Now that the 18.08 release is complete, we need to update the roadmap for 
18.11. The features that we plan to contribute are described below. We'll 
submit a patch to update the roadmap page with this info.

Add Crypto Support to Packet Framework: A new Crypto port type will be added to 
the ports library (librte_port), and a new crypto action will be added to the 
pipeline library (librte_pipeline). This will allow crypto use cases (such as 
IPsec) to be implemented with the Packet Framework.

AES-CMAC Support in QAT PMD: Support for AES_CMAC will be added to the Intel® 
QuickAssist Technology (Intel® QAT) crypto PMD.

FIPS Test Suite: A test suite will be provided which will can be used by 
anybody who wishes to apply for Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 
Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program (CAVP) certification.

QAT Compression PMD Enhancements: Enhancements will be made to the Intel® 
QuickAssist Technology (Intel® QAT) compression PMD including adding support 
for dynamic compression and supporting the Intel DH895xCC series of adapters.

Compression Performance Test App: A performance test application will be 
created which will allow performance testing of any of the compression PMDs.

CPU Frequency Optimization Mechanism: This will provide a latency, determinism 
and performance optimization mechanism for DPDK workloads.  Managing CPU 
frequencies is a key element of latency sensitive workloads. Some applications 
are more tolerant of this, others less so. The goal of this enhancement is to 
match the latency tolerance of the application to the frequency or states in a 

vDPA Sample Application: A sample application to demonstrate use of vhost Data 
Path Acceleration (vDPA) will be created.

Add Classification and Metering Support to SoftNIC: SoftNIC provides software 
equivalency for Ethernet device features. Currently, only Traffic Management 
(rte_tm API) is supported (Tx side). Support will be added for Rx side features 
such as flow classification (rte_flow API) and metering & policing (rte_mtr 
API) in order to make it compelling.

Ability to use Externally Allocated Memory: This enhancement will provide an 
ability to use externally allocated memory as part of DPDK heap alongside 
regular DPDK memory.

Telemetry API: A new telemetry API will be created which will allow any 
service-assurance component to interact with and monitor DPDK. This requires 
some improvements to DPDK's internal handling of statistics and events, and 
exposing those stats and events to other applications running on the platform. 
A service assurance component (e.g. collectd) could then query the DPDK 
Telemetry component, and retrieve the information required to monitor KPIs and 
perform fault detection.

IPsec Library: An initial version of a DPDK IPsec library will be provided. 
This will define data structures and APIs to prepare IPsec data for crypto 
processing, APIs to handle ESP header encap/decap for tunnel mode, and 
capabilities such as initialising Security Associations.

Add Extended Table to Hash Library: A new design will be adopted in the hash 
library to accommodate keys that failed to get inserted into hash table due to 
the unlikely event of excessive hash collisions. The hash table buckets will 
get extended using a linked list to host these keys. This new design will 
guarantee insertion of 100% of the keys for a given hash table size with 
minimal overhead.

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