rte_vhost_dequeue_burst and rte_vhost_enqueue_burst is the same

Sam <batmanu...@gmail.com> 于2018年11月15日周四 上午10:07写道:

> So, to be brief, rte_eth_rx_burst and rte_eth_tx_burst, just send mbuf,
> will not do anything.
> Is that right?
> Wiles, Keith <keith.wi...@intel.com> 于2018年11月15日周四 上午12:19写道:
>> > On Nov 14, 2018, at 4:51 AM, Morten Brørup <m...@smartsharesystems.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Anatoly,
>> >
>> > This differs from the Linux kernel's behavior, where padding belongs in
>> the NIC driver layer, not in the protocol layer. If you pass a runt frame
>> (too short packet) to a Linux NIC driver's transmission function, the NIC
>> driver (or NIC hardware) will pad the frame to make it valid. E.g. look at
>> the rhine_start_tx() function in the kernel:
>> https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v4.9.137/source/drivers/net/ethernet/via/via-rhine.c#L1800
>> The PMD in DPDK rejects the frame or extend the number of bytes to send.
>> Padding assumes you are zeroing out the packet to meet the NIC required
>> length. In PMDs unless they are concerned with security they just make sure
>> the number of bytes to be sent are correct for the hardware (60 bytes min).
>> Most NICs can do this padding in hardware as the packet is sent.
>> If we are talking about virtio and only talking to virtio software
>> backend then you can send any size packet, but the stacks or code receiving
>> the packet you need to make sure it does not throw the packet away because
>> it is a runt packet. Most NICs throw away Runts and are never received to
>> memory. In software based design like virtio you can do whatever you want
>> in the length, but I would suggest following the Ethernet standard anyway.
>> Now some stacks or code (like Pktgen) assume the hardware will append the
>> CRC (4 bytes) and this means the application needs to at least do 60 byte
>> frames for the PMD, unless you know the hardware will do the right thing.
>> The challenge is that applications in DPDK do not know the details of the
>> NIC at that level and should always assume the packet being sent and
>> received are valid Ethernet frames. This means at lease 60 bytes as all
>> NICs add the CRC now a days and not all of them adjust the size of the
>> frame.
>> If you do not send the PMD a 60 byte frame then you are expecting the NIC
>> to handle the padding and appending the CRC or at least expecting the PMD
>> to adjust the size, which I know is not in all PMDs or from my dealing with
>> writing Pktgen for DPDK.
>> If you are expecting DPDK PMDs to be Linux drivers then you need to
>> adjust your thinking and only send the PMD 60 bytes at least. Unless you
>> want to modify all of the PMDs to force the size to 60bytes, then I have no
>> objection to that patch just need to get all of the PMDs maintainers to
>> agree with your patch.
>> On RX frames of less then 64 bytes (with CRC) are runts and most NICs
>> today will not receive these frames unless you program the hardware to do
>> so. ‘In my day’ :-) we had collision on the wire which created a huge
>> amount of fragments or Runts, today is not the case with point-to-point
>> links we have today.
>> >
>> > If DPDK does not pad short frames passed to the egress function of the
>> NIC drivers, it should be noted in the documentation - this is not the
>> expected behavior by protocol developers.
>> >
>> > Or even better: The NIC hardware (or driver) should ensure padding,
>> possibly considering it a TX Offload feature. Generating packets shorter
>> than 60 bytes data is common - just consider the amount of TCP ACK packets,
>> which are typically only 14 + 20 + 20 = 54 bytes (incl. the 14 byte
>> Ethernet header).
>> >
>> >
>> > Med venlig hilsen / kind regards
>> > - Morten Brørup
>> >
>> >> -----Original Message-----
>> >> From: dev [mailto:dev-boun...@dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Burakov, Anatoly
>> >> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 11:18 AM
>> >> To: Sam
>> >> Cc: dev@dpdk.org
>> >> Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] Where is the padding code in DPDK?
>> >>
>> >> On 14-Nov-18 5:45 AM, Sam wrote:
>> >>> OK, then shortly speaking, DPDK will NOT care about padding.
>> >>> NIC will care about padding while send and recv with NIC.
>> >>> kernel will care about while send and recv with vhostuser port.
>> >>>
>> >>> Is that right?
>> >>
>> >> I cannot speak for virtio/vhost user since i am not terribly familiar
>> >> with them. For regular packets, generally speaking, packets shorter
>> >> than
>> >> 60 bytes are invalid. Whether DPDK does or does not care about padding
>> >> is irrelevant, because *you* are attempting to transmit packets that
>> >> are
>> >> not valid. You shouldn't rely on this behavior.
>> >>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Burakov, Anatoly <anatoly.bura...@intel.com
>> >>> <mailto:anatoly.bura...@intel.com>> 于2018年11月13日周二 下午5:29写道:
>> >>>
>> >>>    On 13-Nov-18 7:16 AM, Sam wrote:
>> >>>> Hi all,
>> >>>>
>> >>>> As we know, ethernet frame must longer then 64B.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> So if I create rte_mbuf and fill it with just 60B data, will
>> >>>> rte_eth_tx_burst add padding data, let the frame longer then
>> >> 64B
>> >>>>
>> >>>> If it does, where is the code?
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>>    Others can correct me if i'm wrong here, but specifically in case
>> >> of
>> >>>    64-byte packets, these are the shortest valid packets that you
>> >> can
>> >>>    send,
>> >>>    and a 64-byte packet will actually carry only 60 bytes' worth of
>> >> packet
>> >>>    data, because there's a 4-byte CRC frame at the end (see Ethernet
>> >> frame
>> >>>    format). If you enabled CRC offload, then your NIC will append
>> >> the 4
>> >>>    bytes at transmit. If you haven't, then it's up to each
>> >> individual
>> >>>    driver/NIC to accept/reject such a packet because it can rightly
>> >> be
>> >>>    considered malformed.
>> >>>
>> >>>    In addition, your NIC may add e.g. VLAN tags or other stuff,
>> >> again
>> >>>    depending on hardware offloads that you have enabled in your TX
>> >>>    configuration, which may push the packet size beyond 64 bytes
>> >> while
>> >>>    having only 60 bytes of actual packet data.
>> >>>
>> >>>    --
>> >>>    Thanks,
>> >>>    Anatoly
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Thanks,
>> >> Anatoly
>> >
>> Regards,
>> Keith

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