On 4/30/15, 8:38 AM, "Olivier MATZ" <olivier.matz at 6wind.com> wrote:

>Hi Keith,
>On 04/30/2015 03:24 PM, Wiles, Keith wrote:
>> On 4/30/15, 4:45 AM, "Olivier MATZ" <olivier.matz at 6wind.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Keith,
>>> Thank you for submitting a clean-up. Please see some comments below.
>>> On 04/29/2015 05:25 PM, Keith Wiles wrote:
>>>> Trying to simplify the ifdefs in rte.app.mk to make the code
>>>> more readable and maintainable by moving LDLIBS variable to use
>>>> the same style as LDLIBS-y being used in the rest of the code.
>>>> Added a new variable called EXTRA_LDLIBS to be used by example apps
>>>> instead of using LDLIBS directly.
>>> If I understand well, the goal of this patch is only a cleanup in
>>> rte.app.mk, but at the end, it changes the makefile user "API",
>>> which could probably be a problem for applications using the
>>> dpdk makefile framework.
>>> Why not just having an temporary internal variable (let's say
>>> _LDLIBS-y) that would allow to do the clean-up without modifying
>>> the user interface?
>>> Also, with your patch, the approach for EXTRA_LDLIBS would be
>>> different than CFLAGS or LDFLAGS:
>>> - CFLAGS/LDFLAGS are in Makefiles only
>>> - EXTRA_CFLAGS/EXTRA_LDFLAGS are prefered in command line
>>>    to add flags to the default ones
>>> I'm not opposed to add EXTRA_LDLIBS in addition to LDLIBS,
>>> keeping a compatibility with existing application Makefiles.
>> The docs for DPDK 28.3.6 states they can be used for both command line
>> Makefile, so I think I like the current solution unless everyone wants
>> as you suggested.
> From the link you have sent:
>- About CFLAGS:
>"28.3.4. Variables that Can be Set/Overridden in a Makefile Only
>CFLAGS: Flags to use for C compilation. The user should use += to append
>data in this variable."
>nothing in 28.3.6
>nothing in 28.3.4
>"28.3.6. Variables that Can be Set/Overridden by the User in a Makefile
>or Command Line
>EXTRA_CFLAGS: The content of this variable is appended after CFLAGS when

The point was that EXTRA_XXX can be used for command line and Makefile as
it was pointed out in a previous email the assumption was EXTRA_XXX was
only for the command line. (Just to make sure we understood EXTRA_XXX was
not just for command line options.) This was the reason I sent the link an
to point out using EXTRA_XXX is a much cleaner method then allowing
someone to modify what I believe is an internal variable.
>It seems it's the description I have made above.
>Also, you don't answer to the Makefile API issue. From what I
>understand, your patch would break external Makefiles using
>LDLIBS just for doing an internal clean-up.

I believe using these variables CFLAGS, LDLIBS, ? Are really internal
variables and EXTRA_XXX should have been used instead. I would like to fix
that issue and I do not feel the impact is that big as it is a simple
search replace problem. But it looks like we want to keep the old way just
for a very minor change IMHO.

I will send out a new patch using _LDLIBS-y as the internal variable and
then set LDLIBS at the correct location towards the end of the file.

Does that work for you?

