20/09/2018 17:41, Anatoly Burakov:
> Currently, command-line switches for legacy mem mode or single-file
> segments mode are only stored in internal config. This leads to a
> situation where these flags have to always match between primary
> and secondary, which is bad for usability.
> Fix this by storing these flags in the shared config as well, so
> that secondary process can know if the primary was launched in
> single-file segments or legacy mem mode.
> This bumps the EAL ABI, however there's an EAL deprecation notice
> already in place[1] for a different feature, so that's OK.
> [1] http://patches.dpdk.org/patch/43502/
> Signed-off-by: Anatoly Burakov <anatoly.bura...@intel.com>
> ---
> Notes:
>     v2:
>     - Added documentation on ABI break
>  doc/guides/rel_notes/rel_description.rst      |  5 +++++

Removed change in this file (dup of release note).

>  doc/guides/rel_notes/release_18_11.rst        |  6 +++++-
>  .../common/include/rte_eal_memconfig.h        |  4 ++++
>  lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/Makefile          |  2 +-
>  lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal.c             | 20 +++++++++++++++++++
>  lib/librte_eal/meson.build                    |  2 +-
>  6 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Applied (without extra note), thanks.

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