Add basic RX & TX support.

Signed-off-by: Wenzhuo Lu <>
Signed-off-by: Qiming Yang <>
Signed-off-by: Xiaoyun Li <>
Signed-off-by: Jingjing Wu <>
 doc/guides/nics/features/ice.ini |   5 +
 drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c     |  55 ++++-
 drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c       | 495 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h       |   8 +
 4 files changed, 559 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/features/ice.ini b/doc/guides/nics/features/ice.ini
index eb852ff..a42cc20 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/features/ice.ini
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/features/ice.ini
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ Speed capabilities   = Y
 Link status          = Y
 Link status event    = Y
 Queue start/stop     = Y
+TSO                  = Y
+CRC offload          = Y
+L3 checksum offload  = Y
+L4 checksum offload  = Y
+Packet type parsing  = Y
 BSD nic_uio          = Y
 Linux UIO            = Y
 Linux VFIO           = Y
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
index 0b83bc6..eed0c30 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
@@ -681,6 +681,9 @@ static int ice_link_update(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
        int ret;
        dev->dev_ops = &ice_eth_dev_ops;
+       dev->rx_pkt_burst = ice_recv_pkts;
+       dev->tx_pkt_burst = ice_xmit_pkts;
+       dev->tx_pkt_prepare = ice_prep_pkts;
        pci_dev = RTE_DEV_TO_PCI(dev->device);
@@ -962,6 +965,8 @@ static int ice_init_rss(struct ice_pf *pf)
                goto rx_err;
+       ice_set_rx_function(dev);
        ret = ice_aq_set_event_mask(hw, hw->port_info->lport,
                                    ((u16)(ICE_AQ_LINK_EVENT_LINK_FAULT |
                                     ICE_AQ_LINK_EVENT_PHY_TEMP_ALARM |
@@ -1029,14 +1034,60 @@ static int ice_init_rss(struct ice_pf *pf)
        dev_info->max_mac_addrs = vsi->max_macaddrs;
        dev_info->max_vfs = pci_dev->max_vfs;
-       dev_info->rx_offload_capa = 0;
-       dev_info->tx_offload_capa = 0;
+       dev_info->rx_offload_capa =
+               DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM |
+               DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM |
+               DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM |
+               DEV_RX_OFFLOAD_KEEP_CRC;
+       dev_info->tx_offload_capa =
+               DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM |
+               DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM |
+               DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM |
+               DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM |
+               DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_TSO |
+               DEV_TX_OFFLOAD_MULTI_SEGS;
        dev_info->rx_queue_offload_capa = 0;
        dev_info->tx_queue_offload_capa = 0;
        dev_info->reta_size = hw->func_caps.common_cap.rss_table_size;
        dev_info->hash_key_size = (VSIQF_HKEY_MAX_INDEX + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t);
+       dev_info->default_rxconf = (struct rte_eth_rxconf) {
+               .rx_thresh = {
+                       .pthresh = ICE_DEFAULT_RX_PTHRESH,
+                       .hthresh = ICE_DEFAULT_RX_HTHRESH,
+                       .wthresh = ICE_DEFAULT_RX_WTHRESH,
+               },
+               .rx_free_thresh = ICE_DEFAULT_RX_FREE_THRESH,
+               .rx_drop_en = 0,
+               .offloads = 0,
+       };
+       dev_info->default_txconf = (struct rte_eth_txconf) {
+               .tx_thresh = {
+                       .pthresh = ICE_DEFAULT_TX_PTHRESH,
+                       .hthresh = ICE_DEFAULT_TX_HTHRESH,
+                       .wthresh = ICE_DEFAULT_TX_WTHRESH,
+               },
+               .tx_free_thresh = ICE_DEFAULT_TX_FREE_THRESH,
+               .tx_rs_thresh = ICE_DEFAULT_TX_RSBIT_THRESH,
+               .offloads = 0,
+       };
+       dev_info->rx_desc_lim = (struct rte_eth_desc_lim) {
+               .nb_max = ICE_MAX_RING_DESC,
+               .nb_min = ICE_MIN_RING_DESC,
+               .nb_align = ICE_ALIGN_RING_DESC,
+       };
+       dev_info->tx_desc_lim = (struct rte_eth_desc_lim) {
+               .nb_max = ICE_MAX_RING_DESC,
+               .nb_min = ICE_MIN_RING_DESC,
+               .nb_align = ICE_ALIGN_RING_DESC,
+       };
        dev_info->speed_capa = ETH_LINK_SPEED_10M |
                               ETH_LINK_SPEED_100M |
                               ETH_LINK_SPEED_1G |
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c b/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c
index 47c9d5b..4ea414e 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.c
@@ -946,8 +946,36 @@
        return desc;
+/* Rx L3/L4 checksum */
+static inline uint64_t
+ice_rxd_error_to_pkt_flags(uint64_t qword)
