caam_jr need support from kernel caam driver for
job ring initialisation. So to access register space
for job ring and allow re configure and map to userspace
UIO interface is used. This also allows to handle the
caam interrupts from the user space.

This patch adds UIO specific operations

Signed-off-by: Gagandeep Singh <>
Signed-off-by: Hemant Agrawal <>
Acked-by: Akhil Goyal <>
 drivers/crypto/caam_jr/Makefile      |   1 +
 drivers/crypto/caam_jr/caam_jr_hw.c  |  12 -
 drivers/crypto/caam_jr/caam_jr_uio.c | 501 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/crypto/caam_jr/   |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 503 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/crypto/caam_jr/caam_jr_uio.c

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/Makefile b/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/Makefile
index e22943749..cfd093a5f 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/Makefile
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ LIBABIVER := 1
 # library source files
 # library dependencies
 LDLIBS += -lrte_eal -lrte_mbuf -lrte_mempool -lrte_ring
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/caam_jr_hw.c 
index 73cc61a27..4a2b08995 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/caam_jr_hw.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/caam_jr_hw.c
@@ -91,18 +91,6 @@ hw_handle_jr_err(union hw_error_code hw_error_code 
        CAAM_JR_DEBUG(" Not implemented");
-caam_jr_enable_irqs(uint32_t uio_fd __rte_unused)
-       return 0;
-caam_jr_disable_irqs(uint32_t uio_fd __rte_unused)
-       return 0;
 hw_reset_job_ring(struct sec_job_ring_t *job_ring)
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/caam_jr_uio.c 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c07d9db01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/caam_jr_uio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright 2017-2018 NXP
+ */
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <rte_common.h>
+#include <rte_malloc.h>
+#include <rte_crypto.h>
+#include <rte_security.h>
+#include <caam_jr_config.h>
+#include <caam_jr_hw_specific.h>
+#include <caam_jr_pvt.h>
+#include <caam_jr_log.h>
+/* RTA header files */
+#include <hw/desc/common.h>
+#include <hw/desc/algo.h>
+#include <hw/desc/ipsec.h>
+/* Prefix path to sysfs directory where UIO device attributes are exported.
+ * Path for UIO device X is /sys/class/uio/uioX
+ */
+#define SEC_UIO_DEVICE_SYS_ATTR_PATH    "/sys/class/uio"
+/* Subfolder in sysfs where mapping attributes are exported
+ * for each UIO device. Path for mapping Y for device X is:
+ *      /sys/class/uio/uioX/maps/mapY
+ */
+#define SEC_UIO_DEVICE_SYS_MAP_ATTR     "maps/map"
+/* Name of UIO device file prefix. Each UIO device will have a device file
+ * /dev/uioX, where X is the minor device number.
+ */
+#define SEC_UIO_DEVICE_FILE_NAME    "/dev/uio"
+ * Name of UIO device. Each user space SEC job ring will have a corresponding
+ * UIO device with the name sec-channelX, where X is the job ring id.
+ * Maximum length is #SEC_UIO_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH.
+ *
+ * @note  Must be kept in synch with SEC kernel driver
+ * define #SEC_UIO_DEVICE_NAME !
+ */
+#define SEC_UIO_DEVICE_NAME     "fsl-jr"
+/* Maximum length for the name of an UIO device file.
+ * Device file name format is: /dev/uioX.
+ */
+/* Maximum length for the name of an attribute file for an UIO device.
+ * Attribute files are exported in sysfs and have the name formatted as:
+ *      /sys/class/uio/uioX/<attribute_file_name>
+ */
+/* Command that is used by SEC user space driver and SEC kernel driver
+ *  to signal a request from the former to the later to disable job DONE
+ *  and error IRQs on a certain job ring.
+ *  The configuration is done at SEC Controller's level.
+ *  @note   Need to be kept in synch with #SEC_UIO_DISABLE_IRQ_CMD from
+ *          linux/drivers/crypto/talitos.c !
