Hi, A reminder to register before the seats fill up DPDK summit Bangalore March 9th and DPDK hands on session the day before on March 8th at Bangalore. https://www.dpdk.org/event/dpdk-summit-bangalore-2019/
Nivruti Rai who is leading Intel India into an era of all-pervasive technology has graciously agreed to say a few words to open the Summit and share her views on the role of open source and DPDK in this future economy. http://www.forbesindia.com/article/2018-wpower-trailblazers/2018-wpower-trailblazers-nivruti-rai-is-putting-her-heart-and-soul-into-innovation-at-intel-india/49609/1 Also at the summit we have exciting talks on Edge & 5G infrastructure, DPDK architecture and tech board updates, Kamuee Router, Cloud Native functions and Kubernetes plugins, QoS management, DPDK locks, security, OVS and Fd.io. For more details on these topics, speakers and abstract please look at the schedule at: https://dpdksummitbangalore2019.sched.com/ The DPDK hands on session the day before is designed to give you deeper dive into the DPDK architecture, development process and troubleshooting. We will end the session with a talk on User Space Host Stack and Container Networking Apps. Please go to the following link for more details and register separately: https://www.meetup.com/Out-of-the-Box-Network-Developers-Bangalore/events/258385865/ Thanks Sujata