+       uint64_t flags = 0;
+       uint64_t error_bits = (qword >> ICE_RXD_QW1_ERROR_S);
+       if (likely((error_bits & ICE_RX_ERR_BITS) == 0)) {
+               flags |= (PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD | PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD);
+               return flags;
+       }
+       if (unlikely(error_bits & (1 << ICE_RX_DESC_ERROR_IPE_S)))
+               flags |= PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_BAD;
+       else
+               flags |= PKT_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD;
+       if (unlikely(error_bits & (1 << ICE_RX_DESC_ERROR_L4E_S)))
+               flags |= PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_BAD;
+       else
+               flags |= PKT_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD;
+       if (unlikely(error_bits & (1 << ICE_RX_DESC_ERROR_EIPE_S)))
+               flags |= PKT_RX_EIP_CKSUM_BAD;
+       return flags;
 const uint32_t *
-ice_dev_supported_ptypes_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev __rte_unused)
+ice_dev_supported_ptypes_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
        static const uint32_t ptypes[] = {
                /* refers to ice_get_default_pkt_type() */
@@ -979,7 +1007,9 @@
-       return ptypes;
+       if (dev->rx_pkt_burst == ice_recv_pkts)
+               return ptypes;
+       return NULL;
@@ -1024,6 +1054,467 @@
        dev->data->nb_tx_queues = 0;
+ice_recv_pkts(void *rx_queue,
+             struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
+             uint16_t nb_pkts)
+       struct ice_rx_queue *rxq = rx_queue;
+       volatile union ice_rx_desc *rx_ring = rxq->rx_ring;
+       volatile union ice_rx_desc *rxdp;
+       struct ice_rx_entry *sw_ring = rxq->sw_ring;
+       struct ice_rx_entry *rxe;
+       struct rte_mbuf *nmb; /* new allocated mbuf */
+       struct rte_mbuf *rxm; /* pointer to store old mbuf in SW ring */
+       uint16_t rx_id = rxq->rx_tail;
+       uint16_t nb_rx = 0;
+       uint16_t nb_hold = 0;
+       uint16_t rx_packet_len;
+       uint32_t rx_status;
+       uint64_t qword1;
+       uint64_t dma_addr;
+       uint64_t pkt_flags = 0;
+       uint32_t *ptype_tbl = rxq->vsi->adapter->ptype_tbl;
+       struct rte_eth_dev *dev;
+       while (nb_rx < nb_pkts) {
+               rxdp = &rx_ring[rx_id];
+               qword1 = rte_le_to_cpu_64(rxdp->wb.qword1.status_error_len);
+               rx_status = (qword1 & ICE_RXD_QW1_STATUS_M) >>
+                           ICE_RXD_QW1_STATUS_S;
+               /* Check the DD bit first */
+               if (!(rx_status & (1 << ICE_RX_DESC_STATUS_DD_S)))
+                       break;
+               /* allocate mbuf */
+               nmb = rte_mbuf_raw_alloc(rxq->mp);
+               if (unlikely(!nmb)) {
+                       dev = ICE_VSI_TO_ETH_DEV(rxq->vsi);
+                       dev->data->rx_mbuf_alloc_failed++;
+                       break;
+               }
+               nb_hold++;
+               rxe = &sw_ring[rx_id]; /* get corresponding mbuf in SW ring */
+               rx_id++;
+               if (unlikely(rx_id == rxq->nb_rx_desc))
+                       rx_id = 0;
+               rxm = rxe->mbuf;
+               rxe->mbuf = nmb;
+               dma_addr =
+                       rte_cpu_to_le_64(rte_mbuf_data_iova_default(nmb));
+               /**
+                * fill the read format of descriptor with physic address in
+                * new allocated mbuf: nmb
+                */
+               rxdp->read.hdr_addr = 0;
+               rxdp->read.pkt_addr = dma_addr;
+               /* calculate rx_packet_len of the received pkt */
+               rx_packet_len = ((qword1 & ICE_RXD_QW1_LEN_PBUF_M) >>
+                               ICE_RXD_QW1_LEN_PBUF_S) - rxq->crc_len;
+               /* fill old mbuf with received descriptor: rxd */
+               rxm->data_off = RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM;
+               rte_prefetch0(RTE_PTR_ADD(rxm->buf_addr, RTE_PKTMBUF_HEADROOM));
+               rxm->nb_segs = 1;
+               rxm->next = NULL;
+               rxm->pkt_len = rx_packet_len;
+               rxm->data_len = rx_packet_len;
+               rxm->port = rxq->port_id;
+               rxm->packet_type = ptype_tbl[(uint8_t)((qword1 &
+                                                       ICE_RXD_QW1_PTYPE_M) >>
+                                                      ICE_RXD_QW1_PTYPE_S)];
+               pkt_flags |= ice_rxd_error_to_pkt_flags(qword1);
+               rxm->ol_flags |= pkt_flags;
+               /* copy old mbuf to rx_pkts */
+               rx_pkts[nb_rx++] = rxm;
+       }
+       rxq->rx_tail = rx_id;
+       /**
+        * If the number of free RX descriptors is greater than the RX free
+        * threshold of the queue, advance the receive tail register of queue.