+ */
+#define SEC_UIO_DISABLE_IRQ_CMD     0
+/* Command that is used by SEC user space driver and SEC kernel driver
+ *  to signal a request from the former to the later to enable job DONE
+ *  and error IRQs on a certain job ring.
+ *  The configuration is done at SEC Controller's level.
+ *  @note   Need to be kept in synch with #SEC_UIO_ENABLE_IRQ_CMD from
+ *          linux/drivers/crypto/talitos.c !
+ */
+#define SEC_UIO_ENABLE_IRQ_CMD      1
+/** Command that is used by SEC user space driver and SEC kernel driver
+ *  to signal a request from the former to the later to do a SEC engine reset.
+ *  @note   Need to be kept in synch with #SEC_UIO_RESET_SEC_ENGINE_CMD from
+ *          linux/drivers/crypto/talitos.c !
+ */
+/* The id for the mapping used to export SEC's registers to
+ * user space through UIO devices.
+ */
+#define SEC_UIO_MAP_ID              0
+static struct uio_job_ring g_uio_job_ring[MAX_SEC_JOB_RINGS];
+static int g_uio_jr_num;
+/** @brief Checks if a file name contains a certain substring.
+ * If so, it extracts the number following the substring.
+ * This function assumes a filename format of: [text][number].
+ * @param [in]  filename    File name
+ * @param [in]  match       String to match in file name
+ * @param [out] number      The number extracted from filename
+ *
+ * @retval true if file name matches the criteria
+ * @retval false if file name does not match the criteria
+ */
+static bool
+file_name_match_extract(const char filename[], const char match[], int *number)
+       char *substr = NULL;
+       substr = strstr(filename, match);
+       if (substr == NULL)
+               return false;
+       /* substring <match> was found in <filename>
+        * read number following <match> substring in <filename>
+        */
+       if (sscanf(filename + strlen(match), "%d", number) <= 0)
+               return false;
+       return true;
+/** @brief Reads first line from a file.
+ * Composes file name as: root/subdir/filename
+ *
+ * @param [in]  root     Root path
+ * @param [in]  subdir   Subdirectory name
+ * @param [in]  filename File name
+ * @param [out] line     The first line read from file.
+ *
+ * @retval 0 for succes
+ * @retval other value for error
+ */
+static int
+file_read_first_line(const char root[], const char subdir[],
+                    const char filename[], char *line)
+       char absolute_file_name[SEC_UIO_MAX_ATTR_FILE_NAME];
+       int fd = 0, ret = 0;
+       /*compose the file name: root/subdir/filename */
+       memset(absolute_file_name, 0, sizeof(absolute_file_name));
+       snprintf(absolute_file_name, SEC_UIO_MAX_ATTR_FILE_NAME,
+                "%s/%s/%s", root, subdir, filename);
+       fd = open(absolute_file_name, O_RDONLY);
+       SEC_ASSERT(fd > 0, fd, "Error opening file %s",
+                       absolute_file_name);
+       /* read UIO device name from first line in file */
+       ret = read(fd, line, SEC_UIO_MAX_DEVICE_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
+       close(fd);
+       /* NULL-ify string */
+       line[SEC_UIO_MAX_DEVICE_FILE_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = '\0';
+       if (ret <= 0) {
+               CAAM_JR_ERR("Error reading from file %s", absolute_file_name);
+               return ret;
+       }
+       return 0;
+/** @brief Uses UIO control to send commands to SEC kernel driver.
+ * The mechanism is to write a command word into the file descriptor
+ * that the user-space driver obtained for each user-space SEC job ring.
+ * Both user-space driver and kernel driver must have the same understanding
+ * about the command codes.
+ *
+ * @param [in]  UIO FD             The UIO file descriptor
+ * @param [in]  uio_command         Command word
+ *
+ * @retval Result of write operation on the job ring's UIO file descriptor.
+ *         Should be sizeof(int) for success operations.
+ *         Other values can be returned and used, if desired to add special
+ *         meaning to return values, but this has to be programmed in SEC
+ *         kernel driver as well. No special return values are used.
