Add cli commands for meter action in softnic pipeline objects.

Signed-off-by: Cristian Dumitrescu <>
Signed-off-by: Jasvinder Singh <>
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_cli.c       | 418 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_internals.h |  29 ++
 drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_thread.c    | 318 +++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 764 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_cli.c 
index 1791533..74b3327 100644
--- a/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_cli.c
+++ b/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_cli.c
@@ -3441,6 +3441,386 @@ cmd_softnic_pipeline_table_rule_stats_read(struct 
pmd_internals *softnic __rte_u
+ * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> meter profile <meter_profile_id>
+ *  add srtcm cir <cir> cbs <cbs> ebs <ebs>
+ *  | trtcm cir <cir> pir <pir> cbs <cbs> pbs <pbs>
+ */
+static void
+cmd_pipeline_table_meter_profile_add(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
+       char **tokens,
+       uint32_t n_tokens,
+       char *out,
+       size_t out_size)
+       struct rte_table_action_meter_profile p;
+       char *pipeline_name;
+       uint32_t table_id, meter_profile_id;
+       int status;
+       if (n_tokens < 9) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
+               return;
+       }
+       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
+       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "meter") != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "meter");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "profile") != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "profile");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&meter_profile_id, tokens[6]) != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "meter_profile_id");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (strcmp(tokens[7], "add") != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "add");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (strcmp(tokens[8], "srtcm") == 0) {
+               if (n_tokens != 15) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH,
+                               tokens[0]);
+                       return;
+               }
+               p.alg = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_METER_SRTCM;
+               if (strcmp(tokens[9], "cir") != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "cir");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&p.srtcm.cir, tokens[10]) != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "cir");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (strcmp(tokens[11], "cbs") != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "cbs");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&, tokens[12]) != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "cbs");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (strcmp(tokens[13], "ebs") != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "ebs");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&p.srtcm.ebs, tokens[14]) != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "ebs");
+                       return;
+               }
+       } else if (strcmp(tokens[8], "trtcm") == 0) {
+               if (n_tokens != 17) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
+                       return;
+               }
+               p.alg = RTE_TABLE_ACTION_METER_TRTCM;
+               if (strcmp(tokens[9], "cir") != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "cir");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&p.trtcm.cir, tokens[10]) != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "cir");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (strcmp(tokens[11], "pir") != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "pir");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&p.trtcm.pir, tokens[12]) != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "pir");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (strcmp(tokens[13], "cbs") != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "cbs");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&, tokens[14]) != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "cbs");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (strcmp(tokens[15], "pbs") != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "pbs");
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (softnic_parser_read_uint64(&p.trtcm.pbs, tokens[16]) != 0) {
+                       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "pbs");
+                       return;
+               }
+       } else {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
+               return;
+       }
+       status = softnic_pipeline_table_mtr_profile_add(softnic,
+               pipeline_name,
+               table_id,
+               meter_profile_id,
+               &p);
+       if (status) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
+               return;
+       }
+ * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id>
