On 10/22/18 5:02 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
22/10/2018 15:37, Andrew Rybchenko:
On 10/22/18 4:15 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
The MAC addresses of a port can be matched with devargs.
As the conflict between rte_ether.h and netinet/ether.h is not resolved,
the MAC parsing is done with a rte_cmdline function.
As a result, cmdline library becomes a dependency of ethdev.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Monjalon <tho...@monjalon.net>
I'd like to share my thought about a new dependency.
Looking at cmdline I think that it is a bad and strange
dependency for kvargs. IMHO, even duplication of the
code to parse MAC address it less evil in this case.
cmdline is not a dependency for kvargs.
I have added it as a dependency for ethdev.
May be it is possible to provide internal wrapper
which is implemented using ether_aton_r() and located
in a separate C file which does not include rte_ether.h etc?
I raised the issue in technical board and it has been decided to fix the
conflict with libc in the next release (with Olivier's help).
So Bruce and me decided to use cmdline function in the meantime.
OK, I see. Thanks for explanations.