On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 07:02:37PM +0000, Lam, Tiago wrote:
> Hi guys,
> OvS-DPDK has recently had small a change that changed the data room
> available in an mbuf (commit dfaf00e in OvS). This seems to have had the
> consequence of breaking the initialisation of eth_af_packets interfaces,
> when using default values ("options:dpdk-
> devargs=eth_af_packet0,iface=enp61s0f3").
> After investigating, what seems to be happening is that the
> eth_af_packet dev expects an available space of "2048B - TPACKET2_HDRLEN
> + sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll) = 2016B" to be available in the data room
> of each mbuf.  Previous to the above commit, OvS would allocate some
> extra space, and this would mean there would be enough room for the
> checks performed in eth_rx_queue_setup() and eth_dev_mtu_set() in
> rte_eth_af_packet.c. However, with the recent commit that isn't the case
> anymore, and without that extra space the first check in
> eth_rx_queue_setup() will now be hit and setup of a eth_af_packet
> interface fails.
> What I'm trying to understand here is, the logic behind setting a
> default 'framesz' of 2048B and it being hardcoded (instead of being
> based on the underlying MTU of the interface, or the mbuf data room
> directly). The documentation in [1] for mmap() and setting up buffer
> rings mentions the exact same values
> (tp_block_size=4096,tp_frame_size=2048), which seem to have been
> introduced on the first commit, back in 2014. The only constraint
> for the framesize, it seems, its that it fits inside the blocksize (i.e.
> doesn't span multiple blocksizes), and is aligned to TPACKET_ALIGNMENT.

While I can't comment on the af_packet driver, the reason why in DPDK you
need to set your packet buffer size to 2k + headroom, is because the
buffers sizes specified to individual NICs can sometimes only be specified
in a course-grained manner. For example, if you check
for the SRRCTL register, you will see that the buffer size can only be
specified in units of 1k. Therefore, when you give the driver a buffer of
exactly 2k, and the driver subtracts the headroom space, the actual space
writeable by the NIC is below 2k - meaning that the NIC gets told it only
has a 1k buffer. This then would lead to 1500-byte packets getting split
unnecessarily into two buffers.

So the upshot is that any DPDK application needs to allocate buffers of
size 2k + HEADROOM + sizeof(struct rte_mbuf). Using buffers of only 2k will
not work as expected for some NICs. If OVS is now using 2k buffers, rather
than 2k + 256bytes, it will have problems, I think, and should be changed
back to using the slightly larger buffer size.


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