Add below ops,

Signed-off-by: Wenzhuo Lu <>
Signed-off-by: Jia Guo <>
 doc/guides/nics/features/ice.ini |   2 +
 drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c     | 566 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 568 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/features/ice.ini b/doc/guides/nics/features/ice.ini
index c939b52..67fd044 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/features/ice.ini
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/features/ice.ini
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ RSS reta update      = Y
 VLAN filter          = Y
 VLAN offload         = Y
 QinQ offload         = Y
+Basic stats          = Y
+Extended stats       = Y
 FW version           = Y
 Module EEPROM dump   = Y
 BSD nic_uio          = Y
diff --git a/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c b/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
index b51f4d3..499d226 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ice/ice_ethdev.c
@@ -59,6 +59,14 @@ static int ice_vlan_pvid_set(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
 static int ice_get_eeprom_length(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
 static int ice_get_eeprom(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                          struct rte_dev_eeprom_info *eeprom);
+static int ice_stats_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                        struct rte_eth_stats *stats);
+static void ice_stats_reset(struct rte_eth_dev *dev);
+static int ice_xstats_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                         struct rte_eth_xstat *xstats, unsigned int n);
+static int ice_xstats_get_names(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                               struct rte_eth_xstat_name *xstats_names,
+                               unsigned int limit);
 static const struct rte_pci_id pci_id_ice_map[] = {
@@ -101,8 +109,92 @@ static int ice_get_eeprom(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
        .vlan_pvid_set                = ice_vlan_pvid_set,
        .get_eeprom_length            = ice_get_eeprom_length,
        .get_eeprom                   = ice_get_eeprom,
+       .stats_get                    = ice_stats_get,
+       .stats_reset                  = ice_stats_reset,
+       .xstats_get                   = ice_xstats_get,
+       .xstats_get_names             = ice_xstats_get_names,
+       .xstats_reset                 = ice_stats_reset,
+/* store statistics names and its offset in stats structure */
+struct ice_xstats_name_off {
+       char name[RTE_ETH_XSTATS_NAME_SIZE];
+       unsigned int offset;
+static const struct ice_xstats_name_off ice_stats_strings[] = {
+       {"rx_unicast_packets", offsetof(struct ice_eth_stats, rx_unicast)},
+       {"rx_multicast_packets", offsetof(struct ice_eth_stats, rx_multicast)},
+       {"rx_broadcast_packets", offsetof(struct ice_eth_stats, rx_broadcast)},
+       {"rx_dropped", offsetof(struct ice_eth_stats, rx_discards)},
+       {"rx_unknown_protocol_packets", offsetof(struct ice_eth_stats,
+               rx_unknown_protocol)},
+       {"tx_unicast_packets", offsetof(struct ice_eth_stats, tx_unicast)},
+       {"tx_multicast_packets", offsetof(struct ice_eth_stats, tx_multicast)},
+       {"tx_broadcast_packets", offsetof(struct ice_eth_stats, tx_broadcast)},
+       {"tx_dropped", offsetof(struct ice_eth_stats, tx_discards)},
+#define ICE_NB_ETH_XSTATS (sizeof(ice_stats_strings) / \
+               sizeof(ice_stats_strings[0]))
+static const struct ice_xstats_name_off ice_hw_port_strings[] = {
+       {"tx_link_down_dropped", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               tx_dropped_link_down)},
+       {"rx_crc_errors", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats, crc_errors)},
+       {"rx_illegal_byte_errors", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               illegal_bytes)},
+       {"rx_error_bytes", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats, error_bytes)},
+       {"mac_local_errors", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               mac_local_faults)},
+       {"mac_remote_errors", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               mac_remote_faults)},
+       {"rx_len_errors", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               rx_len_errors)},
+       {"tx_xon_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats, link_xon_tx)},
+       {"rx_xon_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats, link_xon_rx)},
+       {"tx_xoff_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats, link_xoff_tx)},
+       {"rx_xoff_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats, link_xoff_rx)},
+       {"rx_size_64_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats, rx_size_64)},
+       {"rx_size_65_to_127_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               rx_size_127)},
+       {"rx_size_128_to_255_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               rx_size_255)},
+       {"rx_size_256_to_511_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               rx_size_511)},
+       {"rx_size_512_to_1023_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               rx_size_1023)},
+       {"rx_size_1024_to_1522_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               rx_size_1522)},
+       {"rx_size_1523_to_max_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               rx_size_big)},
+       {"rx_undersized_errors", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               rx_undersize)},
+       {"rx_oversize_errors", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               rx_oversize)},
+       {"rx_mac_short_pkt_dropped", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               mac_short_pkt_dropped)},
+       {"rx_fragmented_errors", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               rx_fragments)},
+       {"rx_jabber_errors", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats, rx_jabber)},
+       {"tx_size_64_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats, tx_size_64)},
+       {"tx_size_65_to_127_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               tx_size_127)},
