
01/03/2019 18:23, Smith, Eleanor:
> Addition of a FPGA driver for acceleration of 4G turbo encoding and
> decoding.
> Signed-off-by: Smith, Eleanor <eleanor.sm...@intel.com>

I'm really not comfortable adding a new Intel bbdev driver,
while the turbo sw driver cannot be freely compiled.
I know some work is in progress in Intel to fix this compilation issue,
and I am interested in checking it before proceeding with a new driver.

> +Section 3 of the DPDK manual provides instuctions on installing and 
> compiling DPDK. The
> +default set of bbdev compile flags may be found in config/common_base, where 
> for example
> +the flag to build the FPGA LTE FEC device, 
> +set. It is assumed DPDK has been compiled for an icc 64-bit target using:
> +
> +.. code-block:: console
> +
> +  make install T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-icc

Is it possible to build this driver with gcc?
We cannot accept any maintenance operation if icc is required.

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