Technical Board meeting Minute for 2018-09-12 ---------------------------------------------
1. New Technical Board Member * Maxime Coquelin has been offered a place on the technical board and has accepted the role. * Thomas to add Maxime to the techboard mailing list and website list 2. Minimum Kernel version for DPDK * Current policy that we should support the "oldest long term stable kernel available" was felt to be generally acceptable * However, it was also the consensus that DPDK should support kernel versions in current versions of enterprise Linux distros (e.g. Redhat, SuSE, Ubuntu), even if they are older. 3. Security Process - review discussions @ Dublin Summit * Mailing list will be created "", going to main tree committers * Need to create support in Bugzilla for tracking security issues in a secure manner. * Full security process to be created/written based on what LF and currently have. Maxime to lead the effort with help from others. 4. IPSec * Consensus on hosting this as part of the main DPDK project. * Interested participants [Konstantin, Hemant, Jerin], to discuss specifics of interaction with security library etc. on mailing list. 5. Updated website * General discussion of website, concern about hardware list and it being out of date. * Ask for maintainers to send regular updates to the website when needed.