+ */
+static int
+sec_uio_send_command(uint32_t uio_fd, int32_t uio_command)
+       int ret;
+       /* Use UIO file descriptor we have for this job ring.
+        * Writing a command code to this file descriptor will make the
+        * SEC kernel driver execute the desired command.
+        */
+       ret = write(uio_fd, &uio_command, sizeof(int));
+       return ret;
+/** @brief Request to SEC kernel driver to enable interrupts for
+ *         descriptor finished processing
+ *  Use UIO to communicate with SEC kernel driver: write command
+ *  value that indicates an IRQ enable action into UIO file descriptor
+ *  of this job ring.
+ *
+ * @param [in]  uio_fd     Job Ring UIO File descriptor
+ * @retval 0 for success
+ * @retval -1 value for error
+ */
+caam_jr_enable_irqs(uint32_t uio_fd)
+       int ret;
+       /* Use UIO file descriptor we have for this job ring.
+        * Writing a command code to this file descriptor will make the
+        * SEC kernel driver enable DONE and Error IRQs for this job ring,
+        * at Controller level.
+        */
+       ret = sec_uio_send_command(uio_fd, SEC_UIO_ENABLE_IRQ_CMD);
+       SEC_ASSERT(ret == sizeof(int), -1,
+               "Failed to request SEC engine to enable job done and "
+               "error IRQs through UIO control. UIO FD %d. Reset SEC driver!",
+               uio_fd);
+       CAAM_JR_DEBUG("Enabled IRQs on jr with uio_fd %d", uio_fd);
+       return 0;
+/** @brief Request to SEC kernel driver to disable interrupts for descriptor
+ *  finished processing
+ *  Use UIO to communicate with SEC kernel driver: write command
+ *  value that indicates an IRQ disable action into UIO file descriptor
+ *  of this job ring.
+ *
+ * @param [in]  uio_fd    UIO File descripto
+ * @retval 0 for success
+ * @retval -1 value for error
+ *
+ */
+caam_jr_disable_irqs(uint32_t uio_fd)
+       int ret;
+       /* Use UIO file descriptor we have for this job ring.
+        * Writing a command code to this file descriptor will make the
+        * SEC kernel driver disable IRQs for this job ring,
+        * at Controller level.
+        */
+       ret = sec_uio_send_command(uio_fd, SEC_UIO_DISABLE_IRQ_CMD);
+       SEC_ASSERT(ret == sizeof(int), -1,
+               "Failed to request SEC engine to disable job done and "
+               "IRQs through UIO control. UIO_FD %d Reset SEC driver!",
+               uio_fd);
+       CAAM_JR_DEBUG("Disabled IRQs on jr with uio_fd %d", uio_fd);
+       return 0;
+/** @brief Maps register range assigned for a job ring.
+ *
+ * @param [in] uio_device_fd    UIO device file descriptor
+ * @param [in] uio_device_id    UIO device id
+ * @param [in] uio_map_id       UIO allows maximum 5 different mapping for
+                               each device. Maps start with id 0.
+ * @param [out] map_size        Map size.
