Which NIC device are you using now? KNI does not provide Ethtool support for all NICs supported by the Poll-Mode Drivers.
> -----Original Message----- > From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Olivier Deme > Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 10:03 PM > To: dev at dpdk.org > Subject: [dpdk-dev] KNI automatic IP configuration > > Hi all, > > Is it possible on Linux to get the Linux network manager to automatically > configure a KNI virtual network interface as soon as it > comes up? > I haven?t been able to get Fedora to apply the configuration under > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-veth0 file upon starting > my DPDK application. > > Executing ifup veth0 manually works but somehow the fedora network manager > seems to have an issue to apply the if cfg config > automatically. > In the system logs I can see something along the lines ?kni doesn?t support > ethtool?. Is this related? > > I also tried ifplugd but without success. > > Many thanks for your help, > > Olivier.