+       {"tx_size_128_to_255_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               tx_size_255)},
+       {"tx_size_256_to_511_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               tx_size_511)},
+       {"tx_size_512_to_1023_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               tx_size_1023)},
+       {"tx_size_1024_to_1522_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               tx_size_1522)},
+       {"tx_size_1523_to_max_packets", offsetof(struct ice_hw_port_stats,
+               tx_size_big)},
+#define ICE_NB_HW_PORT_XSTATS (sizeof(ice_hw_port_strings) / \
+               sizeof(ice_hw_port_strings[0]))
 static void
 ice_init_controlq_parameter(struct ice_hw *hw)
@@ -2625,6 +2717,480 @@ static int ice_rx_queue_intr_disable(struct rte_eth_dev 
        return 0;
+static void
+ice_stat_update_32(struct ice_hw *hw,
+                  uint32_t reg,
+                  bool offset_loaded,
+                  uint64_t *offset,
+                  uint64_t *stat)
+       uint64_t new_data;
+       new_data = (uint64_t)ICE_READ_REG(hw, reg);
+       if (!offset_loaded)
+               *offset = new_data;
+       if (new_data >= *offset)
+               *stat = (uint64_t)(new_data - *offset);
+       else
+               *stat = (uint64_t)((new_data +
+                                   ((uint64_t)1 << ICE_32_BIT_WIDTH))
+                                  - *offset);
+static void
+ice_stat_update_40(struct ice_hw *hw,
+                  uint32_t hireg,
+                  uint32_t loreg,
+                  bool offset_loaded,
+                  uint64_t *offset,
+                  uint64_t *stat)
+       uint64_t new_data;
+       new_data = (uint64_t)ICE_READ_REG(hw, loreg);
+       new_data |= (uint64_t)(ICE_READ_REG(hw, hireg) & ICE_8_BIT_MASK) <<
+                   ICE_32_BIT_WIDTH;
+       if (!offset_loaded)
+               *offset = new_data;
+       if (new_data >= *offset)
+               *stat = new_data - *offset;
+       else
+               *stat = (uint64_t)((new_data +
+                                   ((uint64_t)1 << ICE_40_BIT_WIDTH)) -
+                                  *offset);
+       *stat &= ICE_40_BIT_MASK;
+/* Get all the statistics of a VSI */
+static void
+ice_update_vsi_stats(struct ice_vsi *vsi)
+       struct ice_eth_stats *oes = &vsi->eth_stats_offset;
+       struct ice_eth_stats *nes = &vsi->eth_stats;
+       struct ice_hw *hw = ICE_VSI_TO_HW(vsi);
+       int idx = rte_le_to_cpu_16(vsi->vsi_id);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLV_GORCH(idx), GLV_GORCL(idx),
+                          vsi->offset_loaded, &oes->rx_bytes,
+                          &nes->rx_bytes);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLV_UPRCH(idx), GLV_UPRCL(idx),
+                          vsi->offset_loaded, &oes->rx_unicast,
+                          &nes->rx_unicast);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLV_MPRCH(idx), GLV_MPRCL(idx),
+                          vsi->offset_loaded, &oes->rx_multicast,
+                          &nes->rx_multicast);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLV_BPRCH(idx), GLV_BPRCL(idx),
+                          vsi->offset_loaded, &oes->rx_broadcast,
+                          &nes->rx_broadcast);
+       /* exclude CRC bytes */
+       nes->rx_bytes -= (nes->rx_unicast + nes->rx_multicast +
+                         nes->rx_broadcast) * ETHER_CRC_LEN;
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLV_RDPC(idx), vsi->offset_loaded,
+                          &oes->rx_discards, &nes->rx_discards);
+       /* GLV_REPC not supported */
+       /* GLV_RMPC not supported */
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLSWID_RUPP(idx), vsi->offset_loaded,
+                          &oes->rx_unknown_protocol,
+                          &nes->rx_unknown_protocol);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLV_GOTCH(idx), GLV_GOTCL(idx),
+                          vsi->offset_loaded, &oes->tx_bytes,
+                          &nes->tx_bytes);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLV_UPTCH(idx), GLV_UPTCL(idx),
+                          vsi->offset_loaded, &oes->tx_unicast,
+                          &nes->tx_unicast);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLV_MPTCH(idx), GLV_MPTCL(idx),
+                          vsi->offset_loaded, &oes->tx_multicast,
+                          &nes->tx_multicast);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLV_BPTCH(idx), GLV_BPTCL(idx),
+                          vsi->offset_loaded,  &oes->tx_broadcast,
+                          &nes->tx_broadcast);
+       /* GLV_TDPC not supported */
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLV_TEPC(idx), vsi->offset_loaded,
+                          &oes->tx_errors, &nes->tx_errors);
+       vsi->offset_loaded = true;
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "************** VSI[%u] stats start **************",
+                   vsi->vsi_id);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_bytes:            %"PRIu64"", nes->rx_bytes);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_unicast:          %"PRIu64"", nes->rx_unicast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_multicast:        %"PRIu64"", nes->rx_multicast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_broadcast:        %"PRIu64"", nes->rx_broadcast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_discards:         %"PRIu64"", nes->rx_discards);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_unknown_protocol: %"PRIu64"",
+                   nes->rx_unknown_protocol);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_bytes:            %"PRIu64"", nes->tx_bytes);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_unicast:          %"PRIu64"", nes->tx_unicast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_multicast:        %"PRIu64"", nes->tx_multicast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_broadcast:        %"PRIu64"", nes->tx_broadcast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_discards:         %"PRIu64"", nes->tx_discards);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_errors:           %"PRIu64"", nes->tx_errors);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "************** VSI[%u] stats end ****************",
