+               if (get_freq_index(LOW) > total_avail_freqs[i])
+                       return -1;
+               if (rte_get_master_lcore() != i) {
+                       w->wrk_stats[i].lcore_id = i;
+                       set_policy(&w->wrk_stats[i], policy);
+               }
+       }
+       return 0;
Hi, Liang

There is one issue in this part. 
When you find one frequency level can't be support on the server
we used,  you return directly. This will skip the set_policy step in the 
If skip the set_policy step, the behavior will be the power lib always 
execute the training steps, even we set the policy.state=MED_NORMAL in the 
This will confuse the user, they don’t know why they can't skip the training 
steps even
the sample is already configured to --empty-poll=0,xxxxx,xxxxxx


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