+        * Update that register with the value of the last processed RX
+        * descriptor minus 1.
+        */
+       nb_hold = (uint16_t)(nb_hold + rxq->nb_rx_hold);
+       if (nb_hold > rxq->rx_free_thresh) {
+               rx_id = (uint16_t)(rx_id == 0 ?
+                                  (rxq->nb_rx_desc - 1) : (rx_id - 1));
+               /* write TAIL register */
+               ICE_PCI_REG_WRITE(rxq->qrx_tail, rx_id);
+               nb_hold = 0;
+       }
+       rxq->nb_rx_hold = nb_hold;
+       /* return received packet in the burst */
+       return nb_rx;
+static inline void
+ice_txd_enable_checksum(uint64_t ol_flags,
+                       uint32_t *td_cmd,
+                       uint32_t *td_offset,
+                       union ice_tx_offload tx_offload)
+       /* L2 length must be set. */
+       *td_offset |= (tx_offload.l2_len >> 1) <<
+                     ICE_TX_DESC_LEN_MACLEN_S;
+       /* Enable L3 checksum offloads */
+       if (ol_flags & PKT_TX_IP_CKSUM) {
+               *td_cmd |= ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_IIPT_IPV4_CSUM;
+               *td_offset |= (tx_offload.l3_len >> 2) <<
+                             ICE_TX_DESC_LEN_IPLEN_S;
+       } else if (ol_flags & PKT_TX_IPV4) {
+               *td_cmd |= ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_IIPT_IPV4;
+               *td_offset |= (tx_offload.l3_len >> 2) <<
+                             ICE_TX_DESC_LEN_IPLEN_S;
+       } else if (ol_flags & PKT_TX_IPV6) {
+               *td_cmd |= ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_IIPT_IPV6;
+               *td_offset |= (tx_offload.l3_len >> 2) <<
+                             ICE_TX_DESC_LEN_IPLEN_S;
+       }
+       if (ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG) {
+               *td_cmd |= ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_L4T_EOFT_TCP;
+               *td_offset |= (tx_offload.l4_len >> 2) <<
+                             ICE_TX_DESC_LEN_L4_LEN_S;
+               return;
+       }
+       /* Enable L4 checksum offloads */
+       switch (ol_flags & PKT_TX_L4_MASK) {
+       case PKT_TX_TCP_CKSUM:
+               *td_cmd |= ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_L4T_EOFT_TCP;
+               *td_offset |= (sizeof(struct tcp_hdr) >> 2) <<
+                             ICE_TX_DESC_LEN_L4_LEN_S;
+               break;
+       case PKT_TX_SCTP_CKSUM:
+               *td_cmd |= ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_L4T_EOFT_SCTP;
+               *td_offset |= (sizeof(struct sctp_hdr) >> 2) <<
+                             ICE_TX_DESC_LEN_L4_LEN_S;
+               break;
+       case PKT_TX_UDP_CKSUM:
+               *td_cmd |= ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_L4T_EOFT_UDP;
+               *td_offset |= (sizeof(struct udp_hdr) >> 2) <<
+                             ICE_TX_DESC_LEN_L4_LEN_S;
