> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stefan Binna [mailto:stefan.binna at salzburgresearch.at]
> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 12:27 PM
> To: Mcnamara, John; dev at dpdk.org
> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] ieee1588fwd.c implementation
> I got PTP working and was able to transmit a valid PTPv2 packet over the
> DPDK network card.
> Every time a PTP packet arrives I get following message in the testpmd
> application: Port 0 Received PTP packet not filtered by hardware


That may be due to 1 or 2 different issues:

    1. You are using a NIC that doesn't support PTP timesyncing. What NIC are 
you using?
    2. You are using a Fortville NIC but don't have the latest code from 

> However, the hardware does not change the timestamp, when I check the
> received packet.

You will need to address the above issue first, but just to be clear, the NIC 
doesn't update the timestamp in the PTP packet. It sets a flag to say that the 
packet is a L2 PTP packet and that the timestamp of its arrival is available 
for reading.


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