Hi Jananee/Pallantla, > -----Original Message----- > From: Parthasarathy, JananeeX M > Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 11:44 AM > To: dev@dpdk.org > Cc: De Lara Guarch, Pablo <pablo.de.lara.gua...@intel.com>; Pattan, Reshma > <reshma.pat...@intel.com>; Parthasarathy, JananeeX M > <jananeex.m.parthasara...@intel.com>; Poornima, PallantlaX > <pallantlax.poorn...@intel.com> > Subject: [PATCH] crypto/null: add dynamic logging to null driver > > 1.added new logtype for null driver. > 2.registered new logtype. > 3.NULL_CRYPTO_LOG_ERR, RTE_LOG_ERR and CDEV_LOG_ERR are replaced > with new logtype name NULL_PMD_LOG. > > Signed-off-by: Pallantla Poornima <pallantlax.poorn...@intel.com> > Reviewed-by: Reshma Pattan <reshma.pat...@intel.com>
Could you make the following changes? - Change the macro to NULL_LOG, to make it shorter. - Change title to: crypto/null: add dynamic logging - There is a mismatch between the author name and the name in the Signed-off line. Could you fix it? - Set log level of the new type to INFO (see isal_compress_pmd.c) Thanks, Pablo