+ *  meter profile <meter_profile_id> delete
+ */
+static void
+cmd_pipeline_table_meter_profile_delete(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
+       char **tokens,
+       uint32_t n_tokens,
+       char *out,
+       size_t out_size)
+       char *pipeline_name;
+       uint32_t table_id, meter_profile_id;
+       int status;
+       if (n_tokens != 8) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
+               return;
+       }
+       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
+       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "meter") != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "meter");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (strcmp(tokens[5], "profile") != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "profile");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&meter_profile_id, tokens[6]) != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "meter_profile_id");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (strcmp(tokens[7], "delete") != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "delete");
+               return;
+       }
+       status = softnic_pipeline_table_mtr_profile_delete(softnic,
+               pipeline_name,
+               table_id,
+               meter_profile_id);
+       if (status) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
+               return;
+       }
+ * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> rule read meter [clear]
+ */
+static void
+cmd_pipeline_table_rule_meter_read(struct pmd_internals *softnic __rte_unused,
+       char **tokens,
+       uint32_t n_tokens __rte_unused,
+       char *out,
+       size_t out_size)
+       snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_UNIMPLEM, tokens[0]);
+ * pipeline <pipeline_name> table <table_id> dscp <file_name>
+ *
+ * File <file_name>:
+ *  - exactly 64 lines
+ *  - line format: <tc_id> <tc_queue_id> <color>, with <color> as: g | y | r
+ */
+static int
+load_dscp_table(struct rte_table_action_dscp_table *dscp_table,
+       const char *file_name,
+       uint32_t *line_number)
+       FILE *f = NULL;
+       uint32_t dscp, l;
+       /* Check input arguments */
+       if (dscp_table == NULL ||
+               file_name == NULL ||
+               line_number == NULL) {
+               if (line_number)
+                       *line_number = 0;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* Open input file */
+       f = fopen(file_name, "r");
+       if (f == NULL) {
+               *line_number = 0;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       /* Read file */
+       for (dscp = 0, l = 1; ; l++) {
+               char line[64];
+               char *tokens[3];
+               enum rte_meter_color color;
+               uint32_t tc_id, tc_queue_id, n_tokens = RTE_DIM(tokens);
+               if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) == NULL)
+                       break;
+               if (is_comment(line))
+                       continue;
+               if (softnic_parse_tokenize_string(line, tokens, &n_tokens)) {
+                       *line_number = l;
+                       fclose(f);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               if (n_tokens == 0)
+                       continue;
+               if (dscp >= RTE_DIM(dscp_table->entry) ||
+                       n_tokens != RTE_DIM(tokens) ||
+                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&tc_id, tokens[0]) ||
+                       tc_id >= RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TC_MAX ||
+                       softnic_parser_read_uint32(&tc_queue_id, tokens[1]) ||
+                       tc_queue_id >= RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TC_QUEUE_MAX ||
+                       (strlen(tokens[2]) != 1)) {
+                       *line_number = l;
+                       fclose(f);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               switch (tokens[2][0]) {
+               case 'g':
+               case 'G':
+                       color = e_RTE_METER_GREEN;
+                       break;
+               case 'y':
+               case 'Y':
+                       color = e_RTE_METER_YELLOW;
+                       break;
+               case 'r':
+               case 'R':
+                       color = e_RTE_METER_RED;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       *line_number = l;
+                       fclose(f);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               dscp_table->entry[dscp].tc_id = tc_id;
+               dscp_table->entry[dscp].tc_queue_id = tc_queue_id;
+               dscp_table->entry[dscp].color = color;
+               dscp++;
+       }
+       /* Close file */
+       fclose(f);
+       return 0;
+static void
+cmd_pipeline_table_dscp(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
+       char **tokens,
+       uint32_t n_tokens,
+       char *out,
+       size_t out_size)
+       struct rte_table_action_dscp_table dscp_table;
+       char *pipeline_name, *file_name;
+       uint32_t table_id, line_number;
