On 11/20/2018 10:26 AM, Tiago Lam wrote:
> Use the underlying MTU to calculate the framsize to be used for the mmap
> RINGs. This is to make it more flexible on deployments with different
> MTU requirements, instead of using a pre-defined value of 2048B.

This behavior change should be documented in af_packet documentation which is
missing unfortunately.
Would you able to introduce the initial/basic af_packet doc to at least to
document device argument? If not please let me know, I can work on it.

> If a 'framsz' option is provided, that value is used instead and the MTU
> of the underlying interface is ignored.
> Signed-off-by: Tiago Lam <tiago....@intel.com>
> ---
> v2: Fix checkpatches.sh and check-git-log.sh warnings.


> @@ -877,17 +877,40 @@ rte_eth_from_packet(struct rte_vdev_device *dev,
>       }
>       ifnamelen = strlen(ifname);
> -     if (ifnamelen >= sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)) {
> +     if (ifnamelen < sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)) {
> +             memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, ifnamelen);
> +             ifr.ifr_name[ifnamelen] = '\0';

This can be replaces with strlcpy().

> +     } else {
>               RTE_LOG(ERR, PMD,
>                       "%s: I/F name too long (%s)\n",
>                       name, ifname);
>               return -1;
>       }
> +     /*
> +      * Base framesize on the MTU of the underlying interface, if no
> +      * 'framesz' option is given
> +      */
> +     if (!framesize) {
> +             if (ioctl(*sockfd, SIOCGIFMTU, &ifr) == -1) {
> +                     RTE_LOG(ERR, PMD,
> +                             "%s: ioctl failed (SIOCGIFMTU)",
> +                             name);
> +                     framesize = DFLT_FRAME_SIZE;

It may be good to add a log to say default frame size will be used, and perhaps
print out the default value.

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