2015-08-04 16:26, Bernard Iremonger:
> if the name parameter to rte_eth_bond_create() was NULL,
> there was a segmentation fault.

What is the root cause of the crash?
I guess it is rte_free(eth_dev->data->mac_addrs) because eth_dev is NULL.

> -err:
> -     rte_free(pci_dev);
> -     rte_free(internals);
> +err4:
>       rte_free(eth_dev->data->mac_addrs);
> -
> +err3:
> +     rte_free(internals);
> +err2:
> +     rte_free(pci_dev);
> +err1:
>       return -1;
>  }

rte_free should be harmless with NULL parameter.
It is easier to add "if (eth_dev != NULL)" than maintaining many error labels.

By the way, why rte_eth_dev_release_port() is not called?

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