I'm really looking forward to it :) ________________________________ Regards, Wubenqing
发件人: Wiles, Keith<mailto:keith.wi...@intel.com> 发送时间: 2018-07-21 21:49 收件人: 吴本卿(研五 福州)<mailto:wubenq...@ruijie.com.cn> 抄送: dev@dpdk.org<mailto:dev@dpdk.org> 主题: Re: [dpdk-dev] Does lthread_cond_wait need a mutex? > On Jul 20, 2018, at 8:32 PM, wubenq...@ruijie.com.cn wrote: > > Hi~ > I would be appreciate it if you could provide your lthread code for me. > And I found that DPDK lthreads does not provide lthread_cond_timedwait API > which I am looking for. > Thanks. I took the lthread code and renamed it and did a number of changes, so it will not be easy to drop into the lthread code as it is not just these functions that have to change. I am very hesitant to give that code out as it is still a work in progress and may not even work correctly in all cases. I will have a look at the code and see what I can do, but I make no promises. > > Regards, > Wubenqing > Regards, Keith