_teid(tc_node,
-                                                            first_node_teid);
-                       /* register the aggregator id with the agg node */
-                       if (parent && i == aggl)
-                               parent->agg_id = agg_id;
-               } else {
-                       parent = parent->children[0];
-               }
-       }
-       return ICE_SUCCESS;
- * ice_sched_is_agg_inuse - check whether the agg is in use or not
- * @pi: port information structure
- * @node: node pointer
- *
- * This function checks whether the agg is attached with any vsi or not.
- */
-static bool
-ice_sched_is_agg_inuse(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct ice_sched_node *node)
-       u8 vsil, i;
-       vsil = ice_sched_get_vsi_layer(pi->hw);
-       if (node->tx_sched_layer < vsil - 1) {
-               for (i = 0; i < node->num_children; i++)
-                       if (ice_sched_is_agg_inuse(pi, node->children[i]))
-                               return true;
-               return false;
-       } else {
-               return node->num_children ? true : false;
-       }
- * ice_sched_rm_agg_cfg - remove the aggregator node
- * @pi: port information structure
- * @agg_id: aggregator id
- * @tc: TC number
- *
- * This function removes the aggregator node and intermediate nodes if any
- * from the given TC
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_sched_rm_agg_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 agg_id, u8 tc)
-       struct ice_sched_node *tc_node, *agg_node;
-       struct ice_hw *hw = pi->hw;
-       tc_node = ice_sched_get_tc_node(pi, tc);
-       if (!tc_node)
-               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       agg_node = ice_sched_get_agg_node(hw, tc_node, agg_id);
-       if (!agg_node)
-               return ICE_ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
-       /* Can't remove the agg node if it has children */
-       if (ice_sched_is_agg_inuse(pi, agg_node))
-               return ICE_ERR_IN_USE;
-       /* need to remove the whole subtree if agg node is the
-        * only child.
-        */
-       while (agg_node->tx_sched_layer > hw->sw_entry_point_layer) {
-               struct ice_sched_node *parent = agg_node->parent;
-               if (!parent)
-                       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-               if (parent->num_children > 1)
-                       break;
-               agg_node = parent;
-       }
-       ice_free_sched_node(pi, agg_node);
-       return ICE_SUCCESS;
- * ice_sched_get_free_vsi_parent - Find a free parent node in agg subtree
- * @hw: pointer to the hw struct
- * @node: pointer to a child node
- * @num_nodes: num nodes count array
- *
- * This function walks through the aggregator subtree to find a free parent
- * node
- */
-static struct ice_sched_node *
-ice_sched_get_free_vsi_parent(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *node,
-                             u16 *num_nodes)
-       u8 l = node->tx_sched_layer;
-       u8 vsil, i;
-       vsil = ice_sched_get_vsi_layer(hw);
-       /* Is it VSI parent layer ? */
-       if (l == vsil - 1)
-               return (node->num_children < hw->max_children[l]) ? node : NULL;
-       /* We have intermediate nodes. Let's walk through the subtree. If the
-        * intermediate node has space to add a new node then clear the count
-        */
-       if (node->num_children < hw->max_children[l])
-               num_nodes[l] = 0;
-       /* The below recursive call is intentional and wouldn't go more than
-        * 2 or 3 iterations.
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < node->num_children; i++) {
-               struct ice_sched_node *parent;
-               parent = ice_sched_get_free_vsi_parent(hw, node->children[i],
-                                                      num_nodes);
-               if (parent)
-                       return parent;
-       }
-       return NULL;
- * ice_sched_update_new_parent - update the new parent in SW DB
- * @new_parent: pointer to a new parent node
- * @node: pointer to a child node
- *
- * This function removes the child from the old parent and adds it to a new
- * parent
- */
-static void
-ice_sched_update_parent(struct ice_sched_node *new_parent,
-                       struct ice_sched_node *node)
-       struct ice_sched_node *old_parent;
-       u8 i, j;
-       old_parent = node->parent;
-       /* update the old parent children */
-       for (i = 0; i < old_parent->num_children; i++)
-               if (old_parent->children[i] == node) {
-                       for (j = i + 1; j < old_parent->num_children; j++)
-                               old_parent->children[j - 1] =
-                                       old_parent->children[j];
-                       old_parent->num_children--;
-                       break;
-               }
-       /* now move the node to a new parent */
-       new_parent->children[new_parent->num_children++] = node;
-       node->parent = new_parent;
-       node->info.parent_teid = new_parent->info.node_teid;
- * ice_sched_move_nodes - move child nodes to a given parent
- * @pi: port information structure
- * @parent: pointer to parent node
- * @num_items: number of child nodes to be moved
- * @list: pointer to child node teids
- *
- * This function move the child nodes to a given parent.