>>> What do you think?
>>> Regards,
>>> Olivier
>>>> Signed-off-by: Keith Wiles <keith.wiles at intel.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>    examples/dpdk_qat/Makefile         |   4 +-
>>>>    examples/vm_power_manager/Makefile |   2 +-
>>>>    mk/rte.app.mk                      | 254
>>>> ++++++++++---------------------------
>>>>    mk/rte.hostapp.mk                  |   4 +-
>>>>    mk/rte.shared.mk                   |  12 +-
>>>>    5 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 199 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/examples/dpdk_qat/Makefile b/examples/dpdk_qat/Makefile
>>>> index f1e06a1..90ca1d3 100644
>>>> --- a/examples/dpdk_qat/Makefile
>>>> +++ b/examples/dpdk_qat/Makefile
>>>> @@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ else
>>>>    ICP_LIBRARY_PATH = $(ICP_ROOT)/build/libicp_qa_al.a
>>>>    endif
>>>> -LDLIBS += -L$(ICP_ROOT)/build
>>>> +EXTRA_LDLIBS += -L$(ICP_ROOT)/build
>>>>                    -lz \
>>>>                    -losal \
>>>>                    -ladf_proxy \
>>>> diff --git a/examples/vm_power_manager/Makefile
>>>> b/examples/vm_power_manager/Makefile
>>>> index 113dbc4..8fb78d4 100644
>>>> --- a/examples/vm_power_manager/Makefile
>>>> +++ b/examples/vm_power_manager/Makefile
>>>> @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ SRCS-y += channel_monitor.c
>>>>    CFLAGS += -O3 -I$(RTE_SDK)/lib/librte_power/
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lvirt
>>>> +EXTRA_LDLIBS += -lvirt
>>>>    # workaround for a gcc bug with noreturn attribute
>>>>    # http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=12603
>>>> diff --git a/mk/rte.app.mk b/mk/rte.app.mk
>>>> index 62a76ae..c41de82 100644
>>>> --- a/mk/rte.app.mk
>>>> +++ b/mk/rte.app.mk
>>>> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>>>    #   BSD LICENSE
>>>>    #
>>>> -#   Copyright(c) 2010-2014 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
>>>> -#   Copyright(c) 2014 6WIND S.A.
>>>> +#   Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
>>>> +#   Copyright(c) 2015 6WIND S.A.
>>>>    #   All rights reserved.
>>>>    #
>>>>    #   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
>>>> @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ LDSCRIPT = $(RTE_LDSCRIPT)
>>>>    endif
>>>>    # default path for libs
>>>> -LDLIBS += -L$(RTE_SDK_BIN)/lib
>>>> +LDLIBS-y += -L$(RTE_SDK_BIN)/lib
>>>>    #
>>>>    # Include libraries depending on config if NO_AUTOLIBS is not set
>>>> @@ -59,215 +59,93 @@ LDLIBS += -L$(RTE_SDK_BIN)/lib
>>>>    #
>>>>    ifeq ($(NO_AUTOLIBS),)
>>>> -LDLIBS += --whole-archive
>>>> +LDLIBS-y += --whole-archive
>>>> -LDLIBS += -l$(RTE_LIBNAME)
>>>> -endif
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_distributor
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_reorder
>>>> -endif
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_DISTRIBUTOR)     += -lrte_distributor
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_REORDER)         += -lrte_reorder
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_KNI),y)
>>>>    ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_EXEC_ENV_LINUXAPP),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_kni
>>>> -endif
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_KNI)             += -lrte_kni
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_IVSHMEM)         += -lrte_ivshmem
>>>>    endif
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_ivshmem
>>>> -endif
>>>> -endif
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PIPELINE)        += -lrte_pipeline
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_TABLE)           += -lrte_table
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PORT)            += -lrte_port
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_TIMER)           += -lrte_timer
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_HASH)            += -lrte_hash
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_JOBSTATS)        += -lrte_jobstats
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_LPM)             += -lrte_lpm
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_POWER)           += -lrte_power
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_ACL)             += -lrte_acl
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_METER)           += -lrte_meter
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pipeline
>>>> -endif
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_SCHED)           += -lrte_sched
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_SCHED)           += -lm
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_SCHED)           += -lrt
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_TABLE),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_table
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PORT),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_port
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_TIMER),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_timer
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_HASH),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_hash
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_jobstats
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_LPM),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_lpm
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_POWER),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_power
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_ACL),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_acl