+                   vsi->vsi_id);
+static void
+ice_read_stats_registers(struct ice_pf *pf, struct ice_hw *hw)
+       struct ice_hw_port_stats *ns = &pf->stats; /* new stats */
+       struct ice_hw_port_stats *os = &pf->stats_offset; /* old stats */
+       /* Get statistics of struct ice_eth_stats */
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_GORCH(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_GORCL(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->eth.rx_bytes,
+                          &ns->eth.rx_bytes);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_UPRCH(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_UPRCL(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->eth.rx_unicast,
+                          &ns->eth.rx_unicast);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_MPRCH(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_MPRCL(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->eth.rx_multicast,
+                          &ns->eth.rx_multicast);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_BPRCH(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_BPRCL(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->eth.rx_broadcast,
+                          &ns->eth.rx_broadcast);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, PRTRPB_RDPC,
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->eth.rx_discards,
+                          &ns->eth.rx_discards);
+       /* Workaround: CRC size should not be included in byte statistics,
+        * so subtract ETHER_CRC_LEN from the byte counter for each rx packet.
+        */
+       ns->eth.rx_bytes -= (ns->eth.rx_unicast + ns->eth.rx_multicast +
+                            ns->eth.rx_broadcast) * ETHER_CRC_LEN;
+       /* GLPRT_REPC not supported */
+       /* GLPRT_RMPC not supported */
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLSWID_RUPP(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded,
+                          &os->eth.rx_unknown_protocol,
+                          &ns->eth.rx_unknown_protocol);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_GOTCH(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_GOTCL(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->eth.tx_bytes,
+                          &ns->eth.tx_bytes);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_UPTCH(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_UPTCL(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->eth.tx_unicast,
+                          &ns->eth.tx_unicast);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_MPTCH(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_MPTCL(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->eth.tx_multicast,
+                          &ns->eth.tx_multicast);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_BPTCH(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_BPTCL(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->eth.tx_broadcast,
+                          &ns->eth.tx_broadcast);
+       ns->eth.tx_bytes -= (ns->eth.tx_unicast + ns->eth.tx_multicast +
+                            ns->eth.tx_broadcast) * ETHER_CRC_LEN;
+       /* GLPRT_TEPC not supported */
+       /* additional port specific stats */
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_TDOLD(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->tx_dropped_link_down,
+                          &ns->tx_dropped_link_down);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_CRCERRS(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->crc_errors,
+                          &ns->crc_errors);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_ILLERRC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->illegal_bytes,
+                          &ns->illegal_bytes);
+       /* GLPRT_ERRBC not supported */
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_MLFC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->mac_local_faults,
+                          &ns->mac_local_faults);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_MRFC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->mac_remote_faults,
+                          &ns->mac_remote_faults);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_RLEC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_len_errors,
+                          &ns->rx_len_errors);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_LXONRXC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->link_xon_rx,
+                          &ns->link_xon_rx);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_LXOFFRXC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->link_xoff_rx,
+                          &ns->link_xoff_rx);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_LXONTXC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->link_xon_tx,
+                          &ns->link_xon_tx);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_LXOFFTXC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->link_xoff_tx,
+                          &ns->link_xoff_tx);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PRC64H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PRC64L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_size_64,
+                          &ns->rx_size_64);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PRC127H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PRC127L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_size_127,
+                          &ns->rx_size_127);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PRC255H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PRC255L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_size_255,
+                          &ns->rx_size_255);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PRC511H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PRC511L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_size_511,
+                          &ns->rx_size_511);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PRC1023H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PRC1023L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_size_1023,
+                          &ns->rx_size_1023);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PRC1522H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PRC1522L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_size_1522,