- */
-static enum ice_status
-ice_sched_move_nodes(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct ice_sched_node *parent,
-                    u16 num_items, u32 *list)
-       struct ice_aqc_move_elem *buf;
-       struct ice_sched_node *node;
-       enum ice_status status = ICE_SUCCESS;
-       struct ice_hw *hw;
-       u16 grps_movd = 0;
-       u8 i;
-       hw = pi->hw;
-       if (!parent || !num_items)
-               return ICE_ERR_PARAM;
-       /* Does parent have enough space */
-       if (parent->num_children + num_items >=
-           hw->max_children[parent->tx_sched_layer])
-               return ICE_ERR_AQ_FULL;
-       buf = (struct ice_aqc_move_elem *) ice_malloc(hw, sizeof(*buf));
-       if (!buf)
-               return ICE_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
-       for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
-               node = ice_sched_find_node_by_teid(pi->root, list[i]);
-               if (!node) {
-                       status = ICE_ERR_PARAM;
-                       goto move_err_exit;
-               }
-               buf->hdr.src_parent_teid = node->info.parent_teid;
-               buf->hdr.dest_parent_teid = parent->info.node_teid;
-               buf->teid[0] = node->info.node_teid;
-               buf->hdr.num_elems = CPU_TO_LE16(1);
-               status = ice_aq_move_sched_elems(hw, 1, buf, sizeof(*buf),
-                                                &grps_movd, NULL);
-               if (status && grps_movd != 1) {
-                       status = ICE_ERR_CFG;
-                       goto move_err_exit;
-               }
-               /* update the SW DB */
-               ice_sched_update_parent(parent, node);
-       }
-       ice_free(hw, buf);
-       return status;
- * ice_sched_move_vsi_to_agg - move VSI to aggregator node
- * @pi: port information structure
- * @vsi_handle: software VSI handle
- * @agg_id: aggregator id
- * @tc: TC number
- *
- * This function moves a VSI to an aggregator node or its subtree.
- * Intermediate nodes may be created if required.
- */
-enum ice_status
-ice_sched_move_vsi_to_agg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle, u32 agg_id,
-                         u8 tc)
-       struct ice_sched_node *vsi_node, *agg_node, *tc_node, *parent;
-       u16 num_nodes[ICE_AQC_TOPO_MAX_LEVEL_NUM] = { 0 };
-       u32 first_node_teid, vsi_teid;
-       enum ice_status status;
-       u16 num_nodes_added;
-       u8 aggl, vsil, i;
-       tc_node = ice_sched_get_tc_node(pi, tc);
-       if (!tc_node)
-               return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       agg_node = ice_sched_get_agg_node(pi->hw, tc_node, agg_id);
-       if (!agg_node)
-               return ICE_ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
-       vsi_node = ice_sched_get_vsi_node(pi->hw, tc_node, vsi_handle);
-       if (!vsi_node)
-               return ICE_ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
-       aggl = ice_sched_get_agg_layer(pi->hw);
-       vsil = ice_sched_get_vsi_layer(pi->hw);
-       /* initialize intermediate node count to 1 between agg and VSI layers */
-       for (i = aggl + 1; i < vsil; i++)
-               num_nodes[i] = 1;
-       /* Check whether the agg subtree has any free node to add the VSI */
-       for (i = 0; i < agg_node->num_children; i++) {
-               parent = ice_sched_get_free_vsi_parent(pi->hw,
-                                                      agg_node->children[i],
-                                                      num_nodes);
-               if (parent)
-                       goto move_nodes;
-       }
-       /* add new nodes */
-       parent = agg_node;
-       for (i = aggl + 1; i < vsil; i++) {
-               status = ice_sched_add_nodes_to_layer(pi, tc_node, parent, i,
-                                                     num_nodes[i],
-                                                     &first_node_teid,
-                                                     &num_nodes_added);
