Meeting notes for the DPDK technical board meeting held on 2019-01-30

Attendees: 8/9
        - Bruce Richardson
        - Ferruh Yigit
        - Hemant Agrawal
        - Jerin Jacob
        - Konstantin Ananyev
        - Maxime Coquelin
        - Olivier Matz
        - Thomas Monjalon

1) Windows compilers for DPDK Windows Port

Techboard suggests using following tools for Windows development unless they are
proven to not satisfying our needs:
- Compiler: clang for Windows
- Build system: meson
- Development concerns:
        - Windows port should use common code as much as possible
        - If some part is not common for Windows, it needs to be reworked
        - Thomas will spend some time on Windows code reviews

2) Community Survey on Tools and Process Pain Points

- Honnappa is managing the effort
- Will go with two surveys, first one is for collecting problem statement
- Second one will be for solutions
- Questions will be both open ended and multiple choice
- Deadline is February 6

3) Security Process

- A draft is prepared by Thomas, need to work more on details on steps
- Maxime will review draft and collect more information
- Progress will be discussed in next techboard meeting

4) Google Summer Of Code

- Stephen sent an email about it
- Deadline is close
- Maxime will follow the issue with Stephen

5) Next techboard meeting

- It will be on February 13
- Hemant Agrawal will chair it

6) Next Meeting
- Static Analysis Issues
- Security Process
- Google Summer Of Code

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