+ * @retval  NULL if failed to map registers
+ * @retval  Virtual address for mapped register address range
+ */
+static void *
+uio_map_registers(int uio_device_fd, int uio_device_id,
+                 int uio_map_id, int *map_size)
+       void *mapped_address = NULL;
+       unsigned int uio_map_size = 0;
+       char uio_sys_root[SEC_UIO_MAX_ATTR_FILE_NAME];
+       char uio_sys_map_subdir[SEC_UIO_MAX_ATTR_FILE_NAME];
+       char uio_map_size_str[32];
+       int ret = 0;
+       /* compose the file name: root/subdir/filename */
+       memset(uio_sys_root, 0, sizeof(uio_sys_root));
+       memset(uio_sys_map_subdir, 0, sizeof(uio_sys_map_subdir));
+       memset(uio_map_size_str, 0, sizeof(uio_map_size_str));
+       /* Compose string: /sys/class/uio/uioX */
+       sprintf(uio_sys_root, "%s/%s%d", SEC_UIO_DEVICE_SYS_ATTR_PATH,
+               "uio", uio_device_id);
+       /* Compose string: maps/mapY */
+       sprintf(uio_sys_map_subdir, "%s%d", SEC_UIO_DEVICE_SYS_MAP_ATTR,
+               uio_map_id);
+       /* Read first (and only) line from file
+        * /sys/class/uio/uioX/maps/mapY/size
+        */
+       ret = file_read_first_line(uio_sys_root, uio_sys_map_subdir,
+                                "size", uio_map_size_str);
+       SEC_ASSERT(ret == 0, NULL, "file_read_first_line() failed");
+       /* Read mapping size, expressed in hexa(base 16) */
+       uio_map_size = strtol(uio_map_size_str, NULL, 16);
+       /* Map the region in user space */
+       mapped_address = mmap(0, /*dynamically choose virtual address */
+               uio_map_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+               MAP_SHARED, uio_device_fd, 0);
+       /* offset = 0 because UIO device has only one mapping
+        * for the entire SEC register memory
+        */
+       if (mapped_address == MAP_FAILED) {
+               CAAM_JR_ERR(
+                       "Failed to map registers! errno = %d job ring fd  = %d,"
+                       "uio device id = %d, uio map id = %d", errno,
+                       uio_device_fd, uio_device_id, uio_map_id);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       /*
+        * Save the map size to use it later on for munmap-ing.
+        */
+       *map_size = uio_map_size;
+       CAAM_JR_INFO("UIO dev[%d] mapped region [id =%d] size 0x%x at %p",
+               uio_device_id, uio_map_id, uio_map_size, mapped_address);
+       return mapped_address;
+free_job_ring(uint32_t uio_fd)
+       struct uio_job_ring *job_ring = NULL;
+       int i;
+       if (!job_ring->uio_fd)
+               return;
+       for (i = 0; i < MAX_SEC_JOB_RINGS; i++) {
+               if (g_uio_job_ring[i].uio_fd == uio_fd) {
+                       job_ring = &g_uio_job_ring[i];
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       if (job_ring == NULL) {
+               CAAM_JR_ERR("JR not available for fd = %x\n", uio_fd);
+               return;
+       }
+       /* Open device file */
+       CAAM_JR_INFO("Closed device file for job ring %d , fd = %d",
+                       job_ring->jr_id, job_ring->uio_fd);
+       close(job_ring->uio_fd);
+       g_uio_jr_num--;
+       job_ring->uio_fd = 0;
+       if (job_ring->register_base_addr == NULL)
+               return;
+       /* Unmap the PCI memory resource of device */
+       if (munmap(job_ring->register_base_addr, job_ring->map_size)) {
+               CAAM_JR_INFO("cannot munmap(%p, 0x%lx): %s",
+                       job_ring->register_base_addr,
+                       (unsigned long)job_ring->map_size, strerror(errno));
+       } else
+               CAAM_JR_DEBUG("  JR UIO memory unmapped at %p",
+                               job_ring->register_base_addr);
+       job_ring->register_base_addr = NULL;
+uio_job_ring *config_job_ring(void)
+       char uio_device_file_name[32];
+       struct uio_job_ring *job_ring = NULL;
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < MAX_SEC_JOB_RINGS; i++) {
+               if (g_uio_job_ring[i].uio_fd == 0) {
+                       job_ring = &g_uio_job_ring[i];
+                       g_uio_jr_num++;
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       if (job_ring == NULL) {
+               CAAM_JR_ERR("No free job ring\n");
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       /* Find UIO device created by SEC kernel driver for this job ring. */
+       memset(uio_device_file_name, 0, sizeof(uio_device_file_name));
+       sprintf(uio_device_file_name, "%s%d", SEC_UIO_DEVICE_FILE_NAME,
+               job_ring->uio_minor_number);
