?CC-ing maintainers.

De : Georgios Katsikas <katsikas...@gmail.com>
Envoyé : mardi 4 décembre 2018 11:41
À : dev@dpdk.org
Cc : Tom Barbette
Objet : Flow Director vs. 5-tuple filters on a 10GbE Intel 82599 ES NIC

Dear all,

I am performing rule installation/deletion benchmarks on a dual port 10 GbE 
Intel 82599 ES NIC using DPDK 18.11.
The benchmark installs increasing number of rules (5 to 8000), measures the 
rule installation rate and latency and then deletes the rules (measuring again 
the rule deletion rate/latency).
The rule sets comprise of rules with exact matches (no masks involved) as 

Simple rule
flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 dst is / end actions 
queue index 0 / end

More complicated rule
flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 dst is src is proto is 17 / udp dst is 26561 src is 7242 / end actions queue 
index 0 / end

No matter how simple or complicated the rules are, I am not able to install 
more than 128 rules on this NIC.

Here comes my question

According to the 
 this NIC can accommodate up to 128 5-tuple filters, which very well agrees 
with my observation above.
However, the same document states that this NIC can also accommodate up to 8000 
Flow Director filters.
What is the practical difference between a 5-tuple and a Flow Director rule in 
this case? How can I exploit these 8k filters using DPDK 18.11?

Thanks in advance,

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