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+static inline int
+ice_xmit_cleanup(struct ice_tx_queue *txq)
+       struct ice_tx_entry *sw_ring = txq->sw_ring;
+       volatile struct ice_tx_desc *txd = txq->tx_ring;
+       uint16_t last_desc_cleaned = txq->last_desc_cleaned;
+       uint16_t nb_tx_desc = txq->nb_tx_desc;
+       uint16_t desc_to_clean_to;
+       uint16_t nb_tx_to_clean;
+       /* Determine the last descriptor needing to be cleaned */
+       desc_to_clean_to = (uint16_t)(last_desc_cleaned + txq->tx_rs_thresh);
+       if (desc_to_clean_to >= nb_tx_desc)
+               desc_to_clean_to = (uint16_t)(desc_to_clean_to - nb_tx_desc);
+       /* Check to make sure the last descriptor to clean is done */
+       desc_to_clean_to = sw_ring[desc_to_clean_to].last_id;
+       if (!(txd[desc_to_clean_to].cmd_type_offset_bsz &
+           rte_cpu_to_le_64(ICE_TX_DESC_DTYPE_DESC_DONE))) {
+               PMD_TX_FREE_LOG(DEBUG, "TX descriptor %4u is not done "
+                               "(port=%d queue=%d) value=0x%"PRIx64"\n",
+                               desc_to_clean_to,
+                               txq->port_id, txq->queue_id,
+                               txd[desc_to_clean_to].cmd_type_offset_bsz);
+               /* Failed to clean any descriptors */
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* Figure out how many descriptors will be cleaned */
+       if (last_desc_cleaned > desc_to_clean_to)
+               nb_tx_to_clean = (uint16_t)((nb_tx_desc - last_desc_cleaned) +
+                                           desc_to_clean_to);
+       else
+               nb_tx_to_clean = (uint16_t)(desc_to_clean_to -
+                                           last_desc_cleaned);
+       /* The last descriptor to clean is done, so that means all the
+        * descriptors from the last descriptor that was cleaned
+        * up to the last descriptor with the RS bit set
+        * are done. Only reset the threshold descriptor.
+        */
+       txd[desc_to_clean_to].cmd_type_offset_bsz = 0;
+       /* Update the txq to reflect the last descriptor that was cleaned */
+       txq->last_desc_cleaned = desc_to_clean_to;
+       txq->nb_tx_free = (uint16_t)(txq->nb_tx_free + nb_tx_to_clean);
+       return 0;
+/* Check if the context descriptor is needed for TX offloading */
+static inline uint16_t
+ice_calc_context_desc(uint64_t flags)
+       static uint64_t mask = PKT_TX_TCP_SEG | PKT_TX_QINQ;
+       return (flags & mask) ? 1 : 0;
+/* set ice TSO context descriptor */
+static inline uint64_t
+ice_set_tso_ctx(struct rte_mbuf *mbuf, union ice_tx_offload tx_offload)
+       uint64_t ctx_desc = 0;
+       uint32_t cd_cmd, hdr_len, cd_tso_len;
+       if (!tx_offload.l4_len) {
+               PMD_TX_LOG(DEBUG, "L4 length set to 0");
+               return ctx_desc;
+       }
+       /**
+        * in case of non tunneling packet, the outer_l2_len and
+        * outer_l3_len must be 0.
