On 14.09.2018 18:23, Ferruh Yigit wrote:
> On 8/31/2018 1:59 PM, Andrzej Ostruszka wrote:
> For link status feature "link_update" eth_dev_ops needs to be implemented,
> please either implement it or remove feature. (I saw this done later,  please
> add this on relevant patch)
>> +MTU update           = Y
> For mtu update feature "mtu_set" eth_dev_ops needs to be implemented,
> please either implement it or remove feature.  (I saw this done later,  please
> add this on relevant patch)
>> +Jumbo frame          = Y
>> +Promiscuous mode     = Y
> Promiscuous mode support is not enabled. (I saw this done later,  please add
> this on relevant patch)
>> +CRC offload          = Y
>> +L3 checksum offload  = Y
>> +L4 checksum offload  = Y
> Claiming L3 & L4 cksum offload also requires data path implementation to take
> care mbuf.ol_flags flags. (I saw this is done in next patch, please add this
> line in next patch)
> Also I can see these are presented as capabilities but shouldn't this
> information passed to musdk somehow? Are they always enabled?
>> +Packet type parsing  = Y
> Similar to above, dev_supported_ptypes_get() is implemented but this also
> requires data path implementation that fills mbuf->packet_type.  (I saw this 
> is
> done in next patch, please add this line in next patch)
>> +Basic stats          = Y
> Basic stats collection is not implemented in this patch.  (I saw this done
> later,  please add this on relevant patch)

I have moved documentation of features to relevant patches.

> There is a limit to number of "iface" in code, does it make sense to document 
> it?

I don't think so - there won't be a board supporting more than 4 ports.

>> +RTE_PMD_REGISTER_VDEV(net_mvneta, pmd_mvneta_drv);
>> +RTE_PMD_REGISTER_ALIAS(net_mvneta, eth_mvneta);
> No need to provide alias for new PMDs

Removed.  So "eth_XXX" naming is just legacy - I see it in many drivers
that they are available both as "net_XXX" and "eth_XXX".

Best regards

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