The first objective of this series is to fix the support of indirect
mbufs when the application reserves a private area in mbufs. It also
removes the limitation that rte_pktmbuf_clone() is only allowed on
direct (non-cloned) mbufs. The series also contains some enhancements
and fixes in the mbuf area that makes the implementation of the
last patches easier.

Changes in v4:
- do not add a priv_size in mbuf structure, having a proper accessor
  to read it from the pool private area is clearer
- prepend some reworks in the mbuf area to simplify the implementation
  (fix mbuf initialization by not using a hardcoded mbuf size, add
  accessors for mbuf pool private area, add a helper to create a
  mbuf pool)

Changes in v3:
- a mbuf can now attach to another one that have a different private
  size. In this case, the m->priv_size corresponds to the size of the
  private area of the direct mbuf.
- add comments to reflect these changes
- minor style modifications

Changes in v2:
- do not change the use of MBUF_EXT_MEM() in vhost
- change rte_mbuf_from_baddr() to rte_mbuf_from_indirect(), removing
  one parameter
- fix and rework rte_pktmbuf_detach()
- move m->priv_size in second mbuf cache line
- fix mbuf free in test error case

Olivier Matz (12):
  mbuf: fix mbuf data room size calculation rte_pktmbuf_pool_init
  examples: always initialize mbuf_pool private area
  mbuf: add accessors to get data room size and private size
  mbuf: fix rte_pktmbuf_init when mbuf private size is not zero
  testpmd: use standard functions to initialize mbufs and mbuf pool
  mbuf: introduce a new helper to create a mbuf pool
  apps: use rte_pktmbuf_pool_create to create mbuf pools
  mbuf: fix clone support when application uses private mbuf data
  mbuf: allow to clone an indirect mbuf
  test/mbuf: rename mc variable in m
  test/mbuf: enhance mbuf refcnt test
  test/mbuf: verify that cloning a clone works properly

 app/test-pipeline/init.c                           |  15 +-
 app/test-pmd/testpmd.c                             |  78 +--------
 app/test/test_distributor.c                        |  10 +-
 app/test/test_distributor_perf.c                   |  10 +-
 app/test/test_kni.c                                |  16 +-
 app/test/test_link_bonding.c                       |  10 +-
 app/test/test_link_bonding_mode4.c                 |  12 +-
 app/test/test_mbuf.c                               | 110 +++++++++---
 app/test/test_pmd_perf.c                           |  11 +-
 app/test/test_pmd_ring.c                           |  10 +-
 app/test/test_reorder.c                            |  10 +-
 app/test/test_sched.c                              |  16 +-
 app/test/test_table.c                              |   9 +-
 app/test/test_table.h                              |   3 +-
 doc/guides/rel_notes/updating_apps.rst             |  16 ++
 examples/bond/main.c                               |  10 +-
 examples/distributor/main.c                        |  11 +-
 examples/dpdk_qat/main.c                           |  10 +-
 examples/exception_path/main.c                     |  14 +-
 examples/ip_fragmentation/main.c                   |  18 +-
 examples/ip_pipeline/init.c                        |  28 +--
 examples/ipv4_multicast/main.c                     |  21 +--
 examples/kni/main.c                                |  12 +-
 examples/l2fwd-ivshmem/host/host.c                 |  10 +-
 examples/l2fwd-jobstats/main.c                     |  10 +-
 examples/l2fwd/main.c                              |  11 +-
 examples/l3fwd-acl/main.c                          |  11 +-
 examples/l3fwd-power/main.c                        |  11 +-
 examples/l3fwd-vf/main.c                           |  12 +-
 examples/l3fwd/main.c                              |  10 +-
 examples/link_status_interrupt/main.c              |  10 +-
 examples/load_balancer/init.c                      |  12 +-
 examples/load_balancer/main.h                      |   4 +-
 .../client_server_mp/mp_server/init.c              |  10 +-
 examples/multi_process/symmetric_mp/main.c         |  10 +-
 examples/netmap_compat/bridge/bridge.c             |  12 +-
 examples/packet_ordering/main.c                    |  11 +-
 examples/qos_meter/main.c                          |   7 +-
 examples/qos_sched/init.c                          |  10 +-
 examples/qos_sched/main.h                          |   2 +-
 examples/quota_watermark/include/conf.h            |   2 +-
 examples/quota_watermark/qw/main.c                 |   7 +-
 examples/rxtx_callbacks/main.c                     |  11 +-
 examples/skeleton/basicfwd.c                       |  13 +-
 examples/vhost/main.c                              |  31 ++--
 examples/vhost_xen/main.c                          |  11 +-
 examples/vmdq/main.c                               |  11 +-
 examples/vmdq_dcb/main.c                           |  10 +-
 lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.c                      |   4 +-
 lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.c                         |  63 +++++--
 lib/librte_mbuf/rte_mbuf.h                         | 189 ++++++++++++++++-----
 lib/librte_pmd_af_packet/rte_eth_af_packet.c       |   6 +-
 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_alb.c             |  16 +-
 lib/librte_pmd_e1000/em_rxtx.c                     |   5 +-
 lib/librte_pmd_e1000/igb_rxtx.c                    |  12 +-
 lib/librte_pmd_fm10k/fm10k_ethdev.c                |   6 +-
 lib/librte_pmd_i40e/i40e_ethdev_vf.c               |   6 +-
 lib/librte_pmd_i40e/i40e_rxtx.c                    |  15 +-
 lib/librte_pmd_ixgbe/ixgbe_rxtx.c                  |  12 +-
 lib/librte_pmd_pcap/rte_eth_pcap.c                 |   5 +-
 lib/librte_pmd_vmxnet3/vmxnet3_rxtx.c              |   7 +-
 61 files changed, 499 insertions(+), 566 deletions(-)


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