Hi Moti,

I didn't know about Ctrl+D option to quit testpmd  as I  always used  "quit" on 
cli. Since Ctrl+D was working before this commit, I will send fix soon to cover 
this case.


From: Mordechay Haimovsky [mailto:mo...@mellanox.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2018 5:04 PM
To: Singh, Jasvinder <jasvinder.si...@intel.com>; Pattan, Reshma 
<reshma.pat...@intel.com>; Dumitrescu, Cristian <cristian.dumitre...@intel.com>
Cc: dev@dpdk.org
Subject: commit 0ad778b39 (app/testpmd: rework softnic forward mode) 
compromises testpmd CLI

When starting testpmd after applying the above patch and pressing CTRL+D in the 
command prompts, testpmd exits abnormally
Whit the following message :
PANIC in prompt():
CLI poll error (-1)
And a dump trace is displayed.

Issue is traced to the following section in your commit:
-       cmdline_interact(testpmd_cl);
-       cmdline_stdin_exit(testpmd_cl);
+       for (;;) {
+               status = cmdline_poll(testpmd_cl);
+               if (status < 0)
+                       rte_panic("CLI poll error (%" PRId32 ")\n", status);
+               else if (status == RDLINE_EXITED) {
+                       cmdline_stdin_exit(testpmd_cl);
+                       rte_exit(0, "\n");
+               }

Which did not take into consideration the case of user pressing CTRL+D on an 
empty command line which returns -1 from cmdline_poll.

Please advise on a fix.

Moti H.

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