The patch series adds a how-to guide for debugging and
troubleshooting tips.


DPDK proc-info tool is been enhanced to accommodate the debug information
for the port, traffic manager crypto, ring and mempool contents. With these
additional information, it becomes easy to analyze issues and performance

But applications are designed based on the target platform, workload, poll
mode drivers, and multi-process. This raises variance in debugging and
collecting data. Hence attempt of patch series is identified such symptoms
and share step by step guide to cover the cases.

Not all possible cases could be covered in a single attempt. But with
feedback and support from the community, this can be expanded.


Reviews and changes accommodated. ACK received for documentation and SVG

Change Log:

 - add space to note and indent - John Macnamara

 - correction for word style and grammar - Thomas Monjalon
 - add license for svg files - Vipin Varghese

 - rework of content - Vipin Varghese

 - Correction for word style - Shreyansh Jain

 - reorder for removing warning in 'make doc-guides-html' - Thomas Monjalon

 - add offload flag check - Vipin Varghese
 - change tab to space - Marko Kovacevic
 - spelling correction - Marko Kovacevic
 - remove extra characters - Marko Kovacevic
 - add ACK by Marko - Vipn Varghese
 - add ACK from Marko - Vipin Varghese

Vipin Varghese (2):
  doc: add svg for debug and troubleshoot guide
  doc: add guide for debug and troubleshoot

 doc/guides/howto/debug_troubleshoot_guide.rst | 465 ++++++++++++++++++
 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_consumer_ring.svg    |  24 +
 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_crypto.svg           |  21 +
 .../howto/img/dtg_distributor_worker.svg      |  36 ++
 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_mempool.svg          |  27 +
 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_pdump.svg            |  33 ++
 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_producer_ring.svg    |  24 +
 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_qos_tx.svg           |  29 ++
 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_rx_rate.svg          |  25 +
 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_rx_tx_drop.svg       |  33 ++
 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_sample_app_model.svg | 110 +++++
 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_service.svg          |  20 +
 doc/guides/howto/index.rst                    |   1 +
 13 files changed, 848 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/debug_troubleshoot_guide.rst
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_consumer_ring.svg
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_crypto.svg
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_distributor_worker.svg
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_mempool.svg
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_pdump.svg
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_producer_ring.svg
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_qos_tx.svg
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_rx_rate.svg
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_rx_tx_drop.svg
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_sample_app_model.svg
 create mode 100644 doc/guides/howto/img/dtg_service.svg


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