On 10/26/2018 8:59 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> 26/10/2018 20:31, Ferruh Yigit:
>> On 10/26/2018 6:59 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
>>> 26/10/2018 20:42, Ferruh Yigit:
>>>> build error:
>>>> == Build drivers/net/tap
>>>> mktemp: cannot create temp file /tmp/dpdk.auto-config-h.sh.XXX.c:
>>>> Invalid argument
>>>> .../buildtools/auto-config-h.sh: line 86: : No such file or directory
>>>> .../drivers/net/tap/Makefile:55: recipe for target
>>>>    'tap_autoconf.h.new' failed
>>>> Above error observed on Wind River Linux 8.0
>>>> `mktemp` command in that system has a restrictions to have X in
>>>> the template at the end and at least six of them.
>>> So let's comply with this requirement.
>> We can't directly, because that temp file needs to be a .c file.
> The .c extension is mandatory?

This file is compiled, it is doesn't need to have .c with proper compiler flag.

>> What can be done is create a temp file via mktemp and append .c later:
>> _temp=$(mktemp -t dpdk.${0##*/}.XXXXXX)
>> temp=${_temp}.c
>> Do we need this?
> Yes I think it's better.

This will create two temp files, one is empty, I will try above option.

>>>> Switched back to static assignment for `temp` in buildtools,
>>>> but kept `dpdk.` prefix to preserve the common prefix intention.
>>> It is a regression.
>>> mktemp allows to choose the temporary directory thanks to TMPDIR
>>> environment variable.

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