This patch adds a new function that is called
per every checked patch,
and alerts for new instances of rte_panic/rte_exit.
The check excludes comments, and alerts in the case
of a positive balance between additions and removals.

Signed-off-by: Arnon Warshavsky <>
Reviewed-by: Stephen Hemminger <>
Tested-by: Kevin Traynor <>

- Use Neils tmpfile infrastructure to consume the patches
- Allow different calls to the awk script decide if they want
  to fail the check or just warn
- Restored Tested message

 devtools/ | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 95 insertions(+)

diff --git a/devtools/ b/devtools/
index 1439bce..22832ef 100755
--- a/devtools/
+++ b/devtools/
@@ -43,6 +43,94 @@ print_usage () {
+check_forbidden_additions() { # <file>
+    # ---------------------------------
+    #This awk script receives a list of expressions to monitor
+    #and a list of folders to search these expressions in
+    # - No search is done inside comments
+    # - Both additions and removals of the expressions are checked
+    #   A positive balance of additions fails the check
+       read -d '' awk_script << 'EOF'
+       BEGIN{
+               split(FOLDERS,deny_folders," ");
+               split(EXPRESSIONS,deny_expr," ");
+               in_file=0;
+               in_comment=0;
+               count=0;
+               comment_start="/*"
+               comment_end="*/"
+       }
+       # search for add/remove instances in current file
+       # state machine assumes the comments structure is enforced by
+       #
+       (in_file) {
+               # comment start
+               if (index($0,comment_start) > 0){
+                       in_comment = 1
+               }
+               # non comment code
+               if (in_comment == 0) {
+                       for (i in deny_expr) {
+                               forbidden_added = "^\+.*" deny_expr[i];
+                               forbidden_removed="^-.*" deny_expr[i];
+                               current = expressions[deny_expr[i]]
+                               if ($0 ~ forbidden_added) {
+                                       count = count + 1;
+                                       expressions[deny_expr[i]] = current + 1
+                               }
+                               if ($0 ~ forbidden_removed) {
+                                       count = count - 1;
+                                       expressions[deny_expr[i]] = current - 1
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               # comment end
+               if (index($0,comment_end) > 0)  {
+                       in_comment = 0
+               }
+       }
+       # switch to next file , check if the balance of add/remove
+       # of previous filehad new additions
+       ($0 ~ "^\+\+\+ b/") {
+               in_file = 0;
+               if (count > 0){
+                       exit;
+               }
+               for (i in deny_folders){
+                       re = "^\+\+\+ b/" deny_folders[i];
+                       if ($0 ~ deny_folders[i]) {
+                               in_file = 1
+                               last_file = $0
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       END{
+               if (count > 0){
+                       warnText = "\\033[1;31m" "Warning:" "\\033[0m"
+                       print warnText " in " substr(last_file,6) ":"
+                       print "are you sure you want to add the following:"
+                       for (key in expressions) {
+                               if (expressions[key] > 0) {
+                                       print key
+                               }
+                       }
+                       exit RET_ON_FAIL
+               }
+       }
+       # ---------------------------------
+       # refrain from new additions of rte_panic() and rte_exit()
+       # under lib and net
+       # multiple folders and expressions are separated by spaces
+       awk -v FOLDERS="lib net" \
+               -v EXPRESSIONS="rte_panic\\\( rte_exit\\\(" \
+               -v RET_ON_FAIL=0 \
+               "$awk_script" -
@@ -97,6 +185,13 @@ check () { # <patch> <commit> <title>
+       ! $verbose || printf '\nChecking forbidden tokens additions/removals:\n'
+       report=$(cat $tmpinput | check_forbidden_additions)
+       if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+               ret=1
+       fi
+       printf '%s\n' "$report"
        [ $ret -eq 0 ] && return 0

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