-               if (status != ICE_SUCCESS || num_nodes[i] != num_nodes_added)
-                       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-               /* The newly added node can be a new parent for the next
-                * layer nodes
-                */
-               if (num_nodes_added)
-                       parent = ice_sched_find_node_by_teid(tc_node,
-                                                            first_node_teid);
-               else
-                       parent = parent->children[0];
-               if (!parent)
-                       return ICE_ERR_CFG;
-       }
-       vsi_teid = LE32_TO_CPU(vsi_node->info.node_teid);
-       return ice_sched_move_nodes(pi, parent, 1, &vsi_teid);
  * ice_cfg_rl_burst_size - Set burst size value
  * @hw: pointer to the HW struct
  * @bytes: burst size in bytes
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.h b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.h
index 61fa6a85b..09de765ff 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/base/ice_sched.h
@@ -76,10 +76,6 @@ ice_aq_cfg_l2_node_cgd(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 num_nodes,
                       struct ice_aqc_cfg_l2_node_cgd_data *buf, u16 buf_size,
                       struct ice_sq_cd *cd);
 enum ice_status
-ice_aq_move_sched_elems(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 grps_req,
-                       struct ice_aqc_move_elem *buf, u16 buf_size,
-                       u16 *grps_movd, struct ice_sq_cd *cd);
-enum ice_status
 ice_aq_query_sched_elems(struct ice_hw *hw, u16 elems_req,
                         struct ice_aqc_get_elem *buf, u16 buf_size,
                         u16 *elems_ret, struct ice_sq_cd *cd);
@@ -109,9 +105,6 @@ ice_sched_cfg_vsi(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle, 
u8 tc, u16 maxqs,
                  u8 owner, bool enable);
 enum ice_status ice_rm_vsi_lan_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle);
 struct ice_sched_node *
-ice_sched_get_agg_node(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *tc_node,
-                      u32 agg_id);
-struct ice_sched_node *
 ice_sched_get_vsi_node(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *tc_node,
                       u16 vsi_handle);
 bool ice_sched_is_tree_balanced(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node 
@@ -177,9 +170,6 @@ bool
 ice_sched_find_node_in_subtree(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *base,
                               struct ice_sched_node *node);
 enum ice_status
-ice_sched_set_node_bw_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, struct ice_sched_node 
-                         enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u32 bw);
-enum ice_status
 ice_sched_set_agg_bw_dflt_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle);
 enum ice_status
 ice_sched_set_node_bw_lmt_per_tc(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 id,
@@ -193,18 +183,4 @@ ice_sched_set_agg_bw_shared_lmt(struct ice_port_info *pi, 
u32 agg_id, u32 bw);
 enum ice_status
 ice_sched_cfg_sibl_node_prio(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *node,
                             u8 priority);
-enum ice_status
-ice_sched_cfg_node_bw_alloc(struct ice_hw *hw, struct ice_sched_node *node,
-                           enum ice_rl_type rl_type, u8 bw_alloc);
-enum ice_status
-ice_sched_add_agg_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 agg_id, u8 tc);
-enum ice_status
-ice_sched_rm_agg_cfg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u32 agg_id, u8 tc);
-enum ice_status
-ice_sched_move_vsi_to_agg(struct ice_port_info *pi, u16 vsi_handle, u32 agg_id,
-                         u8 tc);
-enum ice_status
-ice_sched_del_rl_profile(struct ice_hw *hw,
-                        struct ice_aqc_rl_profile_info *rl_info);
-void ice_sched_rm_unused_rl_prof(struct ice_port_info *pi);
 #endif /* _ICE_SCHED_H_ */

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