Hi Shahaf,

Yes we learned this distinction with rx_discards_phy the hard way. I would 
expect imissed to be only rx_out_of_buffer actually.  I'd say people look at 
imissed to see if they consume packets fast enough. If the problem is pure CPU 
power. And that is more the definition of imissed, it is "ie RX queues are 
full", not "eg".
The *_phy counters are somehow unusual, 82599, xl710 and others would simply 
never receive other packets. But I'll follow your lead.

If documentation of the limitations is okay for you, I can propose a v2, also 
adding rx_discards_phy no matter what in xstats as it is needed for the full 
picture. Then the documentation can mention that.


De : Shahaf Shuler <shah...@mellanox.com>
Envoyé : mercredi 14 novembre 2018 16:17
À : Tom Barbette; dev@dpdk.org
Cc : Yongseok Koh
Objet : RE: [PATCH] mlx5: Report imissed stat

Hi Again Tom,

Tuesday, November 13, 2018 12:17 PM, Tom Barbette:
> Subject: [PATCH] mlx5: Report imissed stat
> The imissed counters (number of packets dropped because the queues were
> full) were actually reported through xstats as "rx_out_of_buffer"
> but was not reported through stats.
> Following a recent discussion on the ML, as there is no way to tell the user 
> if a
> counter is implemented or not, this should be considered a bug. Eg, user
> looking at imissed will think the packets are lost before reaching the device.
> As for xstats, I added a base counter to be able to "reset" imissed.

Yes, a bit of extra work is needed here.
the full definition of the missed is
uint64_t imissed;
/**< Total of RX packets dropped by the HW,
 * because there are no available buffer (i.e. RX queues are full).

It is not well defined (this is other topic), because it assumes the only 
reason to drop packets is because there is no avail buffer on the Rx queue.
It is not entirely correct, for example if you have large latency on your 
system it is possible that packets would be dropped on the physical port, not 
because the application is slow and not replenish the buffers fast enough, 
rather because the NIC is not processing them on the needed rate.

I guess what application seek on imissed is the sum of two. It can be done by 
summing up two counters: the out_of_buffer and the rx_discard_phy (which exists 
on ethtool -S <netdev> and need to be added to mlx5_counters_init array).

Still, the output will be incorrect on the following cases:
1. from VF, since VF cannot read the phy port counters
2. in the presence of representors, as they all share the same phy port counter.

I guess if we want to get such patch in, we need first to make the calculation 
correct, and document the limitations.

> Signed-off-by: Tom Barbette <barbe...@kth.se>
> ---
>  drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h       |  2 ++
>  drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_stats.c | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
>  2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h index
> a3a34cf..61054a8 100644
> --- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
> +++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5.h
> @@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ struct mlx5_xstats_ctrl {
>       /* Index in the device counters table. */
>       uint16_t dev_table_idx[MLX5_MAX_XSTATS];
>       uint64_t base[MLX5_MAX_XSTATS];
> +     /* Base for imissed counter. */
> +     uint64_t imissed_base;
>  };
>  /* Flow list . */
> diff --git a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_stats.c b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_stats.c
> index 91f3d47..1e75e85 100644
> --- a/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_stats.c
> +++ b/drivers/net/mlx5/mlx5_stats.c
> @@ -119,6 +119,24 @@ static const struct mlx5_counter_ctrl
> mlx5_counters_init[] = {
>  static const unsigned int xstats_n = RTE_DIM(mlx5_counters_init);
> +static inline void
> +mlx5_read_ib_stat(struct priv *priv, unsigned int idx, uint64_t *stat)
> +{
> +     FILE *file;
> +     MKSTR(path, "%s/ports/1/hw_counters/%s",
> +               priv->ibdev_path,
> +               mlx5_counters_init[idx].ctr_name);
> +
> +     file = fopen(path, "rb");
> +     if (file) {
> +             int n = fscanf(file, "%" SCNu64, stat);
> +
> +             fclose(file);
> +             if (n != 1)
> +                     stat = 0;
> +     }
> +}
> +
>  /**
>   * Read device counters table.
>   *
> @@ -155,19 +173,7 @@ mlx5_read_dev_counters(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
> uint64_t *stats)
>       }
>       for (i = 0; i != xstats_n; ++i) {
>               if (mlx5_counters_init[i].ib) {
> -                     FILE *file;
> -                     MKSTR(path, "%s/ports/1/hw_counters/%s",
> -                           priv->ibdev_path,
> -                           mlx5_counters_init[i].ctr_name);
> -
> -                     file = fopen(path, "rb");
> -                     if (file) {
> -                             int n = fscanf(file, "%" SCNu64, &stats[i]);
> -
> -                             fclose(file);
> -                             if (n != 1)
> -                                     stats[i] = 0;
> -                     }
> +                     mlx5_read_ib_stat(priv, i, &stats[i]);
>               } else {
>                       stats[i] = (uint64_t)
>                               et_stats->data[xstats_ctrl-
> >dev_table_idx[i]];
> @@ -281,6 +287,7 @@ mlx5_xstats_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>       if (ret)
>               DRV_LOG(ERR, "port %u cannot read device counters: %s",
>                       dev->data->port_id, strerror(rte_errno));
> +     mlx5_read_ib_stat(priv, 17, &xstats_ctrl->imissed_base);
>  free:
>       rte_free(strings);
>  }
> @@ -389,6 +396,8 @@ mlx5_stats_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct
> rte_eth_stats *stats)  #endif
>               tmp.oerrors += txq->stats.oerrors;
>       }
> +     mlx5_read_ib_stat(priv, 17, &tmp.imissed);
> +     tmp.imissed -= priv->xstats_ctrl.imissed_base;
>       /* FIXME: retrieve and add hardware counters. */  #endif @@ -461,6
> +470,7 @@ mlx5_xstats_reset(struct rte_eth_dev *dev)
>       }
>       for (i = 0; i != n; ++i)
>               xstats_ctrl->base[i] = counters[i];
> +     mlx5_read_ib_stat(priv, 17, &xstats_ctrl->imissed_base);
>  }
>  /**
> --
> 2.7.4

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