+        */
+       hdr_len = tx_offload.outer_l2_len +
+                 tx_offload.outer_l3_len +
+                 tx_offload.l2_len +
+                 tx_offload.l3_len +
+                 tx_offload.l4_len;
+       cd_cmd = ICE_TX_CTX_DESC_TSO;
+       cd_tso_len = mbuf->pkt_len - hdr_len;
+       ctx_desc |= ((uint64_t)cd_cmd << ICE_TXD_CTX_QW1_CMD_S) |
+                   ((uint64_t)cd_tso_len << ICE_TXD_CTX_QW1_TSO_LEN_S) |
+                   ((uint64_t)mbuf->tso_segsz << ICE_TXD_CTX_QW1_MSS_S);
+       return ctx_desc;
+ice_xmit_pkts(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts)
+       struct ice_tx_queue *txq;
+       volatile struct ice_tx_desc *tx_ring;
+       volatile struct ice_tx_desc *txd;
+       struct ice_tx_entry *sw_ring;
+       struct ice_tx_entry *txe, *txn;
+       struct rte_mbuf *tx_pkt;
+       struct rte_mbuf *m_seg;
+       uint16_t tx_id;
+       uint16_t nb_tx;
+       uint16_t nb_used;
+       uint16_t nb_ctx;
+       uint32_t td_cmd = 0;
+       uint32_t td_offset = 0;
+       uint32_t td_tag = 0;
+       uint16_t tx_last;
+       uint64_t buf_dma_addr;
+       uint64_t ol_flags;
+       union ice_tx_offload tx_offload = {0};
+       txq = tx_queue;
+       sw_ring = txq->sw_ring;
+       tx_ring = txq->tx_ring;
+       tx_id = txq->tx_tail;
+       txe = &sw_ring[tx_id];
+       /* Check if the descriptor ring needs to be cleaned. */
+       if (txq->nb_tx_free < txq->tx_free_thresh)
+               ice_xmit_cleanup(txq);
+       for (nb_tx = 0; nb_tx < nb_pkts; nb_tx++) {
+               tx_pkt = *tx_pkts++;
+               td_cmd = 0;
+               ol_flags = tx_pkt->ol_flags;
+               tx_offload.l2_len = tx_pkt->l2_len;
+               tx_offload.l3_len = tx_pkt->l3_len;
+               tx_offload.outer_l2_len = tx_pkt->outer_l2_len;
+               tx_offload.outer_l3_len = tx_pkt->outer_l3_len;
+               tx_offload.l4_len = tx_pkt->l4_len;
+               tx_offload.tso_segsz = tx_pkt->tso_segsz;
+               /* Calculate the number of context descriptors needed. */
+               nb_ctx = ice_calc_context_desc(ol_flags);
+               /* The number of descriptors that must be allocated for
+                * a packet equals to the number of the segments of that
+                * packet plus the number of context descriptor if needed.
+                */
+               nb_used = (uint16_t)(tx_pkt->nb_segs + nb_ctx);
+               tx_last = (uint16_t)(tx_id + nb_used - 1);
+               /* Circular ring */
+               if (tx_last >= txq->nb_tx_desc)
+                       tx_last = (uint16_t)(tx_last - txq->nb_tx_desc);
+               if (nb_used > txq->nb_tx_free) {
+                       if (ice_xmit_cleanup(txq) != 0) {
+                               if (nb_tx == 0)
+                                       return 0;
+                               goto end_of_tx;
+                       }
+                       if (unlikely(nb_used > txq->tx_rs_thresh)) {
+                               while (nb_used > txq->nb_tx_free) {
+                                       if (ice_xmit_cleanup(txq) != 0) {
+                                               if (nb_tx == 0)
+                                                       return 0;
+                                               goto end_of_tx;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               /* Enable checksum offloading */
+               if (ol_flags & ICE_TX_CKSUM_OFFLOAD_MASK) {
+                       ice_txd_enable_checksum(ol_flags, &td_cmd,
+                                               &td_offset, tx_offload);
+               }
+               if (nb_ctx) {
+                       /* Setup TX context descriptor if required */
+                       uint64_t cd_type_cmd_tso_mss = ICE_TX_DESC_DTYPE_CTX;
+                       txn = &sw_ring[txe->next_id];
+                       RTE_MBUF_PREFETCH_TO_FREE(txn->mbuf);
+                       if (txe->mbuf) {
+                               rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(txe->mbuf);
+                               txe->mbuf = NULL;
+                       }
+                       if (ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG)
+                               cd_type_cmd_tso_mss |=
+                                       ice_set_tso_ctx(tx_pkt, tx_offload);
+                       txe->last_id = tx_last;
+                       tx_id = txe->next_id;
+                       txe = txn;
+               }
+               m_seg = tx_pkt;
+               do {
+                       txd = &tx_ring[tx_id];
+                       txn = &sw_ring[txe->next_id];
+                       if (txe->mbuf)
+                               rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(txe->mbuf);
+                       txe->mbuf = m_seg;
+                       /* Setup TX Descriptor */
+                       buf_dma_addr = rte_mbuf_data_iova(m_seg);
+                       txd->buf_addr = rte_cpu_to_le_64(buf_dma_addr);
+                       txd->cmd_type_offset_bsz =
