Tested using the following patches also applied:


Two test-cases fail, but these in themselves ought not block this patch. Details below.

Acked-by: Remy Horton <remy.hor...@intel.com>

+ /* Test Case to check failures when memzone init is not done */
+static int
+       int err = 0;
+       const uint64_t  value[REG_METRIC_COUNT] = {0};
+       const char * const mnames[] = {
+               "mean_bits_in", "mean_bits_out",
+               "peak_bits_in", "peak_bits_out",
+       };
+       /* Failure Test: Checking for memzone initialization */
+       err = rte_metrics_reg_name(NULL);
+       TEST_ASSERT(err == -EIO, "%s, %d", __func__, __LINE__);

Returns -EINVAL instead of -EIO due to NULL check coming before memzone check. Suggest using non-NULL value.

+/* Test case to validate update a list of  metrics  */
+static int
+       /* Failed Test: Invalid count size */
+       err = rte_metrics_update_values(RTE_METRICS_GLOBAL,
+                        KEY, &value[0], 0);
+       TEST_ASSERT(err < 0, "%s, %d", __func__, __LINE__);

Test fails, fault with library: Silent handling length of zero. Will send patch.

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