On Wed, 2019-03-20 at 15:28 -0400, Michael Santana Francisco wrote: > > > +matrix: > > > + include: > > > + - env: DEF_LIB="static" OPTS="-Denable_kmods=false" AARCH64=1 > > > + compiler: gcc > > > + addons: > > > + apt: > > > + packages: > > > + - [libnuma-dev, linux-headers-$(uname -r), python3- > > > setuptools, python3-wheel, python3-pip, ninja-build] > > > + - [gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu, libc6-dev-arm64-cross] > > Why packages are repeated here again? > > (sorry, I don't know Travis and I want to understand) > Yeah, we don't want to repeat ourselves either but we have no > choice. > This is due to a limitation in travis. > This matrix does not inherit any packages from the main package list > way > above, which means we have to list them out manually here. > In addition to the required packages we also want to install full > builds > with libraries like libbsd-dev, libpcap-dev, etc. > We could of just put those libraries in the main package list above > and > put all the builds in the env: list because then the libraries would > be > inherited. > The problem with that is that is that travis would not keep minimal > builds and full builds separate. > We could not have minimal builds because the minimal builds will > also > inherit the additional libraries; Meson will then automatically > detect > those additional libraries and builds with them. > What we would like to have is a way to tell meson which libraries we > want to use and which we dont, instead of being auto-detected. This > would help us to get rid of this matrix. > > If someone knows a better way to do this we would greatly take in > your > ideas, but so far this is the best we could come up with
It's yaml so you can write the list to a variable once and reference it multiple times for brevity, see for example: https://github.com/zeromq/czmq/blob/master/.travis.yml#L128 -- Kind regards, Luca Boccassi