+                               rte_cpu_to_le_64(ICE_TX_DESC_DTYPE_DATA |
+                               ((uint64_t)td_cmd  << ICE_TXD_QW1_CMD_S) |
+                               ((uint64_t)td_offset << ICE_TXD_QW1_OFFSET_S) |
+                               ((uint64_t)m_seg->data_len  <<
+                                ICE_TXD_QW1_TX_BUF_SZ_S) |
+                               ((uint64_t)td_tag  << ICE_TXD_QW1_L2TAG1_S));
+                       txe->last_id = tx_last;
+                       tx_id = txe->next_id;
+                       txe = txn;
+                       m_seg = m_seg->next;
+               } while (m_seg);
+               /* fill the last descriptor with End of Packet (EOP) bit */
+               td_cmd |= ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_EOP;
+               txq->nb_tx_used = (uint16_t)(txq->nb_tx_used + nb_used);
+               txq->nb_tx_free = (uint16_t)(txq->nb_tx_free - nb_used);
+               /* set RS bit on the last descriptor of one packet */
+               if (txq->nb_tx_used >= txq->tx_rs_thresh) {
+                       PMD_TX_FREE_LOG(DEBUG,
+                                       "Setting RS bit on TXD id="
+                                       "%4u (port=%d queue=%d)",
+                                       tx_last, txq->port_id, txq->queue_id);
+                       td_cmd |= ICE_TX_DESC_CMD_RS;
+                       /* Update txq RS bit counters */
+                       txq->nb_tx_used = 0;
+               }
+               txd->cmd_type_offset_bsz |=
+                       rte_cpu_to_le_64(((uint64_t)td_cmd) <<
+                                        ICE_TXD_QW1_CMD_S);
+       }
+       rte_wmb();
+       /* update Tail register */
+       ICE_PCI_REG_WRITE(txq->qtx_tail, tx_id);
+       txq->tx_tail = tx_id;
+       return nb_tx;
+void __attribute__((cold))
+ice_set_rx_function(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
+       dev->rx_pkt_burst = ice_recv_pkts;
+ *
+ *  TX prep functions
+ *
+ **********************************************************************/
+/* The default values of TSO MSS */
+#define ICE_MIN_TSO_MSS            64
+#define ICE_MAX_TSO_MSS            9728
+#define ICE_MAX_TSO_FRAME_SIZE     262144
+ice_prep_pkts(__rte_unused void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
+             uint16_t nb_pkts)
+       int i, ret;
+       uint64_t ol_flags;
+       struct rte_mbuf *m;
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_pkts; i++) {
+               m = tx_pkts[i];
+               ol_flags = m->ol_flags;
+               if (ol_flags & PKT_TX_TCP_SEG &&
+                   (m->tso_segsz < ICE_MIN_TSO_MSS ||
+                    m->tso_segsz > ICE_MAX_TSO_MSS ||
+                    m->pkt_len > ICE_MAX_TSO_FRAME_SIZE)) {
+                       /**
+                        * MSS outside the range are considered malicious
+                        */
+                       rte_errno = -EINVAL;
+                       return i;
+               }
+               ret = rte_validate_tx_offload(m);
+               if (ret != 0) {
+                       rte_errno = ret;
+                       return i;
+               }
+               ret = rte_net_intel_cksum_prepare(m);
+               if (ret != 0) {
+                       rte_errno = ret;
+                       return i;
+               }
+       }
+       return i;
+void __attribute__((cold))
+ice_set_tx_function(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
+               dev->tx_pkt_burst = ice_xmit_pkts;
+               dev->tx_pkt_prepare = ice_prep_pkts;
 /* For each value it means, datasheet of hardware can tell more details
  * @note: fix ice_dev_supported_ptypes_get() if any change here.
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h b/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h
index fd1c4ef..228d2ff 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/ice_rxtx.h
@@ -134,6 +134,14 @@ int ice_tx_queue_setup(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 void ice_tx_queue_release(void *txq);
 void ice_clear_queues(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
 void ice_free_queues(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
+uint16_t ice_recv_pkts(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts,
+                      uint16_t nb_pkts);
+uint16_t ice_xmit_pkts(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
+                      uint16_t nb_pkts);
+void ice_set_rx_function(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
+uint16_t ice_prep_pkts(__rte_unused void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts,
+                      uint16_t nb_pkts);
+void ice_set_tx_function(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
 uint32_t ice_rx_queue_count(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t rx_queue_id);
 void ice_rxq_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id,
                      struct rte_eth_rxq_info *qinfo);

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