+                          &ns->rx_size_1522);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PRC9522H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PRC9522L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_size_big,
+                          &ns->rx_size_big);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_RUC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_undersize,
+                          &ns->rx_undersize);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_RFC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_fragments,
+                          &ns->rx_fragments);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_ROC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_oversize,
+                          &ns->rx_oversize);
+       ice_stat_update_32(hw, GLPRT_RJC(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->rx_jabber,
+                          &ns->rx_jabber);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PTC64H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PTC64L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->tx_size_64,
+                          &ns->tx_size_64);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PTC127H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PTC127L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->tx_size_127,
+                          &ns->tx_size_127);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PTC255H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PTC255L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->tx_size_255,
+                          &ns->tx_size_255);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PTC511H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PTC511L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->tx_size_511,
+                          &ns->tx_size_511);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PTC1023H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PTC1023L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->tx_size_1023,
+                          &ns->tx_size_1023);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PTC1522H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PTC1522L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->tx_size_1522,
+                          &ns->tx_size_1522);
+       ice_stat_update_40(hw, GLPRT_PTC9522H(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          GLPRT_PTC9522L(hw->port_info->lport),
+                          pf->offset_loaded, &os->tx_size_big,
+                          &ns->tx_size_big);
+       /* GLPRT_MSPDC not supported */
+       /* GLPRT_XEC not supported */
+       pf->offset_loaded = true;
+       if (pf->main_vsi)
+               ice_update_vsi_stats(pf->main_vsi);
+/* Get all statistics of a port */
+static int
+ice_stats_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct rte_eth_stats *stats)
+       struct ice_pf *pf = ICE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_PF(dev->data->dev_private);
+       struct ice_hw *hw = ICE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
+       struct ice_hw_port_stats *ns = &pf->stats; /* new stats */
+       /* call read registers - updates values, now write them to struct */
+       ice_read_stats_registers(pf, hw);
+       stats->ipackets = ns->eth.rx_unicast +
+                         ns->eth.rx_multicast +
+                         ns->eth.rx_broadcast -
+                         ns->eth.rx_discards -
+                         pf->main_vsi->eth_stats.rx_discards;
+       stats->opackets = ns->eth.tx_unicast +
+                         ns->eth.tx_multicast +
+                         ns->eth.tx_broadcast;
+       stats->ibytes   = ns->eth.rx_bytes;
+       stats->obytes   = ns->eth.tx_bytes;
+       stats->oerrors  = ns->eth.tx_errors +
+                         pf->main_vsi->eth_stats.tx_errors;
+       /* Rx Errors */
+       stats->imissed  = ns->eth.rx_discards +
+                         pf->main_vsi->eth_stats.rx_discards;
+       stats->ierrors  = ns->crc_errors +
+                         ns->rx_undersize +
+                         ns->rx_oversize + ns->rx_fragments + ns->rx_jabber;
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "*************** PF stats start *****************");
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_bytes:   %"PRIu64"", ns->eth.rx_bytes);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_unicast: %"PRIu64"", ns->eth.rx_unicast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_multicast:%"PRIu64"", ns->eth.rx_multicast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_broadcast:%"PRIu64"", ns->eth.rx_broadcast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_discards:%"PRIu64"", ns->eth.rx_discards);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "vsi rx_discards:%"PRIu64"",
+                   pf->main_vsi->eth_stats.rx_discards);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_unknown_protocol:  %"PRIu64"",
+                   ns->eth.rx_unknown_protocol);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_bytes:   %"PRIu64"", ns->eth.tx_bytes);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_unicast: %"PRIu64"", ns->eth.tx_unicast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_multicast:%"PRIu64"", ns->eth.tx_multicast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_broadcast:%"PRIu64"", ns->eth.tx_broadcast);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_discards:%"PRIu64"", ns->eth.tx_discards);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "vsi tx_discards:%"PRIu64"",
+                   pf->main_vsi->eth_stats.tx_discards);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_errors:          %"PRIu64"", ns->eth.tx_errors);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_dropped_link_down:       %"PRIu64"",
+                   ns->tx_dropped_link_down);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "crc_errors: %"PRIu64"", ns->crc_errors);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "illegal_bytes:      %"PRIu64"",
+                   ns->illegal_bytes);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "error_bytes:        %"PRIu64"", ns->error_bytes);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "mac_local_faults:   %"PRIu64"",
