Thanks for your comments.

I'll update it in the next version.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ferruh Yigit <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:43 PM
> To: Honnappa Nagarahalli <>; Jerin Jacob
> <>
> Cc: Phil Yang (Arm Technology China) <>;; nd
> <>;; Gavin Hu (Arm
> Technology China) <>
> Subject: Re: [PATCH v2 2/3] kni: fix kni fifo synchronization
> On 9/21/2018 7:37 AM, Honnappa Nagarahalli wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> @@ -69,5 +89,13 @@ kni_fifo_get(struct rte_kni_fifo *fifo, void
> >>>>>>> **data, unsigned num)  static inline uint32_t
> >>>>>>> kni_fifo_count(struct rte_kni_fifo *fifo)  {
> >>>>>>> +#ifdef RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL
> >>>>>>> +       unsigned fifo_write = __atomic_load_n(&fifo->write,
> >>>>>>> +                                                 __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
> >>>>>>> +       unsigned fifo_read = __atomic_load_n(&fifo->read,
> >>>>>>> +
> >>>>>>> +__ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Isn't too  heavy to have two __ATOMIC_ACQUIREs? a simple
> >>>>>> rte_smp_rmb() would be enough here. Right?
> >>>>>> or
> >>>>>> Do we need __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE for fifo_write case?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> We also had some amount of debate internally on this:
> >>>>> 1) We do not want to use rte_smp_rmb() as we want to keep the
> >>>>> memory
> >>>> models separated (for ex: while using C11, use C11 everywhere). It
> >>>> is also not sufficient, please see 3) below.
> >>>>
> >>>> But Nothing technically wrong in using rte_smp_rmb() here in terms
> >>>> functionally and code generated by the compiler.
> >>>
> >>> rte_smp_rmb() generates 'DMB ISHLD'. This works fine, but it is not 
> >>> optimal.
> >> 'LDAR' is a better option which is generated when C11 atomics are used.
> >>
> >> Yes. But which one is optimal 1 x DMB ISHLD vs 2 x LDAR ?
> >
> > Good point. I am not sure which one is optimal, it needs to be measured. 
> > 'DMB
> ISHLD' orders 'all' earlier loads against 'all' later loads and stores. 
> 'LDAR' orders
> the 'specific' load with 'all' later loads and stores.
> >
> >>
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> 2) This API can get called from writer or reader, so both the
> >>>>> loads have to be __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE
> >>>>> 3) Other option is to use __ATOMIC_RELAXED. That would allow any
> >>>> loads/stores around of this API to get reordered, especially since
> >>>> this is an inline function. This would put burden on the
> >>>> application to manage the ordering depending on its usage. It will
> >>>> also require the application to understand the implementation of this 
> >>>> API.
> >>>>
> >>>> __ATOMIC_RELAXED may be fine too for _count() case as it may not
> >>>> very important to get the exact count for the exact very moment,
> >>>> Application can retry.
> >>>>
> >>>> I am in favor of performance effective implementation.
> >>>
> >>> The requirement on the correctness of the count depends on the usage
> >>> of
> >> this function. I see the following usage:
> >>>
> >>> In the file kni_net.c, function: kni_net_tx:
> >>>
> >>>        if (kni_fifo_free_count(kni->tx_q) == 0 ||
> >>>                         kni_fifo_count(kni->alloc_q) == 0) {
> >>>                 /**
> >>>                  * If no free entry in tx_q or no entry in alloc_q,
> >>>                  * drops skb and goes out.
> >>>                  */
> >>>                 goto drop;
> >>>         }
> >>>
> >>> There is no retry here, the packet is dropped.
> >>
> >> OK. Then pick an implementation which is an optimal this case.
> >> I think, then rte_smp_rmb() makes sense here as
> >> a) no #ifdef clutter
> >> b) it is optimal compared to 2 x LDAR
> >>
> > As I understand, one of the principals of using C11 model is to match the 
> > store
> releases and load acquires. IMO, combining C11 memory model with barrier
> based functions makes the code unreadable.
> > I realized rte_smp_rmb() is required for x86 as well to prevent compiler
> reordering. We can add that in the non-C11 case. This way, we will have clean
> code for both the options (similar to rte_ring).
> > So, if 'RTE_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL' is set to 'n', then the 'rte_smp_rmb' would
> be used.
> >
> > We can look at handling the #ifdef clutter based on Ferruh's feedback.
> Hi Honnappa, Jerin,
> Sorry for delay, I missed that this is waiting my input.
> +1 to remove #ifdef, but I don't think a separate file is required for
> +this,
> specially when it will be duplication of same implementation, nothing arch
> specific implementation.
> +1 Honnappa's suggestion to hide ifdef's behind APIs, plus those APIs
> +can be
> reused later...
> And +1 to split into two patches, one for fix to current code and one for c11
> atomic implementation support.
> I have some basic questions on the patch, will send in different thread.
> Thanks,
> ferruh
> >
> >>
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Other than that, I prefer to avoid ifdef clutter by introducing
> >>>>>> two separate file just like ring C11 implementation.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I don't have strong opinion on this this part, I let KNI
> >>>>>> MAINTAINER to decide on how to accommodate this change.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I prefer to change this as well, I am open for suggestions.
> >>>>> Introducing two separate files would be too much for this library.
> >>>>> A better
> >>>> way would be to have something similar to 'smp_store_release'
> >>>> provided by the kernel. i.e. create #defines for loads/stores. Hide
> >>>> the clutter behind the #defines.
> >>>>
> >>>> No Strong opinion on this, leaving to KNI Maintainer.
> >>> Will wait on this before re-spinning the patch
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> This patch needs to split by two,
> >>>> a) Fixes for non C11 implementation(i.e new addition to
> >>>> rte_smp_wmb())
> >>>> b) add support for C11 implementation.
> >>> Agree
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>> +       return (fifo->len + fifo_write - fifo_read) & (fifo->len
> >>>>>>> +- 1); #else
> >>>>>>>         return (fifo->len + fifo->write - fifo->read) &
> >>>>>>> (fifo->len
> >>>>>>> - 1);
> > Requires rte_smp_rmb() for x86 to prevent compiler reordering.
> >
> >>>>>>> +#endif
> >>>>>>>  }
> >>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>> 2.7.4
> >>>>>>>


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