+       int status;
+       if (n_tokens != 6) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_MISMATCH, tokens[0]);
+               return;
+       }
+       pipeline_name = tokens[1];
+       if (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "port");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (softnic_parser_read_uint32(&table_id, tokens[3]) != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_INVALID, "table_id");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (strcmp(tokens[4], "dscp") != 0) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_ARG_NOT_FOUND, "dscp");
+               return;
+       }
+       file_name = tokens[5];
+       status = load_dscp_table(&dscp_table, file_name, &line_number);
+       if (status) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_FILE_ERR, file_name, line_number);
+               return;
+       }
+       status = softnic_pipeline_table_dscp_table_update(softnic,
+               pipeline_name,
+               table_id,
+               UINT64_MAX,
+               &dscp_table);
+       if (status) {
+               snprintf(out, out_size, MSG_CMD_FAIL, tokens[0]);
+               return;
+       }
  * thread <thread_id> pipeline <pipeline_name> enable
 static void
@@ -3713,6 +4093,44 @@ softnic_cli_process(char *in, char *out, size_t 
out_size, void *arg)
                                out, out_size);
+               if (n_tokens >= 8 &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "meter") == 0) &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "profile") == 0) &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[7], "add") == 0)) {
+                       cmd_pipeline_table_meter_profile_add(softnic, tokens, 
+                               out, out_size);
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (n_tokens >= 8 &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "meter") == 0) &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "profile") == 0) &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[7], "delete") == 0)) {
+                       cmd_pipeline_table_meter_profile_delete(softnic, tokens,
+                               n_tokens, out, out_size);
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (n_tokens >= 7 &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "rule") == 0) &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[5], "read") == 0) &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[6], "meter") == 0)) {
+                       cmd_pipeline_table_rule_meter_read(softnic, tokens, 
+                               out, out_size);
+                       return;
+               }
+               if (n_tokens >= 5 &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[2], "table") == 0) &&
+                       (strcmp(tokens[4], "dscp") == 0)) {
+                       cmd_pipeline_table_dscp(softnic, tokens, n_tokens,
+                               out, out_size);
+                       return;
+               }
        if (strcmp(tokens[0], "thread") == 0) {
diff --git a/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_internals.h 
index 0f4caa2..66ccc67 100644
--- a/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_internals.h
+++ b/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_internals.h
@@ -838,6 +838,35 @@ softnic_pipeline_table_rule_stats_read(struct 
pmd_internals *p,
        struct rte_table_action_stats_counters *stats,
        int clear);
+softnic_pipeline_table_mtr_profile_add(struct pmd_internals *p,
+       const char *pipeline_name,
+       uint32_t table_id,
+       uint32_t meter_profile_id,
+       struct rte_table_action_meter_profile *profile);
+softnic_pipeline_table_mtr_profile_delete(struct pmd_internals *p,
+       const char *pipeline_name,
+       uint32_t table_id,
+       uint32_t meter_profile_id);
+softnic_pipeline_table_rule_mtr_read(struct pmd_internals *p,
+       const char *pipeline_name,
+       uint32_t table_id,
+       void *data,
+       uint32_t tc_mask,
+       struct rte_table_action_mtr_counters *stats,
+       int clear);
+softnic_pipeline_table_dscp_table_update(struct pmd_internals *p,
+       const char *pipeline_name,
+       uint32_t table_id,
+       uint64_t dscp_mask,
+       struct rte_table_action_dscp_table *dscp_table);
  * Thread
diff --git a/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_thread.c 
index 0d3bcef..9f94413 100644
--- a/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_thread.c
+++ b/drivers/net/softnic/rte_eth_softnic_thread.c
@@ -503,7 +503,10 @@ enum pipeline_req_type {
@@ -545,6 +548,26 @@ struct pipeline_msg_req_table_rule_stats_read {
        int clear;
+struct pipeline_msg_req_table_mtr_profile_add {
+       uint32_t meter_profile_id;
+       struct rte_table_action_meter_profile profile;
+struct pipeline_msg_req_table_mtr_profile_delete {
+       uint32_t meter_profile_id;
+struct pipeline_msg_req_table_rule_mtr_read {
+       void *data;
+       uint32_t tc_mask;
+       int clear;
+struct pipeline_msg_req_table_dscp_table_update {
+       uint64_t dscp_mask;