+                   ns->mac_local_faults);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "mac_remote_faults:  %"PRIu64"",
+                   ns->mac_remote_faults);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "link_xon_rx:        %"PRIu64"", ns->link_xon_rx);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "link_xoff_rx:       %"PRIu64"", ns->link_xoff_rx);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "link_xon_tx:        %"PRIu64"", ns->link_xon_tx);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "link_xoff_tx:       %"PRIu64"", ns->link_xoff_tx);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_size_64:         %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_size_64);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_size_127:        %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_size_127);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_size_255:        %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_size_255);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_size_511:        %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_size_511);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_size_1023:       %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_size_1023);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_size_1522:       %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_size_1522);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_size_big:        %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_size_big);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_undersize:       %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_undersize);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_fragments:       %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_fragments);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_oversize:        %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_oversize);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_jabber:          %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_jabber);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_size_64:         %"PRIu64"", ns->tx_size_64);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_size_127:        %"PRIu64"", ns->tx_size_127);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_size_255:        %"PRIu64"", ns->tx_size_255);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_size_511:        %"PRIu64"", ns->tx_size_511);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_size_1023:       %"PRIu64"", ns->tx_size_1023);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_size_1522:       %"PRIu64"", ns->tx_size_1522);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "tx_size_big:        %"PRIu64"", ns->tx_size_big);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "rx_len_errors:      %"PRIu64"", ns->rx_len_errors);
+       PMD_DRV_LOG(DEBUG, "************* PF stats end ****************");
+       return 0;
+/* Reset the statistics */
+static void
+ice_stats_reset(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
+       struct ice_pf *pf = ICE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_PF(dev->data->dev_private);
+       struct ice_hw *hw = ICE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
+       /* Mark PF and VSI stats to update the offset, aka "reset" */
+       pf->offset_loaded = false;
+       if (pf->main_vsi)
+               pf->main_vsi->offset_loaded = false;
+       /* read the stats, reading current register values into offset */
+       ice_read_stats_registers(pf, hw);
+static uint32_t
+       uint32_t num;
+       return num;
+static int
+ice_xstats_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct rte_eth_xstat *xstats,
+              unsigned int n)
+       struct ice_pf *pf = ICE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_PF(dev->data->dev_private);
+       struct ice_hw *hw = ICE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(dev->data->dev_private);
+       unsigned int i;
+       unsigned int count;
+       struct ice_hw_port_stats *hw_stats = &pf->stats;
+       count = ice_xstats_calc_num();
+       if (n < count)
+               return count;
+       ice_read_stats_registers(pf, hw);
+       if (!xstats)
+               return 0;
+       count = 0;
+       /* Get stats from ice_eth_stats struct */
+       for (i = 0; i < ICE_NB_ETH_XSTATS; i++) {
+               xstats[count].value =
+                       *(uint64_t *)((char *)&hw_stats->eth +
+                                     ice_stats_strings[i].offset);
+               xstats[count].id = count;
+               count++;
+       }
+       /* Get individiual stats from ice_hw_port struct */
+       for (i = 0; i < ICE_NB_HW_PORT_XSTATS; i++) {
+               xstats[count].value =
+                       *(uint64_t *)((char *)hw_stats +
+                                     ice_hw_port_strings[i].offset);
+               xstats[count].id = count;
+               count++;
+       }
+       return count;
+static int ice_xstats_get_names(__rte_unused struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                               struct rte_eth_xstat_name *xstats_names,
+                               __rte_unused unsigned int limit)
+       unsigned int count = 0;
+       unsigned int i;
+       if (!xstats_names)
+               return ice_xstats_calc_num();
+       /* Note: limit checked in rte_eth_xstats_names() */
+       /* Get stats from ice_eth_stats struct */
+       for (i = 0; i < ICE_NB_ETH_XSTATS; i++) {
+               snprintf(xstats_names[count].name,
+                        sizeof(xstats_names[count].name),
+                        "%s", ice_stats_strings[i].name);
+               count++;
+       }
+       /* Get individiual stats from ice_hw_port struct */
+       for (i = 0; i < ICE_NB_HW_PORT_XSTATS; i++) {
+               snprintf(xstats_names[count].name,
+                        sizeof(xstats_names[count].name),
+                        "%s", ice_hw_port_strings[i].name);
+               count++;
+       }
+       return count;
 static int
 ice_pci_probe(struct rte_pci_driver *pci_drv __rte_unused,
              struct rte_pci_device *pci_dev)

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