On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 07:02:37PM +0000, Lam, Tiago wrote: > Hi guys, > > OvS-DPDK has recently had small a change that changed the data room > available in an mbuf (commit dfaf00e in OvS). This seems to have had the > consequence of breaking the initialisation of eth_af_packets interfaces, > when using default values ("options:dpdk- > devargs=eth_af_packet0,iface=enp61s0f3"). > > After investigating, what seems to be happening is that the > eth_af_packet dev expects an available space of "2048B - TPACKET2_HDRLEN > + sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll) = 2016B" to be available in the data room > of each mbuf. Previous to the above commit, OvS would allocate some > extra space, and this would mean there would be enough room for the > checks performed in eth_rx_queue_setup() and eth_dev_mtu_set() in > rte_eth_af_packet.c. However, with the recent commit that isn't the case > anymore, and without that extra space the first check in > eth_rx_queue_setup() will now be hit and setup of a eth_af_packet > interface fails. > > What I'm trying to understand here is, the logic behind setting a > default 'framesz' of 2048B and it being hardcoded (instead of being > based on the underlying MTU of the interface, or the mbuf data room > directly). The documentation in [1] for mmap() and setting up buffer > rings mentions the exact same values > (tp_block_size=4096,tp_frame_size=2048), which seem to have been > introduced on the first commit, back in 2014. The only constraint > for the framesize, it seems, its that it fits inside the blocksize (i.e. > doesn't span multiple blocksizes), and is aligned to TPACKET_ALIGNMENT. >
While I can't comment on the af_packet driver, the reason why in DPDK you need to set your packet buffer size to 2k + headroom, is because the buffers sizes specified to individual NICs can sometimes only be specified in a course-grained manner. For example, if you check https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/datasheets/82599-10-gbe-controller-datasheet.pdf for the SRRCTL register, you will see that the buffer size can only be specified in units of 1k. Therefore, when you give the driver a buffer of exactly 2k, and the driver subtracts the headroom space, the actual space writeable by the NIC is below 2k - meaning that the NIC gets told it only has a 1k buffer. This then would lead to 1500-byte packets getting split unnecessarily into two buffers. So the upshot is that any DPDK application needs to allocate buffers of size 2k + HEADROOM + sizeof(struct rte_mbuf). Using buffers of only 2k will not work as expected for some NICs. If OVS is now using 2k buffers, rather than 2k + 256bytes, it will have problems, I think, and should be changed back to using the slightly larger buffer size. Regards, /Bruce