On 3/6/2019 12:29 AM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:

06/03/2019 05:16, Anand Rawat:
v2 Changes:
Incorporated reviews from v1.
Fixed license period for updated files.
Renamed 'winapp' folder to 'windows'.
Cleaned unneeded meson changes.
Fixed code style warnings.
Added maintainers information for windows branch

About the method, two advices:

- Please reply to the questions asked during the review
of the previous version before doing a new version.
It is with discussion that we can find the best solutions.

Apologies, my email client was not setup to respond
as per the community guidelines. There will be more interaction
for v2

- Please use --in-reply-to for new revisions in order to have
all revisions in the same mail thread.
The best is to make all revisions as replies of the first cover letter.

I will make sure to follow this from v3 onward.
Since now that there two cover letters, which one would you like
me to have --in-reply-to for v3

Anand Rawat

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