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_METER),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_meter
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_SCHED),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_sched
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lm
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrt
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_VHOST), y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_vhost
>>>> -endif
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_VHOST)           += -lrte_vhost
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lpcap
>>>> -endif
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP)        += -lpcap
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lfuse
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_VHOST)           += -lfuse
>>>>    endif
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MLX4_PMD),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -libverbs
>>>> -endif
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MLX4_PMD)        += -libverbs
>>>> -LDLIBS += --start-group
>>>> +LDLIBS-y += --start-group
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_KVARGS),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_kvargs
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MBUF),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_mbuf
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_IP_FRAG),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_ip_frag
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_ETHER),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lethdev
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MALLOC),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_malloc
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_mempool
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_RING),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_ring
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_EAL),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_eal
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_cmdline
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_cfgfile
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_BOND),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_bond
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_xenvirt
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lxenstore
>>>> -endif
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_KVARGS)          += -lrte_kvargs
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MBUF)            += -lrte_mbuf
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_IP_FRAG)         += -lrte_ip_frag
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_ETHER)           += -lethdev
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MALLOC)          += -lrte_malloc
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MEMPOOL)         += -lrte_mempool
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_RING)            += -lrte_ring
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_EAL)             += -lrte_eal
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_CMDLINE)         += -lrte_cmdline
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_CFGFILE)         += -lrte_cfgfile
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_BOND)        += -lrte_pmd_bond
>>>> +
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_XENVIRT)     += -lrte_pmd_xenvirt
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_XENVIRT)     += -lxenstore
>>>>    ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB),n)
>>>>    # plugins (link only if static libraries)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_vmxnet3_uio
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_virtio
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_ENIC_PMD),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_enic
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_i40e
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_FM10K_PMD),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_fm10k
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_ixgbe
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_E1000_PMD),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_e1000
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MLX4_PMD),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_mlx4
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_RING),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_ring
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_pcap
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_af_packet
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -ifeq ($(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_NULL),y)
>>>> -LDLIBS += -lrte_pmd_null
>>>> -endif
>>>> -
>>>> -endif # plugins
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_VMXNET3_PMD)     += -lrte_pmd_vmxnet3_uio
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_VIRTIO_PMD)      += -lrte_pmd_virtio
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_ENIC_PMD)        += -lrte_pmd_enic
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD)        += -lrte_pmd_i40e
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_FM10K_PMD)       += -lrte_pmd_fm10k
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_IXGBE_PMD)       += -lrte_pmd_ixgbe
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_E1000_PMD)       += -lrte_pmd_e1000
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_MLX4_PMD)        += -lrte_pmd_mlx4
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_RING)        += -lrte_pmd_ring