+       struct rte_table_action_dscp_table dscp_table;
 struct pipeline_msg_req {
        enum pipeline_req_type type;
        uint32_t id; /* Port IN, port OUT or table ID */
@@ -559,6 +582,10 @@ struct pipeline_msg_req {
                struct pipeline_msg_req_table_rule_add_bulk table_rule_add_bulk;
                struct pipeline_msg_req_table_rule_delete table_rule_delete;
                struct pipeline_msg_req_table_rule_stats_read 
+               struct pipeline_msg_req_table_mtr_profile_add 
+               struct pipeline_msg_req_table_mtr_profile_delete 
+               struct pipeline_msg_req_table_rule_mtr_read table_rule_mtr_read;
+               struct pipeline_msg_req_table_dscp_table_update 
@@ -590,6 +617,10 @@ struct pipeline_msg_rsp_table_rule_stats_read {
        struct rte_table_action_stats_counters stats;
+struct pipeline_msg_rsp_table_rule_mtr_read {
+       struct rte_table_action_mtr_counters stats;
 struct pipeline_msg_rsp {
        int status;
@@ -602,6 +633,7 @@ struct pipeline_msg_rsp {
                struct pipeline_msg_rsp_table_rule_add_default 
                struct pipeline_msg_rsp_table_rule_add_bulk table_rule_add_bulk;
                struct pipeline_msg_rsp_table_rule_stats_read 
+               struct pipeline_msg_rsp_table_rule_mtr_read table_rule_mtr_read;
@@ -1354,6 +1386,202 @@ softnic_pipeline_table_rule_stats_read(struct 
pmd_internals *softnic,
        return status;
+softnic_pipeline_table_mtr_profile_add(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
+       const char *pipeline_name,
+       uint32_t table_id,
+       uint32_t meter_profile_id,
+       struct rte_table_action_meter_profile *profile)
+       struct pipeline *p;
+       struct pipeline_msg_req *req;
+       struct pipeline_msg_rsp *rsp;
+       int status;
+       /* Check input params */
+       if (pipeline_name == NULL ||
+               profile == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       p = softnic_pipeline_find(softnic, pipeline_name);
+       if (p == NULL ||
+               p->enabled == 0 ||
+               table_id >= p->n_tables)
+               return -1;
+       /* Allocate request */
+       req = pipeline_msg_alloc();
+       if (req == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       /* Write request */
+       req->id = table_id;
+       req->table_mtr_profile_add.meter_profile_id = meter_profile_id;
+       memcpy(&req->table_mtr_profile_add.profile, profile, sizeof(*profile));
+       /* Send request and wait for response */
+       rsp = pipeline_msg_send_recv(p, req);
+       if (rsp == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       /* Read response */
+       status = rsp->status;
+       /* Free response */
+       pipeline_msg_free(rsp);
+       return status;
+softnic_pipeline_table_mtr_profile_delete(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
+       const char *pipeline_name,
+       uint32_t table_id,
+       uint32_t meter_profile_id)
+       struct pipeline *p;
+       struct pipeline_msg_req *req;
+       struct pipeline_msg_rsp *rsp;
+       int status;
+       /* Check input params */
+       if (pipeline_name == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       p = softnic_pipeline_find(softnic, pipeline_name);
+       if (p == NULL ||
+               p->enabled == 0 ||
+               table_id >= p->n_tables)
+               return -1;
+       /* Allocate request */
+       req = pipeline_msg_alloc();
+       if (req == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       /* Write request */
+       req->id = table_id;
+       req->table_mtr_profile_delete.meter_profile_id = meter_profile_id;
+       /* Send request and wait for response */
+       rsp = pipeline_msg_send_recv(p, req);
+       if (rsp == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       /* Read response */
+       status = rsp->status;
+       /* Free response */
+       pipeline_msg_free(rsp);
+       return status;
+softnic_pipeline_table_rule_mtr_read(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
+       const char *pipeline_name,
+       uint32_t table_id,
+       void *data,
+       uint32_t tc_mask,
+       struct rte_table_action_mtr_counters *stats,
+       int clear)
+       struct pipeline *p;
+       struct pipeline_msg_req *req;
+       struct pipeline_msg_rsp *rsp;
+       int status;
+       /* Check input params */
+       if (pipeline_name == NULL ||
+               data == NULL ||
+               stats == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       p = softnic_pipeline_find(softnic, pipeline_name);
+       if (p == NULL ||
+               p->enabled == 0 ||
+               table_id >= p->n_tables)
+               return -1;
+       /* Allocate request */
+       req = pipeline_msg_alloc();
+       if (req == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       /* Write request */
+       req->id = table_id;
+       req-> = data;
+       req->table_rule_mtr_read.tc_mask = tc_mask;
+       req->table_rule_mtr_read.clear = clear;
+       /* Send request and wait for response */
+       rsp = pipeline_msg_send_recv(p, req);