+       /* Open device file */
+       job_ring->uio_fd = open(uio_device_file_name, O_RDWR);
+       SEC_ASSERT(job_ring->uio_fd > 0, NULL,
+               "Failed to open UIO device file for job ring %d",
+               job_ring->jr_id);
+       CAAM_JR_INFO("Open device(%s) file for job ring=%d , uio_fd = %d",
+               uio_device_file_name, job_ring->jr_id, job_ring->uio_fd);
+       ASSERT(job_ring->register_base_addr == NULL);
+       job_ring->register_base_addr = uio_map_registers(
+                       job_ring->uio_fd, job_ring->uio_minor_number,
+                       SEC_UIO_MAP_ID, &job_ring->map_size);
+       SEC_ASSERT(job_ring->register_base_addr != NULL, NULL,
+               "Failed to map SEC registers");
+       return job_ring;
+       char uio_name[32];
+       int config_jr_no = 0, jr_id = -1;
+       int uio_minor_number = -1;
+       int ret;
+       DIR *d = NULL;
+       struct dirent *dir;
+       d = opendir(SEC_UIO_DEVICE_SYS_ATTR_PATH);
+       if (d == NULL) {
+               printf("\nError opening directory '%s': %s\n",
+                       SEC_UIO_DEVICE_SYS_ATTR_PATH, strerror(errno));
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* Iterate through all subdirs */
+       while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
+               if (!strncmp(dir->d_name, ".", 1) ||
+                               !strncmp(dir->d_name, "..", 2))
+                       continue;
+               if (file_name_match_extract
+                       (dir->d_name, "uio", &uio_minor_number)) {
+               /*
+                * Open file uioX/name and read first line which contains
+                * the name for the device. Based on the name check if this
+                * UIO device is UIO device for job ring with id jr_id.
+                */
+                       memset(uio_name, 0, sizeof(uio_name));
+                       ret = file_read_first_line(SEC_UIO_DEVICE_SYS_ATTR_PATH,
+                                       dir->d_name, "name", uio_name);
+                       CAAM_JR_INFO("sec device uio name: %s", uio_name);
+                       SEC_ASSERT(ret == 0, -1, "file_read_first_line failed");
+                       if (file_name_match_extract(uio_name,
+                                               SEC_UIO_DEVICE_NAME,
+                                               &jr_id)) {
+                               g_uio_job_ring[config_jr_no].jr_id = jr_id;
+                               g_uio_job_ring[config_jr_no].uio_minor_number =
+                                                       uio_minor_number;
+                               CAAM_JR_INFO("Detected logical JRID:%d", jr_id);
+                               config_jr_no++;
+                               /* todo  find the actual ring id
+                                * OF_FULLNAME=/soc/crypto@1700000/jr@20000
+                                */
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       closedir(d);
+       if (config_jr_no == 0) {
+               CAAM_JR_ERR("! No SEC Job Rings assigned for userspace usage!");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       CAAM_JR_INFO("Total JR detected =%d", config_jr_no);
+       return config_jr_no;
+       int i;
+       struct uio_job_ring *job_ring;
+       for (i = 0; i < g_uio_jr_num; i++) {
+               job_ring = &g_uio_job_ring[i];
+               /* munmap SEC's register memory */
+               if (job_ring->register_base_addr) {
+                       munmap(job_ring->register_base_addr,
+                               job_ring->map_size);
+                       job_ring->register_base_addr = NULL;
+               }
+               /* I need to close the fd after shutdown UIO commands need to be
+                * sent using the fd
+                */
+               if (job_ring->uio_fd != 0) {
+                       CAAM_JR_INFO(
+                       "Closed device file for job ring %d , fd = %d",
+                       job_ring->jr_id, job_ring->uio_fd);
+                       close(job_ring->uio_fd);
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/ 
index c282eb4dc..7b024e886 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam_jr/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ if host_machine.system() != 'linux'
 deps += ['bus_vdev', 'bus_dpaa', 'security']
-sources = files('caam_jr_hw.c', 'caam_jr.c')
+sources = files('caam_jr_hw.c', 'caam_jr_uio.c', 'caam_jr.c')
 allow_experimental_apis = true

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