This patch removes the VXLAN and NVGRE encapsulation commands.

Those commands are subset of the TUNNEL_ENCAP command so there is no
need to keep both versions.

Signed-off-by: Ori Kam <>
 doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow.rst | 107 -------------------------------------
 lib/librte_ethdev/rte_flow.h       |  34 ------------
 2 files changed, 141 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow.rst 
index 0f29435..b600b2d 100644
--- a/doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/prog_guide/rte_flow.rst
@@ -1969,113 +1969,6 @@ Implements ``OFPAT_PUSH_MPLS`` ("push a new MPLS tag") 
as defined by the
    | ``ethertype`` | EtherType |
-Action: ``VXLAN_ENCAP``
-Performs a VXLAN encapsulation action by encapsulating the matched flow in the
-VXLAN tunnel as defined in the``rte_flow_action_vxlan_encap`` flow items
-This action modifies the payload of matched flows. The flow definition 
-in the ``rte_flow_action_tunnel_encap`` action structure must define a valid
-VLXAN network overlay which conforms with RFC 7348 (Virtual eXtensible Local
-Area Network (VXLAN): A Framework for Overlaying Virtualized Layer 2 Networks
-over Layer 3 Networks). The pattern must be terminated with the
-.. _table_rte_flow_action_vxlan_encap:
-.. table:: VXLAN_ENCAP
-   +----------------+-------------------------------------+
-   | Field          | Value                               |
-   +================+=====================================+
-   | ``definition`` | Tunnel end-point overlay definition |
-   +----------------+-------------------------------------+
-.. _table_rte_flow_action_vxlan_encap_example:
-.. table:: IPv4 VxLAN flow pattern example.
-   +-------+----------+
-   | Index | Item     |
-   +=======+==========+
-   | 0     | Ethernet |
-   +-------+----------+
-   | 1     | IPv4     |
-   +-------+----------+
-   | 2     | UDP      |
-   +-------+----------+
-   | 3     | VXLAN    |
-   +-------+----------+
-   | 4     | END      |
-   +-------+----------+
-Action: ``VXLAN_DECAP``
-Performs a decapsulation action by stripping all headers of the VXLAN tunnel
-network overlay from the matched flow.
-The flow items pattern defined for the flow rule with which a ``VXLAN_DECAP``
-action is specified, must define a valid VXLAN tunnel as per RFC7348. If the
-flow pattern does not specify a valid VXLAN tunnel then a
-RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_ACTION error should be returned.
-This action modifies the payload of matched flows.
-Action: ``NVGRE_ENCAP``
-Performs a NVGRE encapsulation action by encapsulating the matched flow in the
-NVGRE tunnel as defined in the``rte_flow_action_tunnel_encap`` flow item
-This action modifies the payload of matched flows. The flow definition 
-in the ``rte_flow_action_tunnel_encap`` action structure must defined a valid
-NVGRE network overlay which conforms with RFC 7637 (NVGRE: Network
-Virtualization Using Generic Routing Encapsulation). The pattern must be
-terminated with the RTE_FLOW_ITEM_TYPE_END item type.
-.. _table_rte_flow_action_nvgre_encap:
-.. table:: NVGRE_ENCAP
-   +----------------+-------------------------------------+
-   | Field          | Value                               |
-   +================+=====================================+
-   | ``definition`` | NVGRE end-point overlay definition  |
-   +----------------+-------------------------------------+
-.. _table_rte_flow_action_nvgre_encap_example:
-.. table:: IPv4 NVGRE flow pattern example.
-   +-------+----------+
-   | Index | Item     |
-   +=======+==========+
-   | 0     | Ethernet |
-   +-------+----------+
-   | 1     | IPv4     |
-   +-------+----------+
-   | 2     | NVGRE    |
-   +-------+----------+
-   | 3     | END      |
-   +-------+----------+
-Action: ``NVGRE_DECAP``
-Performs a decapsulation action by stripping all headers of the NVGRE tunnel
-network overlay from the matched flow.
-The flow items pattern defined for the flow rule with which a ``NVGRE_DECAP``
-action is specified, must define a valid NVGRE tunnel as per RFC7637. If the
-flow pattern does not specify a valid NVGRE tunnel then a
-RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_ACTION error should be returned.
-This action modifies the payload of matched flows.
 Action: ``TUNNEL_ENCAP``
diff --git a/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_flow.h b/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_flow.h
index d1f7ebf..9505281 100644
--- a/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_flow.h
+++ b/lib/librte_ethdev/rte_flow.h
@@ -1473,40 +1473,6 @@ enum rte_flow_action_type {
-        * Encapsulate flow in VXLAN tunnel as defined in
-        * rte_flow_action_vxlan_encap action structure.
-        *
-        * See struct rte_flow_action_vxlan_encap.
-        */
-       /**
-        * Decapsulate outer most VXLAN tunnel from matched flow.
-        *
-        * If flow pattern does not define a valid VXLAN tunnel (as specified by
-        * RFC7348) then the PMD should return a RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_ACTION
-        * error.
-        */
-       /**
-        * Encapsulate flow in NVGRE tunnel defined in the
-        * rte_flow_action_nvgre_encap action structure.
-        *
-        * See struct rte_flow_action_nvgre_encap.
-        */
-       /**
-        * Decapsulate outer most NVGRE tunnel from matched flow.
-        *
-        * If flow pattern does not define a valid NVGRE tunnel (as specified by
-        * RFC7637) then the PMD should return a RTE_FLOW_ERROR_TYPE_ACTION
-        * error.
-        */
-       /**
         * Encapsulate the packet with tunnel header as defined in
         * rte_flow_action_tunnel_encap action structure.

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