+       if (rsp == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       /* Read response */
+       status = rsp->status;
+       if (status)
+               memcpy(stats, &rsp->table_rule_mtr_read.stats, sizeof(*stats));
+       /* Free response */
+       pipeline_msg_free(rsp);
+       return status;
+softnic_pipeline_table_dscp_table_update(struct pmd_internals *softnic,
+       const char *pipeline_name,
+       uint32_t table_id,
+       uint64_t dscp_mask,
+       struct rte_table_action_dscp_table *dscp_table)
+       struct pipeline *p;
+       struct pipeline_msg_req *req;
+       struct pipeline_msg_rsp *rsp;
+       int status;
+       /* Check input params */
+       if (pipeline_name == NULL ||
+               dscp_table == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       p = softnic_pipeline_find(softnic, pipeline_name);
+       if (p == NULL ||
+               p->enabled == 0 ||
+               table_id >= p->n_tables)
+               return -1;
+       /* Allocate request */
+       req = pipeline_msg_alloc();
+       if (req == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       /* Write request */
+       req->id = table_id;
+       req->table_dscp_table_update.dscp_mask = dscp_mask;
+       memcpy(&req->table_dscp_table_update.dscp_table,
+               dscp_table, sizeof(*dscp_table));
+       /* Send request and wait for response */
+       rsp = pipeline_msg_send_recv(p, req);
+       if (rsp == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       /* Read response */
+       status = rsp->status;
+       /* Free response */
+       pipeline_msg_free(rsp);
+       return status;
  * Data plane threads: message handling
@@ -2173,6 +2401,78 @@ pipeline_msg_handle_table_rule_stats_read(struct 
pipeline_data *p,
        return rsp;
+static struct pipeline_msg_rsp *
+pipeline_msg_handle_table_mtr_profile_add(struct pipeline_data *p,
+       struct pipeline_msg_req *req)
+       struct pipeline_msg_rsp *rsp = (struct pipeline_msg_rsp *)req;
+       uint32_t table_id = req->id;
+       uint32_t meter_profile_id = req->table_mtr_profile_add.meter_profile_id;
+       struct rte_table_action_meter_profile *profile =
+               &req->table_mtr_profile_add.profile;
+       struct rte_table_action *a = p->table_data[table_id].a;
+       rsp->status = rte_table_action_meter_profile_add(a,
+               meter_profile_id,
+               profile);
+       return rsp;
+static struct pipeline_msg_rsp *
+pipeline_msg_handle_table_mtr_profile_delete(struct pipeline_data *p,
+       struct pipeline_msg_req *req)
+       struct pipeline_msg_rsp *rsp = (struct pipeline_msg_rsp *)req;
+       uint32_t table_id = req->id;
+       uint32_t meter_profile_id =
+               req->table_mtr_profile_delete.meter_profile_id;
+       struct rte_table_action *a = p->table_data[table_id].a;
+       rsp->status = rte_table_action_meter_profile_delete(a,
+               meter_profile_id);
+       return rsp;
+static struct pipeline_msg_rsp *
+pipeline_msg_handle_table_rule_mtr_read(struct pipeline_data *p,
+       struct pipeline_msg_req *req)
+       struct pipeline_msg_rsp *rsp = (struct pipeline_msg_rsp *)req;
+       uint32_t table_id = req->id;
+       void *data = req->;
+       uint32_t tc_mask = req->table_rule_mtr_read.tc_mask;
+       int clear = req->table_rule_mtr_read.clear;
+       struct rte_table_action *a = p->table_data[table_id].a;
+       rsp->status = rte_table_action_meter_read(a,
+               data,
+               tc_mask,
+               &rsp->table_rule_mtr_read.stats,
+               clear);
+       return rsp;
+static struct pipeline_msg_rsp *
+pipeline_msg_handle_table_dscp_table_update(struct pipeline_data *p,
+       struct pipeline_msg_req *req)
+       struct pipeline_msg_rsp *rsp = (struct pipeline_msg_rsp *)req;
+       uint32_t table_id = req->id;
+       uint64_t dscp_mask = req->table_dscp_table_update.dscp_mask;
+       struct rte_table_action_dscp_table *dscp_table =
+               &req->table_dscp_table_update.dscp_table;
+       struct rte_table_action *a = p->table_data[table_id].a;
+       rsp->status = rte_table_action_dscp_table_update(a,
+               dscp_mask,
+               dscp_table);
+       return rsp;
 static void
 pipeline_msg_handle(struct pipeline_data *p)
@@ -2229,6 +2529,22 @@ pipeline_msg_handle(struct pipeline_data *p)
                        rsp = pipeline_msg_handle_table_rule_stats_read(p, req);
+                       rsp = pipeline_msg_handle_table_mtr_profile_add(p, req);
+                       break;
+                       rsp = pipeline_msg_handle_table_mtr_profile_delete(p, 
+                       break;
+               case PIPELINE_REQ_TABLE_RULE_MTR_READ:
+                       rsp = pipeline_msg_handle_table_rule_mtr_read(p, req);
+                       break;
+                       rsp = pipeline_msg_handle_table_dscp_table_update(p, 
+                       break;
                        rsp = (struct pipeline_msg_rsp *)req;
                        rsp->status = -1;

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