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_PCAP)        += -lrte_pmd_pcap
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_AF_PACKET)   += -lrte_pmd_af_packet
>>>> +LDLIBS-$(CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_NULL)        += -lrte_pmd_null
>>>> +
>>>> +endif # ! $(CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB)
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += --end-group
>>>> -
>>>> -LDLIBS += --no-whole-archive
>>>> +LDLIBS-y += --end-group
>>>> +LDLIBS-y += --no-whole-archive
>>>>    endif # ifeq ($(NO_AUTOLIBS),)
>>>>    .PHONY: all
>>>>    all: install
>>>> @@ -286,10 +164,10 @@ ifeq ($(LINK_USING_CC),1)
>>>>    override EXTRA_LDFLAGS := $(call linkerprefix,$(EXTRA_LDFLAGS))
>>>>    O_TO_EXE = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_$(@)) \
>>>>            -Wl,-Map=$(@).map,--cref -o $@ $(OBJS-y) $(call
>>>> linkerprefix,$(LDFLAGS)) \
>>>> -  $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) $(call linkerprefix,$(LDLIBS))
>>>> +  $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) $(call linkerprefix,$(LDLIBS-y))
>>>>    else
>>>>    O_TO_EXE = $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_$(@)) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) \
>>>> -  -Map=$(@).map --cref -o $@ $(OBJS-y) $(LDLIBS)
>>>> +  -Map=$(@).map --cref -o $@ $(OBJS-y) $(LDLIBS-y)
>>>>    endif
>>>>    O_TO_EXE_STR = $(subst ','\'',$(O_TO_EXE)) #'# fix syntax highlight
>>>>    O_TO_EXE_DISP = $(if $(V),"$(O_TO_EXE_STR)","  LD $(@)")
>>>> @@ -302,12 +180,12 @@ O_TO_EXE_DO = @set -e; \
>>>>    -include .$(APP).cmd
>>>>    # path where libraries are retrieved
>>>> -LDLIBS_PATH := $(subst -Wl$(comma)-L,,$(filter
>>>> -Wl$(comma)-L%,$(LDLIBS)))
>>>> -LDLIBS_PATH += $(subst -L,,$(filter -L%,$(LDLIBS)))
>>>> +LDLIBS_PATH := $(subst -Wl$(comma)-L,,$(filter
>>>> -Wl$(comma)-L%,$(LDLIBS-y)))
>>>> +LDLIBS_PATH += $(subst -L,,$(filter -L%,$(LDLIBS-y)))
>>>>    # list of .a files that are linked to this application
>>>> -LDLIBS_NAMES := $(patsubst -l%,lib%.a,$(filter -l%,$(LDLIBS)))
>>>> -LDLIBS_NAMES += $(patsubst -Wl$(comma)-l%,lib%.a,$(filter
>>>> -Wl$(comma)-l%,$(LDLIBS)))
>>>> +LDLIBS_NAMES := $(patsubst -l%,lib%.a,$(filter -l%,$(LDLIBS-y)))
>>>> +LDLIBS_NAMES += $(patsubst -Wl$(comma)-l%,lib%.a,$(filter
>>>> -Wl$(comma)-l%,$(LDLIBS-y)))
>>>>    # list of found libraries files (useful for deps). If not found,
>>>>    # library is silently ignored and dep won't be checked
>>>> diff --git a/mk/rte.hostapp.mk b/mk/rte.hostapp.mk
>>>> index c44d0f8..51e8c1d 100644
>>>> --- a/mk/rte.hostapp.mk
>>>> +++ b/mk/rte.hostapp.mk
>>>> @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ build: _postbuild
>>>>    exe2cmd = $(strip $(call dotfile,$(patsubst %,%.cmd,$(1))))
>>>>    O_TO_EXE = $(HOSTCC) $(HOST_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_$(@)) \
>>>> -  $(EXTRA_HOST_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS-y) $(LDLIBS)
>>>> +  $(EXTRA_HOST_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS-y) $(LDLIBS-y)
>>>>    O_TO_EXE_STR = $(subst ','\'',$(O_TO_EXE)) #'# fix syntax highlight
>>>>    O_TO_EXE_DISP = $(if $(V),"$(O_TO_EXE_STR)","  HOSTLD $(@)")
>>>>    O_TO_EXE_CMD = "cmd_$@ = $(O_TO_EXE_STR)"
>>>> @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ O_TO_EXE_DO = @set -e; \
>>>>    # list of .a files that are linked to this application
>>>>    LDLIBS_FILES := $(wildcard \
>>>>            $(addprefix $(RTE_OUTPUT)/lib/, \
>>>> -  $(patsubst -l%,lib%.a,$(filter -l%,$(LDLIBS)))))
>>>> +  $(patsubst -l%,lib%.a,$(filter -l%,$(LDLIBS-y)))))
>>>>    #
>>>>    # Compile executable file if needed
>>>> diff --git a/mk/rte.shared.mk b/mk/rte.shared.mk
>>>> index fc6b0b4..56f20bb 100644
>>>> --- a/mk/rte.shared.mk
>>>> +++ b/mk/rte.shared.mk
>>>> @@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ exe2cmd = $(strip $(call dotfile,$(patsubst
>>>> %,%.cmd,$(1))))
>>>>    ifeq ($(LINK_USING_CC),1)
>>>>    override EXTRA_LDFLAGS := $(call linkerprefix,$(EXTRA_LDFLAGS))
>>>>    O_TO_SO = $(CC) $(call linkerprefix,$(LDFLAGS)) $(LDFLAGS_$(@))
>>>> -  -shared -o $@ $(OBJS-y) $(call linkerprefix,$(LDLIBS))
>>>> +  -shared -o $@ $(OBJS-y) $(call linkerprefix,$(LDLIBS-y))
>>>>    else
>>>>    O_TO_SO = $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_$(@)) $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) \
>>>> -  -shared -o $@ $(OBJS-y) $(LDLIBS)
>>>> +  -shared -o $@ $(OBJS-y) $(LDLIBS-y)
>>>>    endif
>>>>    O_TO_SO_STR = $(subst ','\'',$(O_TO_SO)) #'# fix syntax highlight
>>>> @@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ O_TO_SO_DO = @set -e; \
>>>>    -include .$(SHARED).cmd
>>>>    # path where libraries are retrieved
>>>> -LDLIBS_PATH := $(subst -Wl$(comma)-L,,$(filter
>>>> -Wl$(comma)-L%,$(LDLIBS)))
>>>> -LDLIBS_PATH += $(subst -L,,$(filter -L%,$(LDLIBS)))
>>>> +LDLIBS_PATH := $(subst -Wl$(comma)-L,,$(filter
>>>> -Wl$(comma)-L%,$(LDLIBS-y)))
>>>> +LDLIBS_PATH += $(subst -L,,$(filter -L%,$(LDLIBS-y)))
>>>>    # list of .a files that are linked to this application
>>>> -LDLIBS_NAMES := $(patsubst -l%,lib%.a,$(filter -l%,$(LDLIBS)))
>>>> -LDLIBS_NAMES += $(patsubst -Wl$(comma)-l%,lib%.a,$(filter
>>>> -Wl$(comma)-l%,$(LDLIBS)))
>>>> +LDLIBS_NAMES := $(patsubst -l%,lib%.a,$(filter -l%,$(LDLIBS-y)))
>>>> +LDLIBS_NAMES += $(patsubst -Wl$(comma)-l%,lib%.a,$(filter
>>>> -Wl$(comma)-l%,$(LDLIBS-y)))
>>>>    # list of found libraries files (useful for deps). If not found,
>>>>    # library is silently ignored and dep won't be checked

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