
dpdk-devbind.py support only ipv4 interface, when run with -s parameter which 
is  status, it display all ipv6 interface as non Active
It set interface as Active according to "ip -o route" output
Here is a change that can support ipv6

@@ -269,6 +269,18 @@
     # filter out all lines for 169.254 routes
     route = "\n".join(filter(lambda ln: not ln.startswith("169.254"),
+    routev6 = check_output(["ip", "-6", "-o", "route"])
+    # filter out all lines for 169.254 routes
+    routev6 = "\n".join(filter(lambda ln: not ln.startswith("unreachable") and 
not ln.startswith("fe80::/64"),
+                             routev6.decode().splitlines()))
+    if len(routev6):
+        if len(route):
+            route = route+"\n"+routev6
+        else:
+            route = routev6
     rt_info = route.split()
     for i in range(len(rt_info) - 1):
         if rt_info[i] == "dev":
@@ -654,3 +666,4 @@

Yaron Illouz

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