test/crypto: fix number of queue pairs (2018-09-27 13:41:05 +0200)

are available in the git repository at:


for you to fetch changes up to 8fbb65ab848be6bbf073e0a1db1ec60095368fae:

  doc: update action documentation (2018-10-01 18:13:54 +0100)

Cristian Dumitrescu (2):
      pipeline: add vxlan encap
      examples/ip_pipeline: add vxlan encap

Jasvinder Singh (10):
      net/softnic: add metering and policing support
      net/softnic: add meter profile
      net/softnic: delete meter profile
      net/softnic: create meter object
      net/softnic: destroy meter object
      net/softnic: update meter profile
      net/softnic: update dscp table
      net/softnic: update policer actions
      net/softnic: meter stats read
      net/softnic: enable flow rule with meter action

Kevin Laatz (3):
      lib/librte_table: add hash func header files
      examples/ip_pipeline: modify to use new table lib headers
      net/softnic: modify to use new table lib headers

Reshma Pattan (15):
      net/softnic: add infrastructure for flow API
      net/softnic: map flow attributes to pipeline table
      net/softnic: add new cli for flow attribute map
      net/softnic: replace some pointers with arrays
      net/softnic: add free table and find out port functions
      net/softnic: add function to get eth device from softnic
      net/softnic: implement flow validate API
      net/softnic: validate and map flow rule with acl table match
      net/softnic: parse flow protocol for acl table match
      net/softnic: validate and map flow with hash table match
      net/softnic: validate and map flow action with table action
      net/softnic: add flow create API
      net/softnic: add flow destroy API
      net/softnic: add flow query API
      net/softnic: add parsing for raw flow item

Zhang, Roy Fan (8):
      port: add sym crypto port
      pipeline: add symmetric crypto to action
      examples/ip_pipeline: add cryptodev
      examples/ip_pipeline: configure crypto port
      examples/ip_pipeline: add symmetric crypto action
      examples/ip_pipeline: update cli parsing
      examples/ip_pipeline: add script
      doc: update action documentation

 doc/guides/prog_guide/packet_framework.rst      |   11 +-
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/ip_pipeline.rst        |   23 +
 drivers/net/softnic/Makefile                    |    2 +
 drivers/net/softnic/hash_func.h                 |  359 ----
 drivers/net/softnic/hash_func_arm64.h           |  261 ---
 drivers/net/softnic/meson.build                 |    2 +
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic.c           |   29 +
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_action.c    |   34 +-
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_cli.c       |  115 +-
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_flow.c      | 1977 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_internals.h |  164 +-
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_meter.c     |  728 +++++++++
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_pipeline.c  |  106 +-
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_thread.c    |   48 +-
 examples/ip_pipeline/Makefile                   |    1 +
 examples/ip_pipeline/action.c                   |   45 +-
 examples/ip_pipeline/action.h                   |    1 +
 examples/ip_pipeline/cli.c                      |  758 ++++++++-
 examples/ip_pipeline/cryptodev.c                |  117 ++
 examples/ip_pipeline/cryptodev.h                |   43 +
 examples/ip_pipeline/examples/flow_crypto.cli   |   58 +
 examples/ip_pipeline/hash_func.h                |  357 ----
 examples/ip_pipeline/hash_func_arm64.h          |  232 ---
 examples/ip_pipeline/main.c                     |    9 +
 examples/ip_pipeline/meson.build                |    3 +-
 examples/ip_pipeline/pipeline.c                 |   79 +-
 examples/ip_pipeline/pipeline.h                 |   14 +
 examples/ip_pipeline/thread.c                   |   10 +
 lib/librte_pipeline/Makefile                    |    2 +-
 lib/librte_pipeline/meson.build                 |    2 +-
 lib/librte_pipeline/rte_pipeline_version.map    |    1 +
 lib/librte_pipeline/rte_table_action.c          |  859 +++++++++-
 lib/librte_pipeline/rte_table_action.h          |  179 ++
 lib/librte_port/Makefile                        |    4 +-
 lib/librte_port/meson.build                     |    8 +-
 lib/librte_port/rte_port_sym_crypto.c           |  552 +++++++
 lib/librte_port/rte_port_sym_crypto.h           |   93 ++
 lib/librte_port/rte_port_version.map            |    9 +
 lib/librte_table/Makefile                       |    2 +
 lib/librte_table/meson.build                    |    2 +
 lib/librte_table/rte_table_hash_func.h          |  245 +++
 lib/librte_table/rte_table_hash_func_arm64.h    |   21 +
 42 files changed, 6252 insertions(+), 1313 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 drivers/net/softnic/hash_func.h
 delete mode 100644 drivers/net/softnic/hash_func_arm64.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_flow.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_meter.c
 create mode 100644 examples/ip_pipeline/cryptodev.c
 create mode 100644 examples/ip_pipeline/cryptodev.h
 create mode 100644 examples/ip_pipeline/examples/flow_crypto.cli
 delete mode 100644 examples/ip_pipeline/hash_func.h
 delete mode 100644 examples/ip_pipeline/hash_func_arm64.h
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_port/rte_port_sym_crypto.c
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_port/rte_port_sym_crypto.h
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_table/rte_table_hash_func.h
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_table/rte_table_hash_func_arm64.h

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