2015-04-08 18:53, Raz Amir:
> The issues happens also in dpdk 1.8.0, and related to patch
> http://dpdk.org/dev/patchwork/patch/239/
> Adding Thomas and David to the thread and I will appreciate your input.
> The patch comes to solve a file descriptor leak in the bsdapp version of
> rte_eal_iopl_init after opening the /dev/io device.
> Seems like this isn't a file descriptor leak, and it should remain open - as
> I wrote below, I am using virtio.

Thanks for the bug report.
It seems there was no validation for FreeBSD with virtio.

> After removing it and testing the crash was resolved.
> Any objection for removing the close(fd) that was added at dpdk 1.8.0?

No, there was a doubt because the man page was not clear.

In case you submit a patch, please add this line:
Fixes: 8a312224bcde ("eal/bsd: fix fd leak")

> Are there scenarios that might be impacted by removing it?

I don't think so.


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