29/06/2018 03:11, Thomas Monjalon:
> 09/06/2018 00:41, Ferruh Yigit:
> > Cc: Shahaf Shuler <shah...@mellanox.com>
> > 
> > Signed-off-by: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@intel.com>
> I start working on it.
> This is the list of remaining work on this patch:
>       - rebase
>       - add commit message (and fix title)
>       - check git grep ETH_TXQ_FLAGS_NO
>       - check git grep txq_flags
>       - rebase on top of KEEP_CRC flag
>       - remove jumbo_frame field
>       - check update of offload bits in apps
>       - mask with capability + warning auto-disabled offloads (can be 
> separate)

I won't work on providing an automatic offload disabling with warning,
based on device capabilities, for examples or other apps.
I am not sure it is needed.
If there is a strong desire, feel to propose, and it can be planned for 18.11.

If you look for a summary of the offload rework task (almost finished),
this is the roadmap/guidelines sent last year:

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