On 05-Nov-18 12:18 PM, Konstantin Ananyev wrote:
Right now reassembly code relies on src_dst[] being all zeroes to
determine is it free/occupied entry in the fragments table.
This is suboptimal and error prone - user can crash DPDK ip_reassembly
app by something like the following scapy script:
frags=fragment(x, fragsize=500)
sendp(frags, iface=...)
To overcome that issue and reduce overhead of
'key invalidate' and 'key is empty' operations -
add key_len into keys comparision procedure.
Fixes: 4f1a8f633862 ("ip_frag: add IPv6 reassembly")
Cc: sta...@dpdk.org
Reported-by: Ryan E Hall <ryan.e.h...@intel.com>
Reported-by: Alexander V Gutkin <alexander.v.gut...@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Konstantin Ananyev <konstantin.anan...@intel.com>
@@ -44,9 +44,17 @@ struct ip_frag {
/** @internal <src addr, dst_addr, id> to uniquely identify fragmented datagram. */
struct ip_frag_key {
- uint64_t src_dst[4]; /**< src address, first 8 bytes used for IPv4
- uint32_t id; /**< dst address */
- uint32_t key_len; /**< src/dst key length */
+ uint64_t src_dst[4];
+ /**< src and dst address, only first 8 bytes used for IPv4 */
+ union {
+ uint64_t id_key_len; /**< combined for easy fetch */
+ __extension__
+ struct {
+ uint32_t id; /**< packet id */
+ uint32_t key_len; /**< src/dst key length */
+ };
+ };
Would that break ABI?