
22/06/2018 11:56, Rahul Lakkireddy:
> This series of patches add support for actions:
> - OF_SET_NW_IPV4_SRC - set a new IPv4 source address.
> - OF_SET_NW_IPV4_DST - set a new IPv4 destination address.
> - OF_SET_NW_IPV6_SRC - set a new IPv6 source address.
> - OF_SET_NW_IPV6_DST - set a new IPv6 destination address.
> - OF_SET_TP_SRC - set a new TCP/UDP source port number.
> - OF_SET_TP_DST - set a new TCP/UDP destination port number.

Given the date of submission, I guess you do not expect it for 18.08.
Next time, better to make it clear by adding it in the Subject:
        [RFC 18.11 0/3]

Thanks for proposing in advance.
I hope we will have some good reviews in advance too.

Adding some active maintainers as Cc.

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